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Writing Prompts #408 & #409

Renee Stevens


Hope everyone has had a great week so far and is looking forward to the weekend. What better way to start it off than with brand new prompts! If you've been feeling stuck, or maybe just want to do something a little different, maybe one of these prompts will jumpstart a new idea. A couple of things to remember: Prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.


Prompt 408 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“If you ever threaten him again, I’ll kill you.”


Prompt 409 – Creative
Tag – The Storm
The storms have been coming one after another this year. Electricity, gas, and even propane haven’t been getting to everyone due the furious nature of the various storms. The weather stations have just put out the worst warning yet for a storm due this weekend. What do you do to prepare for such a storm?


We also have the next Poetry prompt!


Poetry Prompt #8
Write two Quatrains. One inspired by the sights of spring around you right now (or autumn, if you are below the Equator). And a second one telling us how you feel inside about it. It can be happy or sad, or indifferent – it's all up to you! Keep the Quatrains to four lines, rhyming a-b-a-b, and 10 syllables per line. Don't get frustrated, just have fun with it. Read more about Quatrains in the thread!


I hope you enjoy Carlos Hazday's response to Prompt #407:

My scream must have been heard in every corner of the restaurant.


“What happened?” I hesitantly asked noone in particular, as my mind tried to clear the fog enveloping it. I was laying on a hard, cold surface―the restroom floor. I could hear whispering voices, and there was a damp towel over my eyes; which I removed before asking my question.


“Don’t move, Nevin.” My boss took the cloth from my hands, and replaced it on my face. “Just relax, we called 911, and paramedics are on their way.”


“What happened?” I asked again, a sense of dread and urgency creeping into my voice. I recalled it was my boss’ birthday, she refused to have a party, so her assistant arranged a silly little event at McDonalds. Hats, streamers and McNuggets, for a dozen adults.


Read the rest here.


And here's Jamessavik's response to Poetry Prompt #7:

The lights are down and the band has gone home,
The place smells like stale beer, cigarettes and rust.
No one is here because their life works too well,
Lonely people drinking away another lonely night.
It doesn't have to be the romance of the season,
It would be enough if it were the romance of tonight.
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Thanks, Renee!

You're welcome, Carlos!



Thanks, Renee, for featuring Poetry Prompt 8 and James' poem. You're the best!


You are most welcome :)

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