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Hulu has Hardy Boys Show Coming


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5 hours ago, ReaderPaul said:

I had trouble with reading Philip K Dick.  I had better luck with Delany, but have not read much of either.  Both showed much talent, but when I read stories by Dick it was not a style I was into at that time

Dick had bouts of paranoia later in his career from extreme drug use. Ubik is extremely hard to read with a meandering plot; though, it's considered one of the greatest science fiction novels of the 20th century. I can understand your issue with reading his work. His work has influenced a lot of sci-fi writers into modern times with several film adaptations, plus you can draw a direct line between his paranoid conspiracy stories and TV series like the X-Files. 

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On 7/8/2024 at 1:39 PM, laurefinvez said:

It's been a while since your post, but I'd like to add some information. I just caught wind of Hulu bringing in the Hardy Boys show — sounds like a blast! I've always been into detective stories, so this one's right up my street.

Hulu's lineup keeps getting better, and adding this classic series is a smart move. If you're into mysteries and adventures, it looks like it'll be a good watch. You can find more details about it on this Hulu UK Guide I stumbled upon: https://onlinetvcast.com/guides/hulu-uk/ .  Worth checking out if you're curious! Can't wait to see how they bring these iconic characters to life on screen!

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