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Rumor squashing- Why We Moved


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  • Site Administrator

There is a rumor going around by a former member that is full of crap. As he is still behaving childishly even after leaving, I'm leaving this message:


The reason we moved servers is simple and straightforward. Our old ISP limited us to 15 GB per month transfer. We grew so much that we actually transferred 18 GB last month. (For those of you in la la land, that is 3 GB over our limit)


I moved us to a new ISP that is giving us 200 GB per month transfer. And it's $3 less.


Rumors that we switched because I was scared of our former member's connections at the parent company of our old ISP are ridiculous and show you just how over inflated said former member's ego is. It's no wonder that we weren't able to sustain it.


Normally I wouldn't do this publicly, but I am sick and tired of the slandering going on behind the scenes by someone too cowardly to say it to my face. I have no respect for people of this sort.

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I must say that the DNS transfer was quite fast also, I noticed the change not at all. I was on this afternoon and came back this evening and here we are! :2thumbs:



Holy mother of ............ 185 gigs more and three dollars a month less!!!!!


Holy shit do the math!, this is great news!!!!


Thanks Myr for all your hard work.



Hugs! Hugs! Hugs!



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I must say that the DNS transfer was quite fast also, I noticed the change not at all.  I was on this afternoon and came back this evening and here we are!


Huh, we moved? :):)


I never noticed it!




PS Great move Myr, heheh. :wub:

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Good Move


as far as the rumor goes, Myr already told us on the forum before a former member left that we would be moving to another server, which was about a week before the move was made, and a few days before the member left


to set the record straight

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The way he left (suddenly and through the backdoor, taking every trace of him being here

with him) makes me conclude that there has been a fight between Myr and CrackerWriter.

This fight can have been going on longer than a week ;).


I suppose it is none of my business, and normally I wouldn't even ask, but I wonder

what is the reason for this assumed fight? The reason I ask is because it seems also

related to this "walk out" that Patrick mentioned (crackwriter having been his editor, it seems

clear those two have been talking about this and that that was one of the reasons for Patrick

to bring up the topic, on the list).


Bottom line, as you see I am just guessing - and I suppose that everyone else is doing

this too (and we're supposed be good at making up stories ;).


In order to put this behind us, I think that it might be good to explain what actually

has happened. Can you enlighten us, Myr?




Edited by Aleric
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  • Site Administrator

I've posted everything I know. No idea why he went off the deep end.

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I only posted walking out on GA in hopes of sheding some light on the situation and trying to get the topics up front and solve them.


Crackwriter is still my editor this is true and as far as I know he will continue to be my editor. He is an editor and a friend and I wasn't going to stop him or help him in his leaving. He had some problems with things that were going on here and I respect his decision.


As far as I know (but don't quote me on this) he had told me some time ago that he was leaving. Myr didn't give him the boot he asked to have his site taken down. He wanted to leave as far as I know but right before he did this whole thing turned ugly and I don't think we will know why.


Myr dose great work and works harder than most of us know there is no doubt about that. He cares for this site and it's inhabitants like a father to his son. This is his baby.


I am not trying to point fingers and if it sounded that way I am sorry. Please take no offense to my remarks here today and let's just work together to make this place (to quote the Army) all that it can be.

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Hi All :2thumbs:


At last I am back with you, this is the first I have be here since you closed down.

My ISP was rather slow.


Myr dont be bother by what the old member say's, you did the right thing.



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