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Writing Prompts #438 & #439



Today we have a slightly new method to the madness, me! I'm a little bit later than Renee on posting these, but I hope you'll enjoy this week's prompts as well as the feature prompt selection. Sometimes an author hits a road block that they just can't seem to make their way through. The weekly prompts are a great starting point to jump start some new ideas. Whether you're looking to just do a quick flash piece or maybe you want to do a bit longer story, why not give them a try! A couple of things to remember: Prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Do to the high number of collections containing only a few "chapters" we have set a limit of five collections per author, any more than this requires prior Admin approval.


Prompt 438 – Creative
Tag – Vampire


You’ve had a friend who just keeps trying to set you up on a blind date. You hate blind dates with a passion and had successfully dodged all attempts to set you up. Unfortunately they finally caught you on a night when you didn’t think fast enough and here you are on a date with a dark mysterious stranger. You remember having a good time, but not much else. When you wake up the next morning you feel really tired and find marks on your neck and upper arm. At work you mention it to your friend, jokingly. Another coworker over hears and says it sounds like you are dating a vampire. Are you?


Prompt 439 – Creative
Tag – List of Words


Use the following in a story – a clown, a motorcycle, vacation tickets, chocolate cake, and a ring.


Today's prompt feature is from James Savik's response to prompt #437:


From: Cadet Cruise




“Where did they want to meet us, again?"


Gunshots broke out in the distance. Jerry looked his the GPS unit. "We're in the right place. Sounds like my brothers squad has run into trouble."


Corporal Agli said, "Again?"


Jerry just shook his head. "Again. I swear if there's trouble in a thousand klicks, my brother and his squad will find it."


The gunfire intensified and then there was the deep bass boom of a plasma rifle. Then there was quiet again.


Jerry keyed his mike and said, "Voodoo lead to Uniform, what is your status?"


Gary's voice replied, "Uniform lead to Voodoo, we were almost lunch again. We ran into a pack of gremlins. I think we're being stalked by something we haven't seen yet. The rest of the wildlife if bugging out. We'll be at the rendezvous point in about ten mikes and don't be surprised if we've got something nasty behind us. Over."


Jerry cringed. The reptiles they had called gremlins ranged in size from as big as a cow up to the size of a house


Read the rest here.

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Vampire! Could a vampire visit the Lonely Heart Club? I only have another chapter of L&F to finish, and the antho story and then...

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  • Site Administrator

I love the vampire prompt. :)  I need to get my antho story completed, though.  Fingers crossed my brain can handle both, plus the editing I'm way behind on.  lol

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