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Vacation and then my return to work

I finally took a vacation (if you call visiting family that). First real time off since moving here... yeah so 8 months in the making.


My flight left early due to incoming severe storms and all 15 of us were there early. We loaded quickly and were in the air before the storm moved in. I guess its good that the Des Moines airport is so small and my flight to DC was really empty.


I got to see old co-workers and friends. Hanging out was nice but they were an hour away and I have been used to things being so close, so it was hard to go out and do something.


My family loves to create drama and I kind of felt like they didn't want me there. My niece (who is 5) was all over me the whole time. I did spend time with her and according to my mom, my niece bawled the whole way home after leaving me at Reagan Airport.


It was good to get back to Des Moines minus the whole heat and humidity. We did have to detour due to a huge storm but it only added a half hour and beat the turbulence we were experiencing.


So I went back to work for the first time in over a week and had 85 emails waiting for me. Many of which told me how the Great Plains Business team decided to reorganize it self and make things complicated. The thing is, they have apparently been talking about it for years and finally acted on it. While my team isn't directly impacted the bosses are scared that we could be next. We were the only team not changed. No one lost their jobs and there are some new jobs and lots of shuffling between management and teams. I will have fun trying to figure it all out.


I also had one customer who knew I was going on vacation through a fit because I was not available and he refused to work with my team-mates. My boss told me it was hilarious and she called him and he said unless your Edward I am not talking to you and then hung up on my boss. It was hilarious.....


Next vacation is end of September when I fly back for my friends wedding.

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Recommended Comments

Mark Arbour


Flying in smaller planes is always a challenge.  Glad you made it back to Des Moines.  Next time you get a vacation, why don't you try going somewhere else?  You know, away from your family, where you can have fun and relax.

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I agree with Mark.  You gave the family your time this vacation.  Start saving your pennies for a nice condo or motel in September and go somewhere to have some "you" time. 

Glad you made it back safely and sounds like you love your job and the changes.  It's nice when you have your customer fan base.  Seems your life is right on track.  Hope things keep going your way :)

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Mark I would go some where else if I had someone to go with me. I don't like taking vacations by myself. When I go back for the wedding I am thinking about staying in a hotel as it should be cheaper. Since it was a holiday weekend rates were through the roof and many DC area hotels were booked.


Joann.... I need some me time but like I said above I need someone to go on trips with me. My friend and I always talk about it but he doesn't seem interested in going....

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Mark Arbour


You're missing one of those wonders of travelling: a vacation romance.  There are advantages to going alone (in addition to that one), specifically that you can do and see what you want, when you want, with no interference from an annoying companion. 


Try going to Chicago (but not in the winter), or maybe Florida (in the winter).  Nothing to exotic in either place, but a lot to see and do.

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