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drak's sekrits

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Vanuatu had a bad day and a hellacious hangover. I could not even pronounce Vanuatu until a gentleman from that region of the world corrected me. Vanuatu's predicament reminds of New Orleans after hurricane Katrina.


People should be helped out, given money to relocate, temporary housing, food, whatever they need. What I don't like is the idea of rebuilding another offering to Poseidon, who will just wash it all away again. These coastal targets are doomed in our warming climate. Let's be realistic. Are we really going to stop global warming? Unlikely. The political will is not there. So why rebuild? Relocate to higher ground, safer ground, so that future generations won't have to suffer such a fate. Give homeless people options, twenty different locations where they can relocate, areas that have a lot of jobs and not enough people to fill them. There may not be too many of those areas, in today's economy, but they are out there somewhere. Build factories for them, housing, government buildings, whatever is needed. But build safely out of reach of Poseidon's wrath.

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