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Featured Story: Shapeshifter

Renee Stevens


Well, it's the start of a new week, and for today's schedule, we're bringing you Puppilull's review of Shapeshifter by metajinx. Featured story days are a great way to highlight one of the many stories that can be found in GA Stories. With so many stories, it's easy for a single story to get lost in the shuffle. If you're reading a story that you would like to do a blog review and bring attention to, PM me (Renee). Now, onto the review. Hopefully you enjoy Puppilull's review enough to go check out Shapeshifter for yourself!




Reviewer: Puppilull

Status: In Progress

Current Word Count: 74,196


Some authors have the ability to create whole worlds that draw you in from the first line and won’t let you out until the story finishes. For me, metajinx is one of those authors. She builds her worlds and the characters that inhabit them in a way that makes the process of building invisible and seemingly effortless. Everything that happens in her universe makes sense. Even if a lot it is usually dark and kind of scary.


One story that’s had me waiting for each update eagerly is Shapeshifter. It’s the tale of an unlikely pair, thrown together by circumstances neither of them is aware of in the beginning. We get to follow Kelaste, a troubled soul who is not really who or what he appears to be, and Noom, a very deadly mercenary hired for a job he doesn’t feel entirely comfortable with, as they try to figure out the real reason behind the contract put out on Kelaste and, more importantly, who set those wheels in motion… Soon we are drawn into a world where things are not what they seem and danger lurks around every corner. As we get to know Kel and Noom, the complexity of their characters increases. So be prepared to have your preconceived notions of the pair shot down more than once.


This story had me on edge, because there was no telling where we would end up. Also, a fair warning to all interested. There’s quite a lot of violence in Shapeshifter, but never violence for the sake of it. It all blends with the story to give us a true understanding of the lives of Kel and Noom. So read the story note and take note of the tags.


Also, beware that to expect a happy ending is not always wise when reading the works of metajinx. At least not happy in the more traditional sense. Her characters get tested and tested to the limit. Shapeshifter is no exception. Still, I hope this won’t discourage anyone from reading it. Life isn’t always easy and clean, sunshine and rainbows. It’s gritty, raw, scary and absolutely fabulous…


Anyone taking up the story now is lucky, since it’s virtually finished with only an epilogue yet to be published. metajinx has a habit of being just a tiny bit slow on the updating. But hang in there! Even though readers’ patience can get tested at times, when an update finally gets published it is so worth it! Apparently, there is more coming from the world where Kel and Noom live. I for one can’t wait to read more!


Category: Fiction Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Thriller/Suspense

Tags: Fighting, Were-creatures, Gay, BDSM, Violent, Dark Rating: Mature

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I love this story so much! Not your usual were-creature story, many twists and turns, lovable main characters. What can I say: I'm planning to get a tattoo with a were*spoiler* <3

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I read this. It's everything Puppilull says it is. I loved the grittiness and honesty here. Not a pretty story at all, yet compelling and darkly beautiful.

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Fantastic review, Puppilull! I love Metajinx. Her writing is amazing, and this story is now on my list. Thanks for bringing this one to our attention!

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There were so many awesome scenes in this story. They still pop up in my head every so often. I need to read again - and leave some reviews. :*)

Great review, Puppilull

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I feel I should just point out that the epilogue has been published, so the story is finished now. In case someone wants to hold off on reading it until it's completely done. 

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Great review Puppilull. This is a fantastic story. It is so true that you never knew what direction the story would take. That kept me coming back and anxious for the chapters to be posted. Those long waits were brutal but so worth it. Noom surprised me the most in his character development in a good way..,

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Aaah, I'm blushing so hard right now, not only because I LOVE this review, but because I totally missed it! Thank you for pointing it out to me :)

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