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Depressing TV Series

There's this show on National Geographic called Aftermath. They've had one called Population Zero and one about oil all drying up. Now there's one about the rotation of the planet stopping called When the Earth stops spinning. This one seems the saddest of all.



Dead Baby Jokes?

So I'll get to the point. Dead baby jokes are the only ones arguably even more controversial than racist ones. So I decided to start this poll. Personally, I don't think they go too far. I love babies and am sad whenever one dies, but I also have a sick and twisted side. I will not post any dead baby jokes or links to them, so if you really want to read some, use a search engine.



Right to Die

I looked for topics about the right to die, but the one's I found were locked. I figured started a new one was a bad idea. So I'm going to talk about it here. I was watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy. A woman with cancer wanted to die, and it just so happened that a state where physician assisted suicide is legal, which is Washington. Only two other states allow such measures, Oregon and Montana, though in the latter, all that is allowed is the buying of a prescription that will kill you. Tex



ACLU Letter to the Texas Board of Education

In my last blog entry I expressed outrage at the proposed changes to curriculum in Texas. This article has recently been posted on the Texas ACLU website. They, along with the NAACP, have drafted and sent a letter to the Texas Board of Education. While the ACLU did not yet suggest there were going to take litigious action, they did use legal precedents. I think this could be a huge legal battle that redefines what state boards of education can and cannot do, at least that is my hope. It was seve



I'm pissed

So here's what's going on. Apparently, the f**king morons who come up with curriculum plans for the entire state of Texas basically want to throw away basic facts and replace it all with revisionist history and junk science. Education should not have a political sway, but the damn Republicans in Texas want to ruin education for every single child in Texas for the next ten years and it f**king pisses me off.   http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/13/education/13texas.html



A controversial subject

I have been thinking about an article. The article covers a very controversial subject. Years ago, Richard Green was involved in the movement to remove homosexuality from the list of mental disorders. I'm sure just about everyone on GA would agree with him on that and thank him for his efforts. Still, there is another sexuality that is very much frowned upon, definitely more so than homosexuality. It is a sexuality that if acted upon is, in my view, one of the most egregious crimes a person can



Soggy cookies

I was just reminded of them. I don't know if anyone here has heard of soggy cookies. It's been a while since I heard it. Leave it to urban dictionary to have a good description.     I don't know why anyone would play this game. You might as well just suck your buddy's dick and drink it directly from the source.



A question for anyone who might know

I had heard weeks ago about a court in the 9th Circuit hearing a case on the constitutionality of Proposition 8. Does anyone know what happened with that? I'd really like to know.   Thanks,   Tiger



Cool site!

This site is pretty awesome. If you enter text, it will pronounce it. For some reason some words are not usable like the f word, c word, and whore. Otherwise you can do pretty much what you want in several different languages. http://www2.research.att.com/~ttsweb/tts/demo.php



The Worst Game to Play

It may be the worst game to play, but it's funny as hell to watch. It's called Roshambo. There's no reason to say what it is. The videos speak for themselves. I must also warn that there's some foul language. The reason for it will be obvious. I'd cuss like a sailor too if I were playing. And no, I would not play. The game is insane.   This first one is a couple of college guys from the UK.     This second one is middle school kids in the US. Their version involves Rock, Paper, Sciss



Texas is strange

So I was checking out a long range forecast, and it looks like even March is going to be cold. This year has been weird all the way around. And then it says above normal temperatures in April and May. One might think that a cold winter would mean a cooler than normal spring and (hopefully) a cooler than normal summer. Apparently that is not to be. And people say that Texas weather is not extreme.   http://www.almanac.com/weather/longrange/region/us/11



Update on The Sorcerous Prince

The new series I'm working on is called The Sorcerous Prince. The first chapter has already been edited and beta read. I have sent Chapter 2 to TalonRider for editing. I will be starting on Chapter 3 very soon. The story is about a prince named Mihai. He is the descendant of royal and imperial wizards and witches. As the story begins he has not ascended, so he has not yet come into his power. I will post Chapters 1 and 2 once I have Chapters 3-10 finished, and I believe that will not take long i



Inspired Again Thanks to Dom Luka!

So I have started writing again! Isn't that awesome? I am working on a story. I've already finished a chapter, and another one is well under way. It is a modern fantasy story, and it is probably going to be part of a series. I feel as though I owe some of my inspiration to none other than Dom Luka, who is back again! So I figured if he can get back to writing, so can I! Thanks Dom! I love your stories and how you inspire the rest of us.



Shock videos

We've probably all heard of them by now. Basically, they are sex videos but not the garden variety. No, these videos are nasty. Watching one is likely to shock you and make you sick. I've seen a few of them. I find them quite disgusting, but for some reason, I have to watch it all the way through even as I'm gagging from seeing it. It's like a train wreck. You can't help but watch. Even more disturbing, at least one person died while filming one of these films. His name was Kenneth Pinyan. Are t



Truth Versus Religion Revisited

About a year ago, I posted a Youtube video. I recently looked for it in the archives of my blog. I discovered that it had been banned! Why? Because people were offended by it. People are offended by truth, truth that much of the theology of Christianity and Judaism are in fact borrowed from the ancient Egyptian mythology. There are so many striking similarities that it scares me. And yet, out of this there are three relgions, two of which dominate the world today with over a third of the people



Opinions please!

So I was thinking about an idea for a story, perhaps novella length that explores some taboos... no, not anything involving anything indecent or inappropriate, just controversial. I will start by asking a question. This is assuming that you're bisexual. So you're about 25 to 28 years old. You've recently gotten married. You find out that your best friend is also bisexual and that you've both secretly had feelings for each other for a long time. What do you do? And btw, the idea is double faceted



Child Abuse

Childhood is supposed to be a time of innocence. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. When I went to bed last night, I thought about this. Now, I don't think I had a bad childhood overall, but I wasn't free of abuse and neglect. My biological father died long ago, 1986 if I remember correctly. I don't remember much about him. I remember him and my mom taking me to the car. It was an old Volkswagen Beetle. But I also remember a taste. When I was a teenager I tried beer. Only I realized whe



A History of Drug Abuse

There was a time in my life that I used drugs. It started innocently enough. I started with cigarettes and alcohol around 14. One time when I was a teen (I believe it was between my sophomore and junior year) I got so drunk that I couldn't even move. I was on the ground, and I rolled over and puked. That was not my finest hour. THe fall before that, I had tried marijuana for the first time with my cousin and my adoptive brother. It also happened to be Thanksgiving. It wasn't exactly a good time



Writing again

Yes, I'm working on a story. It's been a while, but the cobwebs finally seems to be leaving. It is a short story that is likely going to end up also being a prologue of a series, one that I can foresee having many twists and turns. I want to hide details of what's in my mind for now, but I can say that this saga will contain elements of the future as well as the past into one giant saga. There will also be magic and powerful creatures involved like demons, vampires, and wizards. I have two other



Civil War

I have remembered a while back talking to this right wing kook. He thought that anyone who happened to be liberal was a communist and an anti-American. He was from Tennessee as I recall (not that all people from there think that way), and he said that he had build a compound. He was supposedly preparing for a second civil war, one basically between conservatives and liberals. Thinking about it now I wonder. What if there were actually a civil war in the US, one fought between liberals and conser



Snake Handling

Now, if all Christians did this, eventually there wouldn't be very many left...   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_handling



Thinking About War

It seems that President Obama has decided to send more troops to Afghanistan. While I'm not surprised, I am disappointed. Instead of exit strategy, it seems we have expansion of the war effort. Maybe there's a better way than war. War costs human lives. Even when they are bombing buildings that harbor terrorists, there are often innocent people close by, perhaps even inside being held hostage. Am I wrong in wanting a world without war. Why is it that no one seems to value peace at all?



Third Year

My third year at GA began on Halloween. It does not seem like it's been that long, but it has. It was great finding this community, and despite some notable disagreements throughout my time here, I love GA. At times people have tried my patience. I'm certainly not universally loved, but is anyone? I am like a gathering storm at times, and when lightning strikes, there's a tendency for destruction. I won't mention names, but I do regret some of those situations and how certain people were affecte



An odd confession

I'm gay. I have no doubt about that. But there is something I like that I shouldn't. For whatever reason, one that I do not even understand myself, there's something I like that's odd for me to like. I like women's breasts. They're nice pillows, and I want a fruit fly who will let me play with her tits sometimes.




I wonder if people around here understand me as I really am. I am a lot less inhibited here. In actuality I am more of a shy, standoffish person. I will talk to people but usually only when spoken to until I get used to someone. Then I am chatty. I am not one to be around crowds. All of the voices I hear make me feel uncomfortable. I guess most people don't really know me. I keep a lot of stuff about me bottled up... what I'm thinking and what I'm feeling. But when I'm online, it's like I'm a di



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