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Is The Christian God Of The Bible Moral? Part One: How Do We Choose Which God

CAUTION: This will be an ongoing series looking to ascertain if the christian god of the bible is in fact, a moral god. And if that christian god of the bible is one that should be followed/worshiped/believed in. I am posting this in my Blog because it gives me the freedom to write uncensored without worrying about colorful metaphors or taboo subjects that might get me warned in the forums. 

That just means I’m going to be swearing and professing perhaps controversial opinions on the subject of the christian god and various religions attached to it in some form or another. I know this topic is near and dear to many people, and they might take offense to some of the things I will be talking about in this series. Should you proceed, it should be with caution and an open mind.

That being said, I do welcome other opinions and invite you to be real and honest if you do decide to participate by commenting. 

Is The Christian God Of The Bible Moral?
Part One: How Do We Choose Which God
An InDepth Look At Morality From An Atheist Perspective
Written By: Jason Rimbaud

This idea started when I joined the Pit a few weeks ago (now a few months ago) and read a post started some years back titled does god/gods/divine exist. I started to reply and offer up my three and half cents when in my usual fashion, my comment grew to be rather long as I tried to organize my thoughts on the subject. 

Because as I thought about the question, if gods do exist, which god was the poster talking about? And if that particular god exists, would that make it something we should automatically follow and worship as the humans of old? And that led me to the idea that if a god did exist, and if I found that god to be immoral, I would still reject that god on moral grounds alone. 

So I think the question isn’t if god/gods/divine exist, the question should be is god moral?


I happen to live in America, a country where one of our founding tenets is freedom of religion. Many people believe this gives protection to worship how one chooses. I like to think the founding fathers put this in our documents to ensure we have the freedom from religion. 

As Steven Weinberg famously said, “With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil…but for good people to do evil, that takes religion.”

In America alone, we have numerous different religions and inside those religions different denominations, we need to define which god’s morality we will be analyzing for this discussion. So before we can begin discussing if god is moral or not, we need to define which god one personally believes in. Because there are a lot of them to choose from. How do we know which is the right god? 

It is believed over the course of human history some 18,000 gods have been worshiped by well meaning humans. Though I would expect that number to be low as many gods have been left to the dustbin of history, gods that had been worshiped before the invention of writing, oral traditions where the people responsible for passing down that tradition were murdered so that particular god would be lost to history. 

As it stands today, most of the world’s population believes in one of the big three religions, Islam, Christianity, and probably the oldest religion known to man, Hinduism. There might be small regions of the world where pockets of people cling to the old gods but they do not really make waves in our current time. 

To put it in perspective, Islam is roughly about 1,400 years old while Hinduism is at least 4,000 years old. With Christianity being roughly 2,000 years old. Because Scientology isn’t really a religion as much as it’s a tax shelter, the newest overall world-wide religion is the Mormon religion, almost 200 years old. 

Out of the big three, Christianity has the most worldwide followers with over 2 billion believers, Catholics alone claim just over one billion of those, Islam almost at 1.9 billion, and poor little Hinduism coming along in the rear at 1.2 billion. To put that in perspective, Mormons are just over 17 million, so they really don’t make much of a wave on the grander scale. 

It is estimated that planet earth has over 8.2 billion humans alive today. Just with the four I mentioned, well over half of the population believes in some kind of god/gods/divine worldwide. Atheists account for about 500 million worldwide, more than the Mormons but not enough based on the evidence we have available. The good news, atheists have tied with the buddhists, so yea for us. 

I do think it’s safe enough for us to only look at the big three when choosing which god we want to believe in. I also think it’s fair to say that each of the big three, emphatically say they and they alone have the one true god and its accompanying religion and the other’s are actually false. 

I will pause here and pose a question to everyone reading this. Just because a majority of the population on this planet believe in some kind of god/deity, does that make the belief true? Especially since there is zero evidence of its existence. 

I submit for your approval, if one of the big three gods is the one true god, then that god is a dick. Because god is supposed to be all powerful, all knowing, with access to the past, present, and future. That god would have to have seen the destruction that has been done in those three gods' names alone over the course of human history. 

If it was a good, just, moral god, then the one true god would know the other gods are false and do something to end the bloodshed over the course of that history. If that god refuses to declare itself to the world, thus forcing all of humanity to play this big guessing game on which is the right god to serve, then that god is an asshole. Either way, how many millions of people have died in these three gods’ names over the last four thousand years? 

But if you actually take the time to read the christian bible, you realize the christian god relishes in the killing, murdering, genocide of people, animals, and everything he created. Read the bible and you will find out the christian god is a bloodthirsty, petty dick who has never deserved to be worshiped. 

What of the gods that are older than the big three? Were they not the real god? And if the Hindu gods only came into existence some 4,000 years ago, how can the christian god be real if he’s only 2,000 years old? Do you see how convoluted your belief systems are? 

Did the christian god just sit around quietly after he made everything until he decided to pick the Hebrews as his chosen people? Did the god of Islam hit the snooze button for a few hundred years after the christian god grew in prominence before he poked his head out from under the tent flap? And why did the christian god choose the Hebrews? Every other chapter they were losing faith in him and running off to worship other gods? If the christian god is real then he’s a poor judge of character. Because even today, most of the Jewish people don’t believe in him anyway. And why not all the other humans the christian god supposedly created? What was wrong with them to make the creator turn their back on them?

Sorry about that sidetrack, let’s get back to the task at hand, choosing which one of the big three religions is the correct god to worship. They all have different belief systems, different worldviews, different tenets, different rewards and different steps on how to achieve those rewards, different punishments and varying degrees of nonsense one would have to do to achieve those punishments. How do we discover the one true religion along with the one true god to follow?

After many years of study and research, I know the path to how one would decide which religion is the correct one. Are you ready? 

The way you know which is the correct one, it’s simple, just be born. Because whatever region of the world you are born into and whatever particular religion that region prescribes too, that is the religion you are most likely to be indoctrinated to believe since your birth. Along with whichever god is attached to that particular region. And yes, it’s really that simple for most of the world. 

Born in America, probably Christian, born in India, more than likely Hindu or Islam, you get the picture. Belief in a particular religion is nothing more than an accident of birth. 


Since I was unlucky enough to be born in America, let’s focus on the god I was indoctrinated into accepting from pretty much the day I was born and fervently believed in until I was fourteen years old. That was when I discovered the god I believed in didn’t like the fact that I wanted to suck my friend's dick more than I was afraid of going to hell. Or as I like to say, when my critical thinking skills came into focus and I started to reason out my own beliefs instead of accepting what had been thrusted upon me by my parents.

And for those of you that hadn’t guessed along with the rest of the class, I will be delving into whether or not the christian god of the bible is in fact moral and worthy of worship. 

Oh shit, wait. Fuck me I forgot. Which denomination of christianity is the correct one out of the 200 denominations that are practiced in America alone. And for now we are just going to ignore the other 44,000 denominations of christianity worldwide that are being practiced in 2024. 

So much for this being easy to figure out which religion thus by proxy which god is the correct god to judge morality against. Fuck my life. 

There are five different baptists denominations alone, then you have presbyterians, protestants, orthodox, independents, evangelical, catholics, mormons, westboro baptist church, and that’s just to name a few, excluding some of the weirder ones. 

I know, you might say as a christian, the god the westboro baptist church follows isn’t my god. I know they got a really bad rap by protesting military funerals, protesting pretty much anything related to gay people. But I hate to break it to you. Westboro followed more closely to the teachings of the bible than any modern denomination. All their hatred, bigotry, misogyny, that was taken directly from the christian bible and was law according to the ancient Hebrews. 

They only thing they did not do was the killing, raping, genocide, taking of slaves, animal fucking, well you get the picture. Hate them all you want and deny their god but they aren’t biblically wrong. 

What about the Catholic’s? They are after one of the biggest religions on the planet today. Of course you’d have to find a way to justify the long standing practice of moving kid fuckers around to different churches all to hide the decades long abuse that had and was known by the leaders of the movement. What’s his name, the Pope. The one man the Catholics believe speak for god, knew about the kid fucking and instead of doing the right thing he helped hide it under his ridiculous hat.

That’s kind of what happens though when you take away the freedom of sex from its priests. I know if I go a week without sex my brain starts to believe that if you confess your sins to me and say a magical prayer while touching anal beads then you too can have your sins forgiven by a man that isn’t allowed to touch his own dick. 

I pose another question, why do there seem to be such a high number of abuse in the Catholic church? I think the answer is two fold. Number one, in 1139, they outlawed sex for all their priests. Sex is a natural function of the human body, telling thousands of men they can’t do what is only natural will have repercussions. 

The second reason is the Catholic church's stance on homosexuality. There are probably hundreds if not thousands of gay priests in the Catholic church. I know for a long time true believers were encouraged to join the priesthood if they had homosexual tendencies. 

You can be gay all you want, you just can’t ever experience dirty gay butt sex. So homosexual’s were told to join the priesthood. That way they can still get into heaven as priests were forbidden to have sex. Because the Catholic god really hates it when two guys touch wieners for some reason. Methinks your god protests too much, he’s probably a bottom. 

I’m not saying all Catholic kid fuckers are gay. Matter of fact, most people believe pedophilia is not as much as being gay as being a predator. Because I am very much gay and I have fucked every single kid I ever wanted too. Granted, that number is zero because I didn't want to have sex with kids when I was a kid, much less now as an adult. 

Let’s say you can somehow justify all that kid fucking, what about the millions of deaths in Africa due to the Catholic churches stance on condoms. Allowing people to wrap their peens in latex would have saved so many lives that have been lost to AIDs over the years. Or we could talk about the entire history of stealing treasures that didn’t belong to them. Or the Crusades, where they stole lots of treasure, or the Inquisition where they stole lots of treasure under the guise of fighting evil. Of course all those evil people the Catholic’s were fighting against were so conveniently rich. Their criminal activity is well documented for thousands of years. 

What about the Evangelical’s you might ask? Well, in that movement they have many prominent pastors and politicians that have been caught with some strange dude’s dick in their mouth even as they condemn homosexuality, implementing laws to abolish gay rights, human rights, and trans rights all in the name of their god. They believe the same bullshit you do, but unlike you, they don’t exactly walk the walk. 

Yet you keep electing these fake christians because even in their hypocrisy, they further your own hate filled agenda against sexual minorities and abortion. You disagree with me? Look what the entire Evangelical movement did to elect Trump just to get abortion overturned in the courts. They sold their spiritual soul in their single minded focus on abortion. 

They are against divorce, Trump three times divorced, they are against adultery, Trump is a convicted felon because he cheated on his wife with a porn star, they are against assault on women, well, maybe not against as much as they just like to tell women what they can do with their bodies even in an event of assault. Trump grabs women by the pussy. They are against lying, Trump is well, a stretcher of truths. I could go on and on but I think you get the picture. Maybe their god really does work in mysterious ways. 

But I think if we are going to stick to our model of which region of the world you are born into, so I am going to choose the christian god of those crazy pentecostal’s to see if it is moral or not. 

The pentecostal is a relatively small portion in the christian movement. However, it was one of the fastest growing christian movements in modern history, from 1970 having about 58 million to 2021 with about six hundred million. 

They are also a bit unique because much like the early Hebrew christians, they do not believe in the Trinity at all. There is only one god, they speak in tongues just like the apostles did in Acts 2:38. They baptize only in the name of Jesus Christ as well, completely submerging their victims in water tanks. They believe in the holy ghost that comes inside you and washes away all your sins no matter their severity. 

By the way, off topic, Jeffery Dahmar, one of the most notorious serial killers of gay men, became a christian before he was then brutally murdered in jail. So they say he’s in heaven. The only gay men I’ve ever slain was in the bedroom but yet I’m going to burn in that other place for the rest of eternity. That should be the end of this discussion on whether or not their god is in fact moral. 

They also have outrageous “holiness” standards that they enforce with an iron thumb. Some of the things I was not allowed to do, play sports because that took away focus from god, listen to any music or attend concerts unless they were approved by the church, which meant only pentecostal artists, having long hair, (only woman could have long hair, matter of fact they aren’t allowed to cut their hair at all), wearing any form of jewelry, wearing shorts no matter how hot it was outside, going outside without a shirt on, wearing red as it was the color of harlots, having any association with girls outside of sponsored church youth events, women could not wear make-up, wear pants, or show any skin, their skirts had to come to their ankles or they had to wear dark stockings. 

But the one thing that is my personal favorite. They were so scared boys and girls would get together and do the nasty, they wouldn’t even let us swim in a pool with girls. Which was completely fine by me and about ten other kids in my church. We got to see our classmates nearly naked every week as we changed into our swimsuits. Maybe I wasn’t born gay at all, it was just all that conditioning of being forced to only associate with other boys until I was eighteen that made me love boy’s bits.

So for the rest of this series, I will be looking at the ancient Hebrew version of god and we will try to reason if that god is in fact a moral god and one that should be followed and worshiped. 

In Part Two, I will offer up a brief history of the ancient Hebrew god and outline the origin of their religion and how it spread to be one of the top three in the entire world.

Edited by Jason Rimbaud

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Great article, with some interesting facts.

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