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Losing peers



Long time no read, eh? ;) Well, no news to talk about, really... though... latest developments have forced me to write a new post today.


One of the ways how to measure you're old is that you start losing your peers. Instead of meeting in the pub at some get-together you meet at the funerals... Or that at the get-togethers you're not gossiping about those who didn't come because as we say "only good about the deceased".


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I just want to really hug you and hold you so tight right now :-(

  • Site Administrator


That is so hard! I lost a bunch of peers as a teenager and pre-teen but have been lucky as an adult to have that not be the case. It's never easy when you are faced with the knowledge that death is not always the logical conclusion of a long life hopefully well lived. It can be senseless and sudden and tragic. It can weigh on your mind but instead of focusing on the bad aspect that it can happen really at anytime I try to focus and make each day be one that I would be able to say I was satisfied with. I strive for happy but I'm way too tempermental for that :P



:hug: paya


I know how you feel. We had 2 kids die while I was in middle school, and 4 while I was in high school. One of them who died in high school I knew fairly well. I had went through Cub Scouts with him and they were family friends of ours. Anyway, both his parents died of cancer within a year and a half of each other leaving him and his two year old brother parentless. When I was 16, he was riding his bike home and he had to cross a very busy and dangerous intersection. Long story short, as he was riding there was a green light and a car plowed into him going 45 mph. He was a mangled mess. Some say he purposely rode into the street when he saw the car coming, some say he just didn't see the car. We'll just never know. Ironically, the lady who hit him worked for my dad.


I remember going to the wake and seeing him laying there in the casket. It was beyond depressing and I almost threw up on the floor. It just didn't seem right for someone so young to be in a casket; someone I had known since I was 5.


Anyway, enough with my depressing stories.





Your blog post demonstrates a philosophical outlook that we all develop with age. You may be doing so at an earlier age than most people would, but death is real and it can occur at any point in our lives. I remember losing high school classmates shortly after graduation. One died in a motorcycle accident just two weeks after graduation. Another died in Vietnam while I was still in college. Other peers passed on at an early age...war, traffic accidents, cancer in early adulthood...there is an endless list of reasons. It's unexpected for the young and inevitable for all.


We should all enjoy every day to the utmost.



I know how you feel. We had 2 kids die while I was in middle school, and 4 while I was in high school. One of them who died in high school I knew fairly well. I had went through Cub Scouts with him and they were family friends of ours. Anyway, both his parents died of cancer within a year and a half of each other leaving him and his two year old brother parentless. When I was 16, he was riding his bike home and he had to cross a very busy and dangerous intersection. Long story short, as he was riding there was a green light and a car plowed into him going 45 mph. He was a mangled mess. Some say he purposely rode into the street when he saw the car coming, some say he just didn't see the car. We'll just never know. Ironically, the lady who hit him worked for my dad.


I remember going to the wake and seeing him laying there in the casket. It was beyond depressing and I almost threw up on the floor. It just didn't seem right for someone so young to be in a casket; someone I had known since I was 5.


Anyway, enough with my depressing stories.


awww, what happened with the poor two-year old boy? :o I can't imagine being 16 and having to take care of a two year old brother...



Might as well jam out.


awww, what happened with the poor two-year old boy? :o I can't imagine being 16 and having to take care of a two year old brother...



Family from California moved here to take care of them both when the second parent died. But its really frustrating no knowing whether his death was just purely an accident or whether he rode into traffic with the intent of getting hit and dying. That bothers me to no end not knowing.



Paya, you know where I stand on this, having lost my first crush and my long-time significant other both well before their time.:hug:



I haven't yet lost any of my peers so I have no idea what that feels like. I am losing older relatives like crazy though so I'm quite experienced in death these day. We've become quite close acquaintances. I have always felt that we should live every day as if it was out last and that doesn;t aways work out what with work and such but I still try

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