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Character Achetypes: Ranking of favorite types

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Everyone has favorite Archetype, sometimes you realize it and other times you do not.


Here's my rankings of Archetypes, mind you it's just my personal opinion on them:

1. Magician - I love fresh perspectives and different ways of looking at things. these guys are my go-to if I need a main character in a story, because I feel most comfortable with these guys.

2. Innocent - I like open minded characters, who seek happiness. They're naive, but at times, they are the best 1st person perspectives you can have without being colored by others. Also, I do not know why, but these characters tend to have the best sexual chemistry in a story.

3. Explorer - Being true to your own desires (hmm...wonder if there's a few stories about that here :D ). This one is a no brainer to any LGBT writer

4. Lover- We all want love, but there's a hidden truth in love, how far is too far before you are consumed and lose yourself to it. :o The lover is a fun character to watch develop and learn who he/she is.

5. Caregiver- The support team that helps your character survive and acts as glue to a story. Every Frodo needs a Sam :)

6. Orphan- Belonging is a universal ideal and even though I rank it in the middle of my list, you cannot leave this kind of character out from a story or else you lose my interest. I love orphans, but they also share something similar to me that I dislike, too much cynicism. Being abandoned is a great character background, but tragic.

7. Rebel- Rebels are cool, but they are over-done at times, they're too ideal and too perfect sometimes. I like Rebels to be flawed, not on the path of heroism. A good rebel character can hold attention of readers by just being themselves, no cause needed. A good addition to a story if taken with care

8. Sage-  I love thinkers, I am one too. However, at times, these kinds of characters just become too indecisive and what they at first hold as great knowledge, starts turning into liabilities to other characters. Useful characters, but also a double edged sword.

9. Jester- The comic relief is funny for a few chapters, then you got to ask yourself, why are they even in this scenario? Comedy wears itself out in dramas over time, excessive comedy does it even faster.

10. Creator- Creation is what we do, but there's a line somewhere, "you can't make anything too perfect". That's the hidden problem with God-like characters, they are trying too hard to make things perfect, but can't accept the world as it is.

11. Ruler- Control is awesome if characters lived in an Authoritarian BDSM world, otherwise this kind of character is one of my most disliked. Too bossy and almost as stupid as the hero at times to the problems around them.

12. Hero - Very Boring as characters go, sometimes can get on your nerves for being so stupid to what is in front of them

How about you guys?


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