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September's CSR Feature: La Tombola by drsawzall



Welcome to September! The return to school and another year (work for me, boo!), the changing of the seasons for most of us, and life continues to march on for another month and we're that much closer to the end of another year. Where DOES the time go? Enjoy it here on Earth while it lasts, because it might not be forever, and then where would humans end up? (no more pumpkin spice, that's for sure!) Check out this month's CSR story by @drsawzall to see what he came up with!

La Tombola

by drsawzall

Length: 38,375

Description: Earth was dying, time had run out. In a fractured world cooperation was non-existent. A dedicated group humanity saw a way out and Operation Plymoth Plantation was born.  

A reader said: This is a well written, unique take on sci-fi fantasy.  Or it's a character driven mystery.  Or it's an epic romance spanning decades.  It's all of these rolled into a tight, cohesive tale.  Regardless of your favorite genre, you won't be sorry you read this wonderful story. ~CincyKris

Come back on the last Monday of the month, September 30th to check out the Discussion day and share your thoughts! 

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Recommended Comments

On 9/2/2024 at 6:09 PM, Mancunian said:

This sounds interesting, I'll give it a try.

I have now read this and found it a fascinating and riveting story. I recommend it.

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