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Wildone in the hospital :(

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Apparently the surgery has been postponed until tomorrow because the OR was being used for all the gunshot and stabbing victims...


That's a bit unusual...if it's a "gang war"....if innocent victims, then not so. Last time I was in an ER with any shooting victim in it, it was a little a'hole chicano gangbanger that was shot in his foot so he could be shot up with painkillers....so they made him wait. It's a good deterrent for gangs to lie in an ER, in pain, waiting to get stitched back up, de-shotted, and un-bent when limbs are broken in gang rumbles.


I hope his surgery can proceed without further delay tomorrow...that his recovery proceeds with increasing rapidity, and that he's home and in familiar surroundings before he can learn to spell the name of his next prescription! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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He's being incredibly brave, braver than I would be.


I hope there are no further delays because it is awful when you have prepared yourself for something and then it gets put off. This is something that if it has to happen it's best to get it over with.


I sincerely hope it will all go well and he is home and reocovering very shortly.




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Viv, thank you for keeping us posted.


Steve, words don't suffice to say how brave you've been. I hope you are home and on the mend soon, and I hope your surgery goes well. There will be dark times, and all i can say is, try to keep focused on a goal; getting out and getting home.


Take care, my friend.


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Where does he live? Detroit? :huh:


Steve's in a Calgary hospital. I must say that "gunshot and stabbing wounds" does seem odd. There certainly hasn't been anything like that in the news.


If the Calgary Stampede is on, that may explain it. Chuck wagon races can get ugly quickly. No one gets shot or stabbed though.


Maybe someone was making a movie in the hospital's OR that takes place in Detroit. :wacko:

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Saturday, July 25, 2009


Steve underwent his amputation surgery today. His sister was at his side right up until the took him into the actual operating room.


As planned, they amputated the left leg below the knee.


Sunday, July 26, 2009


Thanks to everyone who has shared their thoughts and prayers. Your kind words and thoughts bring comfort both to Steve and his family.


Steve is experiencing pain and discomfort, though he is working hard to manage both.


The physiotherapy team have already started working with him to start him on his road to recovery.

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It must be a relief that it's over. Physio is hard but at least it is a step along the road. I hope that he keeps his positive attitude and that he will be home with his family very soon.



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Just a brief update. Today was a better day for Steve than the day before. This in itself is great, as taking it one day at a time is all any of us can do - and if one day is better than the last, we're moving in the right direction.


The nurses are working with Steve to help manage his discomfort. The physio team are meeting with him daily to develop exercises and routines to help Steve prepare for the next parts of his recovery.

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Better part of a leg than a life. I'm glad he's going to be alright.


:( ..........Ditto, I had a hard time in responding to this, but I'm real glad that in spite of the results we still have Steve here with us. Steve it won't be long til you give us the ass-kicking we deserve!! Knocks knuckles!

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FRIDAY, JULY 31, 2009 8:18 PM, MDT


Break out!!


It's true - for the first time in six weeks, Steve was able to be outside, in the (somewhat) fresh air and sunshine!

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Saturday, August 1, 2009 9:39 PM, MDT


Steve was out and about again today - this time with his sister. They went on a 40 - 45 minute jaunt around the hospital.


I arrived in the early evening, and even after having adventures in the afternoon, Steve was still feeling well and we had a great visit.


Monday, August 3, 2009 9:31 PM, MDT


From Steve's sister:


"I arrived at the hospital today to find an empty bed...Steve had escaped!! The unit clerk told me I could find him outside, so I went out and found him with his two "young" attendants, Sydney and Nathan. Friends had taken him out for a spin, his fourth excursion in as many days. We headed back inside as it was starting to rain slightly. Steve seems to be transitioning well from chair to bed now.


After a good visit with friends, Steve and I started sorting through some of the things he has accumulated, as they have put in the transfer request to move him over to the rehab centre. There is no estimate on when the transfer will take place, but in anticipation, we're getting his room organized so that he doesn't have seven bags of personal belongings to tote with him.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009 10:16 PM, MDT


IMPORTANT!! Move Information:


One day shy of 7 weeks since the accident, Steve is moving out of the hospital!!


Tomorrow morning (Wednesday) Steve will be "checking out" of the Foothills and moving on to the rehabilitation centre, where he will begin his more intense rehab on an in-patient basis.

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