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Less than a week to submit 2024 Anthology Entries ×

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Best laid plans... I've been working on an anthology blog post for the past couple of weeks, and every time I sit down to work on it, something seems to pull me away.  :unsure:  So of course, it happened again tonight, but in a good way.  I'm writing this on Wednesday night, 6/12, which also happens to be my birthday 🎂Without going into all the details, my day did not go according to plan.  What started out as an aggravating day turned into a much better one.  I had originally planned on stopping at the grocery store to pick up a nice dinner, since I wasn't planning on celebrating until Friday (which is now Saturday, so the thwarting continues), then didn't have time to do that, so decided on takeout delivery.  I had literally just ordered my food when I got a text from @Dabeagle asking if I was free for dinner since he was in town.  I now have lunch and dinner for tomorrow, since I have leftover steak from my dinner out :) (thank you, Dabeagle!).  This is my long-winded way of saying there isn't a new anthology blog this week.  Please let me know if there are any specific topics you would like addressed in future blogs, or are willing to write a guest blog.  In the meantime, I promise to have the next writing tip blog ready for next week, and here is another reminder of upcoming events.  



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Happy Birthday, Val! 



Edited by Reader1810
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