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Profile Completion Prompts

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Profile Completion is now Active.  The prompt includes instructions, but to repeat it here, you MUST click "NEXT" on the first screen and answer the "Age Range" prompt. After that you can choose to "Skip the step" or "Skip profile completion for now".  If you ignore this you will end up on an endless loop until you stop ignoring it.


Click Next!  Clicking either of the other options clears it only for a moment before prompting you again. 


This is the only field you MUST answer to continue. This replaces asking for your age or your birthday. 



These demographic questions will help us personalize content for you in the future.  Favorite Genre and Interests are displayed on your profile.  The other fields are not.


This allows you to share a text blurb on your posts.  Such as Topic Display Title "Motto" and My Words "I'm a little teapot"


You can add your signature.  This is a great place to drop a link to the story you are reading now or to one you have written. The system will automatically format Story Links on the site.



If you get all the way through and left some fields blank and do not wish to fill them out, you can simply "Dismiss" the prompt.

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