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Lady Galadriel vs. Sauron

Ever wondered what Lady Galadriel said to Sauron as she spanked him back to the East in Peter Jackson's "Battle of the Five Armies"?   You have no power here, servant of Morgoth! You are nameless, Faceless, Formless! Go back to the Void from whence you came!   Morgoth was the mighty evil tyrant of yesteryear, in his origin the most powerful of the angels of Eru and rather similar in many ways to the Adversary of Christian Apocrypha. To learn of Morgoth, the servants of Morgoth, and the V




My grandmother cooked rutabagas with bacon and butter every time I visited for lunch, and they tasted great. I loved my grandmother. She was the nicest lady in the entire world. She died of leukemia, but lived a long life, and everyone she knew loved her just as I did. In fact, people loved her too much, and she had to hide from some people. That is one of the problems when you are too lovable. You have to hide from the non-lovables. She did the best she could. I remember she used to tell me to




Vanuatu had a bad day and a hellacious hangover. I could not even pronounce Vanuatu until a gentleman from that region of the world corrected me. Vanuatu's predicament reminds of New Orleans after hurricane Katrina.   People should be helped out, given money to relocate, temporary housing, food, whatever they need. What I don't like is the idea of rebuilding another offering to Poseidon, who will just wash it all away again. These coastal targets are doomed in our warming climate. Let's be rea



On Being Old

As a young man exploring the gay subculture for the first time, twenty-five seemed the outer limit, old age in the youth-centered gay scene I was exploring. Once I reached twenty-five, I decided that was not so bad after all, but everything must be downhill after thirty. After reaching geezerhood at thirty, the time had come to open my mind to a new way of thinking about age.   Now that I am, shall we say, older than thirty, I'm happier than I ever was. I'm legally married now, thanks to the b



Getting a Graduate Degree in Theology

There's a legal case pending for some poor woman on death row. She graduated from a prison theology program in 2011. Now in 2015, she's set for a graduate degree; instead of studying God, she's going to meet Him. Oh, Georgia, you wry old thing.   Seems to me only the poor get sentenced to death. The rich get off with murder, rape, theft, or whatever they fancy. If they don't buy the judge, they'll buy the best lawyer, or buy the governor, or buy the prosecutor. Somehow or another, the rich get



Yahoo Disses GayAuthors

Yahoo disrespects gayauthors. The picture above speaks for itself. I complained to my little search engine provider, DuckDuckGo, which gets its feed from Yahoo & Bing, but have not heard anything back. I may have to stop using DDG, because there are too many sites I just can't find. How about coughing up exact url matches, Yahoo?   No such problems with Google.



Ellora's Cave

There's an article on vulture.com on the various controversies surrounding Ellora's Cave, an erotica publisher. I remember visiting that site once. I liked it, because the background was dark and easy on the eyes. I may have purchased a story out of curiosity there or at another web site, but I think it was purchased there. Along with the well-endowed stud, the story was also studded with stylistic, logical and grammatical errors, and the explicit sex scenes made me laugh. My curiosity kept me g




Russia has had a bad millennium, that's all. Reading that region's history is like walking through an overgrown, unmaintained cemetery--depressing, sad, horrible. Their greatest composer in all of history, Tchaikovsky, abandoned Russia for better lands, but when he returned, they murdered him for being gay. Their rulers include Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, and Nicholas II, the last, murdered czar. None were good for gays. None were nice, smart or even half-way competent. Madness. Bloodlus



How Many Peeps Watch Peep Show?

Channel Four's Peep Show is the best-written comedy on television and one of the few that I can watch over and over again. I don't know of anything remotely like it. Everyone I've shown the show to here in the U.S. hates it, absolutely hates it, possibly because it is unique, unlike any other show ever produced, with an ongoing narrative from either Jez the stoner or Mark Corrigan the geek, and the camera shoots scenes from the viewpoint of one of these two gentlemen. Although the show is about



Of Comments, Be Skeptical

Comments here on gayauthors.org are fine. Let me say that right away. This web site is a moderated, safe, fenced-in area of the internet. If you blog out in the wild, wild west, that is to say today's Internet, on your own little blogspot or wordpress or what-have-you, unfenced-in and left to your own devices when it comes to security and access, then be skeptical, please. Be skeptical of comments that are left on your blog and of messages emailed to you. Please.   Ask yourself first, is the m



The Democratic Gun

The gun is democratic. It requires little in the way of training or skill. What can be easier than pointing a gun and pulling a trigger? The gun does not care who you are--rich or poor, skilled or unskilled, young or old, strong or weak, smart or foolish, sane or insane, or good or evil. Guns deal death, and death is equal opportunity. Anyone can pull the trigger. What an easy thing a gun is! Anyone can die. A genius may be slain by an idiot, a billionaire by a common thief, or more likely, a go



What is the Best Move for White?

Click "Read Full Entry," below, to view the illustration. In this ten-minute blitz game, I played the White pieces against a New Zealander of a similar rating as mine. Black is just two moves away from resigning. What is my next move? The answer is below. In this game, as usual, I played the Drunken Knight. My opponent adhered to Classical principles by opting for a strong center occupied by pawns, while I went the hypermodern route. The board above displays the f



No More Computer Viruses

I've been fighting viruses all my life. As a kid, I got cold viruses. As a young man, friends died or got sick from the HIV virus. Now, my friends get computer viruses. These are good people, intelligent, creative types that have their computer taken away from them by a malicious trick played by lowlife scum. I hate viruses and I hate virus writers because of what I have seen happen to my friends and family.   To my knowledge, my computers are virus-free. I only say to my knowledge, because on



Laying a Trap

Click "Read Full Entry" in order to see the picture, above. This is my best recent blitz game. I played Black against a higher-rated player with a time control of ten minutes. With Black to play, what is the best move? White resigned two moves later. The entire game is below. Decide what you would move as Black and then compare your answer against mine. The chessboard displays move #21. Do you agree with my choice or do you find a better move? The algebraic notation used below



I'm No Pal to Palladium

While shopping for wedding rings for my husband and myself, palladium made my short list, but in the end, something stuck in my craw. I'm the type of geek that likes to learn the gory details, for better or worse, and just had to read the Wikipedia entry for this metal I had seldom heard of save in the commodities page.   Turns out palladium is mined heavily in Russia, where the politicians manipulate the price on the world market to benefit Russia. The same can be said of platinum, by the way



Critiques from Mom, Dad, and Blobbo

My parents were English professors. When I was a university student, I showed them my prize science fiction story. Mom refused to comment. She was always of the opinion that if you haven't anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Dad used diversion. He said my talent was clearly in non-fiction, and he praised the A+ papers I had written for my classes. "But Daaaaad! What about the story?" "I've got to grade some papers, son. Maybe another time." I asked my best friend, Blobbo, to give an



Prose vs Video

Words aren't the thing anymore. Everyone I know looks at videos or images all day long. They could care less about words, unless those words caption an amusing image. So ours is a dying art, mainly of interest to the old. Bless the readers, for they are few and declining in number. I was struck by Myr's call for young males to get involved with the site. I wonder how they can be lured away from videos, images, and games. I think that will not happen. Images are more immediate in their effect upo



On Writing

History has overseen increasing democratization in the arts. I know the big shots disapprove of the motley-grotley, but too bad. We live in an era when even a nobody like me can find the time and means to compose whatever possesses my fancy without any regard to remuneration. That is a strange thing, and I don't expect everyone to understand it, but then I don't understand why other people do the things they do. I guess each of us picks a little niche in which we specialize for better or worse.



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