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MDBCs 13 Jan 2025

January 13th 2025 - Holidays and Observances


(click on the day for details)


Observances (click on the day, BD, or week for details)


Coming of Age Day

Korean American Day

National 4th Graders Day

National Catherine Day

National Gluten-Free Day

National Kathleen Day

National Peach Melba Day

National Rubber Ducky Day

National Sticker Day

Plough Monday

Poetry Break Day

Public Radio Broadcasting Day


Tyler Henry’s Birthday

Patrick Dempsey’s Birthday

Tre Brooks’s Birthday

Orlando Bloom’s Birthday

Nique Nique&King’s Birthday

Mike Majlak’s Birthday

Lori Harvey’s Birthday

Liam Hemsworth’s Birthday

Andrew Yang

Julia Louis-Dreyfus


Mon Jan 13th, 2025 - Tue Jan 14th, 2025



Mon Jan 13th, 2025 - Sat Jan 18th, 2025

National College Financial Prep Week


Fun Observances (2)

 Make Your Dreams Come True Day

January 13 is Make your Dreams Come True Day. If you have been procrastinating on fulfilling your dream, this is your chance to get things right.

Young boy in red superhero cape and mask.

This unofficial holiday with unknown origins encourages people to be proactive about achieving what they want in life.

Dreams That Inspire

Dreams are a part of life. We all dream when we sleep, but most of us don't remember them the next day. No matter how big or small, there are some dreams that inspire us and allow us to make our lives better. It is these dreams that Make your Dreams Come True Day celebrates. Dreams that motivate us to do better, encourage us to take on more challenges, and energize us to succeed in our lives - professionally and personally.

How to Celebrate?

  • Get started on making your dream come true.
  • Talk to someone who inspires you.
  • Make an inspiration board with images and words relating to your dream.
  • Write down your dream, make a project plan, and create deadlines for you to work towards.

Did You Know…

…that according to experts, most people on average have a dream every 90 minutes?


Clean Off Your Desk Day

To honor an uncluttered, organized and clean workspace, the second Monday of January is celebrated as the Clean Off Your Desk Day.

Overhead view of businesswoman working at desk.

This unofficial and clearly made-up holiday encourages people to have a clutter-free, clean, and organized workspace.

Increase Productivity

Productivity experts and scientists agree that a functional workspace is important for having a fulfilling and productive work life. Clean and organized work desks allow workers to focus and to organize and process information. In addition, research shows that those who work within cluttered spaces tend to get frustrated faster than those whose workspaces are organized and clean.

How to Celebrate?

  • Clean your desk, of course! Take a few hours to organize all the paperwork that has piled up over the last year and to purge your desk and workspace of things you have no use for anymore.
  • Shred any paperwork with any sensitive or personal information, give away duplicate office supplies, and file away important documents.
  • And while you are at it, organize your PC or laptop desktop as well.

Did You Know...

...that the word desk comes from the old Latin word discus meaning platter or plate?






On the phone with my 93-year-old brother in Wisconsin, and I told him I thought it was time he paid someone to shovel snow for him. He suddenly grew indignant.

“Why should I pay someone to shovel?” he demanded. “I can get my son to do it. He’s only




The other day I got carded at the liquor store. While I was taking out my ID, my old Blockbuster card fell out.

The clerk shook his head, said, “Never mind,” and rang me up.




One of the shortest wills ever written:

“Being of sound mind, I spent all the money.”




Two old guys, Fred and Sam went to the movies.  A few minutes after it started, Fred heard Sam rustling around and he seemed to be searching on the floor under his seat.  "What are you doing?" asked Fred.

Sam, a little grumpy by this time, replied "I had a caramel in my mouth and it dropped out.  I can't find it."

Fred told him to forget it because it would be too dirty by now. 

"But I've got to", said Sam, "my teeth are in it!"




You can see the strangest things if you look hard enough. The other day I saw a piece of toast in a cage at the zoo.

It was bread in captivity.














































































































sandrewn :cowboy:

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