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July CSR Feature: Sneakin by penguinsrgay



So... clearly I was not good at Sneakin... because last month I failed to get the CSR out on time! Luckily this month penginsrgay answered some questions for me. Did you read this story about someone else not so good at sneaking around? Share your thoughts below!

Q: Do you eat your fruits and vegetables?
A: Religiously!

Q: If you were an animal, what would you be?
A: Next!

Q: What’s one location you’d love to go to research for a story?
A: Probably China. I've met a few gay Chinese men irl. They have a lot to say about different it is to be gay there, for better and worse.

Q: What’s something personal about you people might be surprised to know?
A: I am rather physically strong

Q: What brought you to GA?
A: I was talking about nifty in a forum and another writer suggested that I post here.

Q: What is your favorite story you’ve ever written & why?
A: I love all my stories for different reasons. The one I love most at any given time is the one I'm writing. Sometimes I'm tempted to write a sequel to Sneakin. I have some loose exercises and a half of a chapter I'm not really satisfied with. I'm starting a new career so I have not had much time for writing, at least not in a very serious way, but once things settle down I'm hoping I will get much more prolific here.

Let's see what readers thought about Sneakin... 

 The flow had captured me and I want to read it start-to-finish in one sitting. Such sophisticated storytelling. Following you @penguinsrgay so I won’t miss anything else you share. ~Dan South

This was fun. I especially like the protagonist's snarcasm. I'm glad to see the subtle art of mixing snark and sarcasm is still being practiced. ~James Savik

OMG, too funny...  I distinctly remember being less drama filled at that age.  ~ centexhairysub


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