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'Vegas...another attempt...and a little rant.

So... Rob's birthday is the 13th...I asked him if he wanted to go to 'Vegas--silly question. innocent.gif So we're taking our motorhome to the KOA again. This time with two new friends, and Grandma and her long-time friend Millie...


Now, ordinarily that wouldn't be so bad...but we also take our two toy poodles and my cat with us. Combine that with the fact that Rob's fieldwork site has his supervision on Thursday around 1pm, and he's got to turn in a couple forms to his college professor that day as well, since it's the paperwork deadline. So, after leaving his site, we peel through CSULB, drop off the papers at his instructor's office, head home to get the animals and to our friends to pick them up, and then it's off to the motorhome storage lot...


I'll have them load the 'kids' while I do Rob (we're taking our luggage over Wednesday, ahead of time) and hookup the van/tow...but we probably won't be getting Grandma and Millie until 4:30pm! Now, the bad part about that is that Grandma's long departed boyfriend (of 26 years--they could have married, but made more money by not) never drove at night, so--she doesn't think I should drive at night. Problem is, he started motorhoming at 67, and I started at 45. I think I can still drive at night to a better degree than he could.


I think she just likes to see where she's going. God help me, I've still got to call her and give her the heads up on when we're going to pick her up and why...hopefully she doesn't back out of going...but she's not going to be happy that we're getting away so 'late' or that the last two hours are going to be driving at night (dark is around 8pm now)...and when Grandma's in a grumpy mood, everybody knows it--whether they want to, or not.




On edit 6/3/10.


Well, the trip got underway by 5pm, we picked up Grandma and her friend on the way up to the storage lot from Rob's fieldwork site, and dropped off Rob's final paperwork on the way, then got the pets...so all-in-all everything worked okay--even Grandma didn't have a problem with it! (Thank G-d! 0:))


Well, everything seems to be working on the rig for a change--even though our ramp door still is warped (we had to stop twice to reclose it)--so I'm a 'happy camper' now...except that the A/C worked so good that Grandma and her friend were both complaining about the cold air blowing on them. Until it stayed off for a few minutes too long...wonderful what a little desert heat can do...<heh><heh><heh>


We stopped in Barstow at the clearance outlet mall and ate at the Arby's, so that gave us about an hour's break, then we finally arrived in 'Vegas with slight traffic after Barstow at about 2:00am. Grandma and Millie were on their second wind, and ready to gamble when we checked them into their hotel, but we needed to sleep. So, all in all the trip was a success!


Now to get that door fixed, permanently and correctly...


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  • Site Administrator


Good luck!! I really hope this time around you avoid all the debacles you blogged about last time. The only suggestion for cranky relatives, gags. Yup, lots and lots of gags ;)



i'm meeting way to many guys from CSULB that are homo's, is this a sign we need to partay in the L B CCCCCC kjames?




i'm meeting way to many guys from CSULB that are homo's, is this a sign we need to partay in the L B CCCCCC kjames?



We actually live in Signal Hill, about 10 minutes from the CSU campus...Rob's last class session was this last Wednesday, and as the blog states, we still have to drop stuff off at the prof's office Thursday afternoon before we can hook/tow and leave.


Neither of us really use anything recreationally ohmy.gif...but there are other ways to make one's self mellow...wink.gif...he won't be in a fieldwork course over the summer, it wouldn't allow him to come close to accumulating the req'd number of hours experience, so he's waiting 'til Fall...but if you're in Summer, let me know, maybe we can meet?

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