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Are you a Gamers or are you a Consoler?


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Depends on your definition.


If you mean playing Halo on an X-box- No.


I'm from the generation of gamers that came before.


We played stuff like this.




Russian-Campaign1_zpsce04905b.jpg   russian-campaign2_zps4ededd3a.jpg




Back in the eighties when I was a code jockey, I wrote a version of Guadalcanal called Island War for the PC. It was public domain so I didn't make any money off of it but it was a lot of fun.

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definitely a gamer at heart. If the game is good, I really don't care what system it's on

Exactly, console wars are so "lame". 

We should be fighting over which games are better I know

consoles play the games but we're gamers.

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James, wow. Makes Monopoly look god awful in comparison. :P 


I do console, I have no desire to play games on anything else. Although, I don't play many or all that often at all. I will randomly sit down and start playing. My younger brother got me into it and after kicking his ass at Madden a few times (I mean really, all I had to do is pick a certain defense and on offense, run the ball) gave him fits. So when a game someone is playing looks interesting, I'll try it out. There are a few that I will go out and buy for myself though or the husband or brother so I can sneak and borrow it for a few days..  lol.

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Neither, to be honest, PC gaming all the way for me. I'm not a huge console fan, I find them to be expensive blocks of metal I don't use much where as a computer is multi-purpose. I occasionally (like one every six months) sit down with my brothers and play some Halo, but that's it for console. I'm more of a fan of the type of games that exist on PC anyway.

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I love strategy games. The Total War series for PC is basically like my wet dream. :P


The American Civil War is definitely my favorite board game. My dad and I had some epic, hours long matches playing this back in the day.



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I'm definitely Team Sony.  I had a PSOne, PS2, PS3, and I'm now the proud owner of a PS4.  That said, I had an original Xbox and my mates and I chipped in together to get a 360.  I even went into PC gaming for a brief but glorious instant, mostly playing EA titles like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, or SimCity.


The reason that I'm loyal to my console is because it has pretty much consistently delivered a wide array of stories and characters that I love. Those adventures play in my mind like songs or the best parts of one's favorite movies. If I get to be the deciding authority, I'm a gamer.  I can also see how I might fall into the other category though.

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I married a class A geek. He plays PC games, but he's not a 'gamer'.


I play table top RPGs (D&D and others), and we play cool board games like Ticket To Ride with our mates down the pub.


Console games, along with TV, are the great time-sucks of the universe. it's amazing what you can get done when you don't play 40+ hour virtual campaigns. 

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Gamer. I don't play much anymore, but it was always fun with friends, on whatever systems were popular at the time.  I recently got a hand-me-down PS2 and that will be my first console. Hopefully there will be some PS2 games with interesting story lines that I can scrounge up. Otherwise PC games were the only things that sucked me in for non-social reasons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I always thought "gamer" covered both.  :P


I'm a huge nerd. MMOs (Everquest, WoW, Lineage II, Aion, Rift, Tera, Archeage, ESO, you name it, I have probably tried it...), and consoles. Wii, Xbox, PS4, etc. Still debating investing in an Xbox One, but they kind of turned me off with their initial marketing stuff last year. I've been playing Destiny lately, but my crappy AT&T Internet is giving me a lot of trouble and I can't even stay in a match.

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I'm console loyal in that I've owned everything Nintendo has ever put out, BUT I will play on any and all platforms and I own a variety. (I've never bought an xbox, though...)


When it comes down to a really good game experience, especially with MMOs, I defer to my gaming PC. I find my PSes and Wiis are good for more chill, group/party-oriented games, whereas the PC is good for deep strategy and online experiences. 



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