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It is called Toadwater, I have many reasons for posting this but I think the best reason I would have would be that this game is completly programed and scripted in php, yes the same php langawag that runs this forum and the story archive here.


This game is a massive multiplayer online game with almost 10+ players on at one time sometimes as many as 40 on at the same time.


Its a difrant then any other game you might ever find yourself playing as in there is NO combat yet and the primary goul of the game would be to plant trees and move up to the next tree level.


I have been playing the game for quite some time and I must say that I have become quite obsessed with the game as of late. It is defenitly worth at lest looking into.


I game cliont itself is written in C++ but don't let that fool you the only thing the cliont dose is send your comands to the php page that actuly runs the game.


I say give it a shot and see if you like it!


or just play it and see what you can do with php and a database!




It won't be hard to find out who I am ;)


Just what I need, onther addition! :D Well I might take a little peek, but I am not really into games but I would like to see what it can do.


Thanks for the heads up! :P

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