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July 11th - Holidays and Observances
(click on the day for details)
- Christian Feast Day:
- China National Maritime Day (China)
- Day of the Bandoneón (Argentina)
- Day of the Flemish Community (Flemish Community of Belgium)
- Eleventh Night (Northern Ireland)
- Free Slurpee Day (Participating stores of the 7-Eleven chain in North America)
- National Day of Remembrance of Victims of Genocide by Ukrainian Nationalists on Citizens of the Second Republic of Poland (Poland)
- Gospel Day (Kiribati)
- Imamat Day (Isma'ilism)
- National Day of Commemoration, held on the nearest Sunday to this date (Ireland)
- The first day of Naadam (July 11–15) (Mongolia)
- World Population Day (International)[26]
Observances (click on the day for details)
Blueberry Muffin Day
World Population Day
Free Slurpee Day
Mojito Day
Fun Observances
Cheer Up the Lonely Day
Make someone smile on Cheer up the Lonely Day. Annually celebrated on July 11, the unofficial holiday aims to encourage people to give some of their time to make people who are lonely smile.
Loneliness is an inevitable part of life. For some people, it can be temporary, and for others it may be a daily struggle. Loneliness can affect the young and the old, and people from all walks of life. It can be harmful to the mental, physical, and social health of those suffering from it.
Bringing Cheer
Cheer Up the Lonely Day aims to spread awareness about the damaging effects of loneliness and asks for people to give some of their time to bring happiness and cheer into the lives of those who may be lonely.
How to Celebrate?
- This is one holiday that is easy to celebrate. All you need to do is make someone feel loved. If you know someone who could use your company, spend some time with them, make them their favorite meal, give them some encouragement, and let them know that you enjoy your time with them.
- If the person lives far away, send them a note to tell them that you miss them and that you think about them. Or what about sending them a little gift - perhaps their favorite candy or a bunch of flowers?
- Volunteer your time to work with the elderly in a nursing home - not only will you be bringing cheer in their lives, you may get to hear some amazing stories about their past.
- Learn more about the connection between mental health and loneliness and what you can do to ward off loneliness in your life and in the lives of others.
- Invite someone who has just moved to your town for coffee and cake and get to know them better.
Did You Know...
...that some people can have a real fear of being lonely? Autophobia is the fear of being alone.
Honest Brand Slogans
Hallmark: “When you care enough to give a card mass-produced by a corporation.”
Ritz crackers: “Tiny, edible plates.”
CliffsNotes: “They’re still going to know you didn’t read the book.”
Gillette: “We’re just going to keep adding blades.”
ChapStick: “You’ll misplace it before the tube’s empty.”
Hot Pockets: “Every bite is a different temperature.”
When my coworker answered his phone, the confused woman on the other end asked, “Who is this?”
“This is Steve. With whom did you wish to speak?”
After a pause: “Did you just say whom?”
“Yes, I did.”
The woman replied, “I have the wrong number,” and hung up.
It was my first night caring for an elderly patient. When he grew sleepy, I wheeled his chair as close to the bed as possible and, using the techniques I’d learned in school, grasped him in a bear hug to lift him onto the bed. But I couldn’t clear the top of the mattress. So I grabbed him again, summoned all my might, and hoisted him onto the bed. When the night shift nurse arrived, I recounted what had happened.
“Funny,” she said, looking puzzled. “Usually I just ask him to get in bed, and he does.”
Good night,
July 12th - Holidays and Observances
(click on the day for details)
- Birthday of the Heir to the Crown of Tonga (Tonga)
- Christian feast day:
- Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Kiribati from the United Kingdom in 1979.
- Independence Day, celebrates the independence of São Tomé and Príncipe from Portugal in 1975.
- The second day of Naadam (Mongolia)
- The Twelfth, also known as Orangemen's Day (Northern Ireland, Scotland, Newfoundland and Labrador)
Observances (click on the day for details)
Etch A Sketch Day
New Conversations Day
Pecan Pie Day
Different Colored Eyes Day
Town Criers Day
Fun Observances
Simplicity Day
Simplicity Day is celebrated every year on July 12. The unofficial holiday commemorates the life, times and work of American philosopher and proponent of simple living, Henry David Thoreau.
Born on July 12, 1817, Thoreau was against slavery, a supporter of small government, an environmentalist, and an author. He was also involved in the early transcendentalist movement in the United States. Transcendentalism is a philosophical movement that emerged in the U.S. in the mid-1800s. The main idea of the movement was that humans by nature are inherently good and that knowledge can only be gained through looking inwards as well as outwards.
Embrace Simple Living
Simplicity Day was created by the Emily Fund an organization created in memory of Emily Rachel Silverstein. The unofficial holiday encourages people to embrace simple living and a simple outlook towards life. It also promotes participants to do one thing to make the world a better place.
The holiday is also sometimes known as National Simplicity Day in the United States.
How to Celebrate?
- Take a vow of simplicity. Cut out unimportant things in your life.
- Is there an expensive object you have always wanted to buy? Instead of buying it, donate the money to a deserving organization.
- Volunteer your time and money to a local organization working on a cause of your choosing.
- Learn more about Henry David Thoreau’s life and philosophy. Read books and essays written by him. Some of his more well-known works include Walden, A Plea for Captain John Brown and Paradise (to be) Regained.
Did You Know...
...that Thoreau was one of the first people to encourage hiking and other outdoor activities for fun?
July 13th - Holidays and Observances
(click on the day for details)
- Christian feast day:
- Feast of Kalimát, first day of the seventh month of the Baháʼí calendar. (Baháʼí Faith)
- Statehood Day (Montenegro)[25]
- The last day of Naadam (Mongolia)
- Kashmir Martyrs' Day (Pakistan)
Observances (click on the day for details)
French Fries Day
Cow Appreciation Day
Beef Tallow Day
International Rock Day
Fun Observances
Embrace Your Geekness Day
On July 13 embrace your geekness and use it as your secret power because it is Embrace Your Geekness Day.
Being a geek is something to be proud of - chances are there are few other people in the world who are as smart as you are in the field of your specific interest, may it be music, video games, comics, movies, renaissance-era jewelry making techniques, or astronomy. So accept your geekiness with open arms and show off your knowledge with pride!
How to Celebrate?
- Learn something new and geeky today.
- Flaunt your geekiness with pride. Are you a math geek? What about wearing a cool t-shirt with a math problem that only fellow math geeks would understand.
- If the field you are interested in has a secret language, what about spending the day speaking the language?
Did You Know…
…that geek was originally used as a derogatory term to describe circus workers? Today, however, the term has evolved to describe a person who is an enthusiastic expert on a particular issue or subject.
July 14th - Holidays and Observances
(click on the day for details)
- Boniface of Savoy[70]
- Gaspar de Bono[71]
- St Camillus of Lellis (Roman Catholic Church, except in the United States)[72]
- Deusdedit of Canterbury[73]
- John Keble (Church of England)[74]
- Samson Occom (Episcopal Church (United States))[75]
- others
- Bastille Day (France and dependencies)[8]
- International Non-Binary People's Day[76]
- Republic Day (Iraq)[77]
- Victoria Day (Sweden). The birthday of Crown Princess Victoria is an official flag flying day in Sweden.[78]
Observances (click on the day for details)
Shark Awareness Day
Mac & Cheese Day
Grand Marnier Day
Pandemonium Day
Fun Observances
Pandemonium Day
July 14 is Pandemonium Day, an annual celebration of chaos and disorder. Pandemonium Day is a reminder of the chaos and uncertainty that marks most of our lives.
The unofficial holiday encourages people to take a different look at upheavals and changes in their lives. It also inspires celebrators to find ways to take a pause from the daily grunt and to bring order and equilibrium in their lives.
From Paradise Lost
The word pandemonium, meaning a place of confusion or turmoil, comes from English poet John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost. First published in 1667, the epic was a collection of 10 books. In the poem, Pandæmonium or Pandemonium is the capital of Hell. Pandemonium comes from the Greek word, pan meaning all, and daimonion, meaning inferior gods.
How to Celebrate?
- Acknowledge that chaos is part of your life. The first step for sanity to return is to accept that pandemonium will always be part of your life.
- Take measures to reduce the chaos and the stress that comes with it. Make a chore chart and stick to it, but don’t feel guilty if you are unable to accomplish a few chores once in a while.
- Don’t feel like you have to do everything yourself. If the chaos feels overwhelming, ask for help from your family and friends.
Did You Know...
...that Milton wrote another epic poem called Paradise Regained as a sequel to Paradise Lost? Paradise Regained was published in 1671.
While I was working as a store Santa, a boy asked me for an electric train set. “If you get your train,” I told him, “your dad is going to want to play with it too. Is that all right?”
The boy became very quiet. So, moving the conversation along, I asked, “What else would you like Santa to bring you?”
He promptly replied, “Another train.”
Scene: A man applying for credit at a department store.
Clerk: What do you do for a living?
Man: I’m a tree trimmer.
Clerk: What do you do after Christmas?


Good night,