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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

Playing God

I never thought I'd be playing God. I manage twelve small clinical labs, including the staff that go along with them. I plotted out minimum staffing levels to run each. I asked for volunteers to go on unemployment while our business contracted, and patients stopped coming in for routine visits. The idea, so beautifully expressed on paper, was to have those "extra" staff waiting - out of the line of fire, and hopefully staying healthy away from the front lines of this epidemic. One of t

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

Ask an Author 2.0 #30

ATTENTION: All COVID 19-related restrictions have been lifted. The pandemic is over!     Ooops, April Fools’ Day here in the old U S of A. Welcome back! And welcome to the best month of the year. We celebrate fools—we all know a few of those—this month. Mother Earth has her day this month. My niece—didn’t I just hold her as a newborn?—will turn twenty-four this month. And a foolish, tree hugging, white-haired, old biker has his birthday this month. Happy April, y’all.

Endless cycle of insanity

So in the Weekly wrap up, I said it might be cathartic to express yourself in a blog. As some of you know, on Friday a week and half ago, my dad was taken to the hospital in delirium, but something wrong in his chest too. They put him in immediate isolation and did a COVID19 test and checked him for a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). I should insert here, that Dad was supposed to be put on a list to moved from a assisted living facility to a supportive living facility. Before the above h



March CSR Discussion Day: Elixir by Comicality

March came in like a lion, and it's still roaring down on us. The world is in an uproar, and if you're not affected by the current happenings, well... you're one of a very rare, lucky few. But the joy of GA is that you can escape into many different worlds through the stories if you just need to get away. How about this one? Did you read Elixir by @Comicality this month? You can share your thoughts below, but first, enjoy this interview with him! If you were an animal, what would you be?


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekl Wrap Up (Mar. 22 - Mar. 28)

So what is new in your neck of the woods? Well I know that the news is something we are watching closely or avoiding due to the nature of it. When I log into GA, I think of all our members in all the different hot zones and hope that all of you are safe, if you in there or anywhere else . I was noticing over the past week that a few pop up topics have arisen in the Lounge to lighten the mood. Maybe pop into the hilarious topic, Make Us Laugh #2. Or you could go old school and check out wher


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Working From Home Is Different

In this really weird situation we find ourselves in, have you been working from home? i've been doing it now for about a week and a half and i've made a few discoveries.  Routine is important. i get up, shower, do the eye drops, brush and fix my hair. Take off the pajamas and put on clothes. No, not necessarily full business dress, but clothes. I’ve been wearing my yoga pants and a t-shirt. i’m not just talking about the morning routine. i’m trying to get to bed around the same time every n



Prompt 828 and Prompt 829

Well the world has been quarantined and people seem to be wondering what they can do. My suggestion is write. To help get your mind off things here are some new prompts. Prompt 828 - Creative Tag - Pygmalion You'd only learned to carve after your accident. Originally you created birds and small creatures, but when you were left with a piece that was nearly seven foot tall it was suggested you carve a man. It began almost accidentally, but soon you found yourself carving your ideal


comicfan in Prompts

Featured Story: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Hello out there!!!! It seems like it's been a while since I've posted anything in the blog. With everything going on in the world, let's focus on something else. Like the fact that it's time to take a look at another story that you might have missed. I hope you enjoy Parker's review of Between a Rock and a Hard Place by @Dodger.  Have a great week and stay healthy and safe!   Between a Rock and a Hard Place Dodger  Reviewer: Parker Owens Status: Complete Word Count:

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 15 - Mar. 21)

So, what is new in your neck of the woods? I'm sure that you all have some stories, some frustrations, some concerns, some fears and and lots of other things on your mind. With the pandemic in full swing in basically the whole world now, it has to be affecting everyone in at least a small way. My heart goes out to those that can't work, or are laid off, and don't have some kind of social safety net to lessen the blow somewhat. Lets hope that this blog finds you all safe and sound and taking


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 826 and Prompt 827

I hope everyone enjoyed their St. Patrick's Day even if you were quarantined. The world is different place than it was a month ago. However, I usually focus on the positive and hopefully one of the prompts this week will help brighten your day. Prompt 826 - Creative Tag - The Good Day What makes a day a good day? Is it the morning kiss from your significant other? Maybe it is the cat not throwing up a hairball in your shoe? Or making all the lights going to work? Write a story whe


comicfan in Prompts

Get Well Soon

I am going to recommend a book that's timely and provides some perspective. Get Well Soon by Jennifer Wright is a short history of the worst pandemics in history. It starts with the Antonine Plague which so weakened the Roman Empire it eventually fell. The book proceeds through history and the big nasty pandemics that collapsed empires and economies like Black Death, Yellow Fever and even AIDS. What is important about this book it that is notes the historic mistakes almost every societ



GA's Newest Promising Author: lilansui

Please join myself and the Author Promotion Team in congratulating @lilansui in becoming GA's newest Promising Author. lilansui has been a member at GA for almost eight years, and in that time has posted over 1,370,000 words across thirty-one stories. Many of her stories feature complex plots in exotic locations that just draw you in. Browse through them and I'm sure you'll find something you like, and probably lots you'll love! You can find all of lilansui's stories at her author page, so settl


Graeme in News Archive

Bad Timing

I do not need this right now. I am so freaking busy. But ... - Scene - I am seated around a table with one of our medical directors (Kelvin), my boss (Stacy) and our risk manager (Koreen). "Wayne, do you have an update on turn around times for LabCorp COVID-19 samples?" *I am idly scratching an itch on my neck* "LabCorp is saying their turn around is three days, but it's averaging more like six. Regardless of what we're being told, it's six." Koreen pipes up. "Should we inclu

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

March Classic Author Excerpt: No Fairytale World by Tiff

Did you catch Monday's blog featuring No Fairytale World by Tiff? Have you read the story yet? It is just waiting for you to have a few hours to a few days if you haven't! This story has so many interpersonal ups and downs, highs and lows, and drags a reader in. I wanted to get to know more about the characters; from the beginning I ached for the main character. He was going through so many trials, but he was doing his best. Of course, life just keeps throwing wrenches at him. This section


Cia in Classic Feature

March Classic Author Feature: No Fairytale World by Tiff

Are you in lock-step, trooping right through March with me? I can't believe how fast this month has gone! Well, lucky lucky you, today is the Classic Author feature, and you get to see another oldie but goodie, No FairyTale World by @Tiff.    Length: 68,847 Description:  False hopes, crushed dreams, and an unknown future--life really isn't a fairy tale. Andy can't hide his true feelings anymore. The only way out of his misery is to face the consequences. His life tak


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 8 - Mar. 14)

So, what is new in your neck of the woods ? I guess we all are being impacted no matter where we are in the world by the COVID-19 pandemic. Looking at the status updates on site, many if not all of you have had some disruption of our normal day to day lives. I did a search, and ended up in Wikipedia, and according to them (not to be construed as 100% factual) that the last pandemic that rolled across our planet was the HIV AIDS one, and one we are living with, and IMHO, started to win final


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 824 and Prompt 825

Time flies. Next week is Saint Patrick's Day. It seems to be a bigger deal in the United States than in Ireland, but this year everything seems to be impacted by the coronavirus. Here is hoping everyone is well. To take your mind off such sad things here are some new prompts to consider. Prompt 824 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a rainbow, a corned beef sandwich, a four leaf clover, a black eye, and a leprechaun. Prompt 825  - Creative


comicfan in Prompts

Signature Feature: Comicality

Time to look at another Signature author!  This month we're taking a look at @Comicality (or Comsie as he is also known). Comsie has been with the site from the start. I'll be sharing a few of Comsie's stories here, but would love to hear what your favorite story is from Comsie. Also, all stories listed are marked as complete, so if it's a story that you've already read, why not take a few minutes and go leave a review on the story main page! omicality's Shack Out Back The Shack Out B

Featured Story: Nothin' Town

Shall we see what caught the Review Team's eye this month? Nothin' Town Sasha Distan Reviewer: Timothy M. Status: Complete Word Count: 5,619 Sasha Distan's American Songbook series takes place in rural USA, featuring cowboys, farm hands, rodeo enthusiasts and al the other kinds of people who populate the countryside and the small towns. There are two longer stories, which were very popular with readers, but the rest of the series are short stories showing a small slice of ru


wildone in Reviews

Author and Story Discussion Links

With the latest update to the Stories archive, you can now assign default discussion locations for both Author and Stories.  This gives authors one more change for interacting with their readers. I have added FAQ entries for these two new options:  



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