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I just want you to know who I am

Since Friday, I've seen him every single day. :wub: Today made me happy. He's just so darn cute! My friend (who's also a manager) kept telling us to stop flirting, and he never denied it. He just kind of smiled and looked down. At one point, I was folding shirts at the cash wrap and he was helping a customer, and he kind of pushed my stuff over and told me that I was invading his space. I retaliated with it actually being him invading my personal bubble, and when we were moving the stuff back and forth, our hands brushed for a couple seconds. I can't explain why the littlest things seem a lot more interesting and exciting than they sound (or perhaps really are :P ). All I can say is that even the stupid little stuff, like trying to trip each other, gives me butterflies. :) I really want to see him outside of work, but I still don't know how to go about it (see: too scared to try). :P Is there a way I can lead up to something more without just coming out and asking him? My friend told me to bring up a movie that I want to see, and see if he wants to see it too, and then just say something along the lines of "we should go see it together." Any other ideas? Keep in mind, anything to forward I probably wouldn't do. 0:)


I had a dream yesterday that I asked him if he could drive me home from work when we had a meeting, and he brushed me off and said "good luck finding a ride." lol. But yeah, I think that if he were to ask me out, I would say yes. Thanks Kev for justifying it for me. :lol: No, but really, I do think that I've learned from my 8 months of no, and I'm in a much better place because of it, so I don't think it's absolutely necessary to miss up on something that could be potentially great just for the sake of technicality.


The other day, I tripped over my chord and my laptop went flying, and my monitor no longer works. Right now I'm using my roommate's desktop, linking his monitor to my laptop, so I at least know it's only the monitor that died. Still, that's like at least 300 dollars to fix, right? GRR.


In other news, I spent 270$ instead of the regular price of almost 700$ at Express. I <3 Employee Discounts. And I <3 how I spend more than I make at that darn store. :P Rule of thumb: if you love to shop, don't work in retail. It just makes the process all the more easier since you get first dibs, and you get to see it on people first.


Hmm so last week I had my second chemistry midterm, this week I have my lab practical, and next week I have my final. I must have done something terrible in a past life. I think I did moderately well on my midterm, though, and I hope I'll do well on the practical. Pray for me.


I'm currently obsessed with Goo Goo Dolls - Iris. Hotness to my ears, yo. I like how I can make any song into my current theme song.


I can't sleep. I keep coming home from work, knock out, and am wide awake by 1-3. Eh, I still get my 8 hours of sleep, it's just separated by a gap. Odd, but I guess whatever works, right?


My roommate isn't here, and my suitemate isn't here either. I love it. Unfortunately, they're coming back tomorrow. I've come to the realization that I need my own space and that I hate having roommates. I need to have a place where I can escape, and with walls as thin as paper and another person in my room, I just can't do that. I do believe that I'd prefer female roommates, since for the most part they're quieter and more considerate (and I would hope neater) than guys. Or maybe I need to find a gay roommate. Either way, straight guys are so done with. I'm not heterophobic or anything, it's just that it's so hard to get through to them. I'm NOT going to keep asking you to do the same thing over and over again, especially if it's something as stupid as having to tell you not to turn up the tv on full blast and bring people over and talk loudly while I'm TRYING TO SLEEP. Seriously? SERIOUSLY?


I love A Walk To Remember. I watched it yesterday, and I fell in love again with Shane West's character. I admire Jamie Sullivan. My favorite part is definitely when she tells him that she's sick, and, while crying, tells him that she doesn't need a reason to be angry at god. Although I may not be religious, that part really hit me because she is religious and it just shows you how much he's affected her. Actually, when I watched the movie, I was surprised to see that the character makes religion almost appealing to me. Pretty much, I want to be her, only in a gay boys body.


I think I've gone on enough tangents for one blog. Toodles.



And I'd give up forever to touch you

Cause I know that you feel me somehow

You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be

And I don't want to go home right now


And all I can taste is this moment

And all I can breathe is your life

Cause sooner or later it's over

I just don't want to miss you tonight


And I don't want the world to see me

Cause I don't think that they'd understand

When everything's made to be broken

I just want you to know who I am


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Hey Richie :)

Since Friday, I've seen him every single day. wub.gif Today made me happy. He's just so darn cute! My friend (who's also a manager) kept telling us to stop flirting, and he never denied it. He just kind of smiled and looked down. At one point, I was folding shirts at the cash wrap and he was helping a customer, and he kind of pushed my stuff over and told me that I was invading his space. I retaliated with it actually being him invading my personal bubble, and when we were moving the stuff back and forth, our hands brushed for a couple seconds. I can't explain why the littlest things seem a lot more interesting and exciting than they sound (or perhaps really are ). All I can say is that even the stupid little stuff, like trying to trip each other, gives me butterflies.

Awww :wub: That sounds really sweet and fun! :)


I really want to see him outside of work, but I still don't know how to go about it (see: too scared to try). tongue.gif Is there a way I can lead up to something more without just coming out and asking him? My friend told me to bring up a movie that I want to see, and see if he wants to see it too, and then just say something along the lines of "we should go see it together." Any other ideas? Keep in mind, anything to forward I probably wouldn't do.

I was actually going to suggest something much along the lines that your friend had in mind. I find a really good question to be "so what are you up to tonight?" It's pretty open ended, flexible, and all around ambiguous. Like you may just be asking out of idle curiosity or just to make conversation, BUT it also opens the door to him saying, "nothing why?" Or "nothing, how about you?" then that's the part where you can say "I was thinking of catching a movie/grabbing some dinner at __/whatever, you wanna come with?". OR if he describes his plans and they sound fun, and not something you'd be intruding on, you can just say, "Wow! That sounds like fun", and maybe he'll say "well you can come along if you want". Or maybe he'll have set plans that obviously couldn't include you (like maybe dinner at a relative's or something), but the more you have these kind of conversations the more likely that eventually one of you will say something the other's interested in doing and can invite/be invited.

But yeah, I think that if he were to ask me out, I would say yes. Thanks Kev for justifying it for me. No, but really, I do think that I've learned from my 8 months of no, and I'm in a much better place because of it, so I don't think it's absolutely necessary to miss up on something that could be potentially great just for the sake of technicality.

hehe, glad I could help :boy:


The other day, I tripped over my chord and my laptop went flying, and my monitor no longer works. Right now I'm using my roommate's desktop, linking his monitor to my laptop, so I at least know it's only the monitor that died. Still, that's like at least 300 dollars to fix, right? GRR.

Ouch! That sucks! :(


In other news, I spent 270$ instead of the regular price of almost 700$ at Express. I <3 Employee Discounts. And I <3 how I spend more than I make at that darn store. tongue.gif Rule of thumb: if you love to shop, don't work in retail. It just makes the process all the more easier since you get first dibs, and you get to see it on people first.

Hahaha, I know! I'd be in so much trouble if I worked there! LOL, I love how you said "get to see it on people first". It's like "ohhh, NO! I do not want to look like that. This shirt is staying on the hanger" :P:boy: LOL, or more hopefully, "He looks hot in that! I think I'll get one too"

Hmm so last week I had my second chemistry midterm, this week I have my lab practical, and next week I have my final. I must have done something terrible in a past life. I think I did moderately well on my midterm, though, and I hope I'll do well on the practical. Pray for me.

:hug: good luck!

I'm currently obsessed with Goo Goo Dolls - Iris. Hotness to my ears, yo. I like how I can make any song into my current theme song.

Yeah, I like that song! It was my ring tone for a really long time.



My roommate isn't here, and my suitemate isn't here either. I love it. Unfortunately, they're coming back tomorrow. I've come to the realization that I need my own space and that I hate having roommates. I need to have a place where I can escape, and with walls as thin as paper and another person in my room, I just can't do that. I do believe that I'd prefer female roommates, since for the most part they're quieter and more considerate (and I would hope neater) than guys. Or maybe I need to find a gay roommate. Either way, straight guys are so done with. I'm not heterophobic or anything, it's just that it's so hard to get through to them. I'm NOT going to keep asking you to do the same thing over and over again, especially if it's something as stupid as having to tell you not to turn up the tv on full blast and bring people over and talk loudly while I'm TRYING TO SLEEP. Seriously? SERIOUSLY?

Yeah, roommates are tricky business. Personally, I'm a fan of living alone and visiting people. So much easier when the mess you're looking at isn't half yours to clean up :P (Although, I've often helped friends clean up their mess because my own apartment's always really tidy, so when they need help cleaning I'm the first one they think of :lol: I don't really mind though it's also less stressful when the mess you're cleaning isn't yours.)



I love A Walk To Remember. I watched it yesterday, and I fell in love again with Shane West's character. I admire Jamie Sullivan. My favorite part is definitely when she tells him that she's sick, and, while crying, tells him that she doesn't need a reason to be angry at god. Although I may not be religious, that part really hit me because she is religious and it just shows you how much he's affected her. Actually, when I watched the movie, I was surprised to see that the character makes religion almost appealing to me. Pretty much, I want to be her, only in a gay boys body.

Well, modern science is pretty amazing, so I guess ya never know ;)


I've never seen that movie, always wanted to though.


Anyway take care and have an awesome day! :D


Bob D.


I threw down one more comment on the last entry, so pop over there and give it a read. That should address the questions in this post too... If you want, give me his name and email, and I'll ask him out...


Bob :wub:

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