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In Flagrante Delicato

Cole Matthews


Getting "caught in the act" is the most common translation of this Latin phrase.  It involves a person being very naughty and someone 'walking in on them.'  I'm proposing these prompts because sometimes our characters can get just too nice.  Our protagonist can be too "pro" and our antagonist too "mean".  Sometimes having our main character suffer a character flaw, or two, can lend more authenticity to a story.  Let's stretch our wings and try something a bit nasty.


#223 - You are in a bar, and someone buys you a shot, which becomes two, and then a drink follows.  Before you know it, you are drunk and slurring, pawing at the other person.  What happens next?  Make it racy, or, just plain awkward.


#224 - You are at your best friend's wedding out in the country, with no one around.  There is a groomsman that looks so familiar, but you can't quite place him.  Suddenly, it dawns on you.  He was your biggest crush in high school, and now he's eying you across the dance floor.  What happens next?  Why didn't you recognize him and what is it that reminds you?


Please include the prompt number either in your story/chapter description or title to help readers who would like to search for specific prompts. Also, please remember that stories less than one thousand words must be posted as part of a collection.

If you check the subgenre 'prompt' in your story tags, then people/readers can find everything here:


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