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Well I had the urge to post, or respond to something but in mid stride type, I totally forgot what it was i was going to do or say.



So this post is devoted to 'Nothing.'









Oh yeah!



Now I remember!



It's .... ah....





I forgot again :(





Well I'm 22


But I tend to be absent minded. ;)


Way to many accidents. So bad that uh... My health insurance provider said they wouldn't cover me if I didn't stop using power tools.



Not that I do, but when I do... heh








completly forgeting what your doing why your right in the middle of doing it.


yep done that before.


I also, have been there, done that ... for that matter, I am 'doing that'


and, just fyi ... moments like these are called 'senior moments'. I think they happen to help us adjust to old age before we get there.


Boy on a String




I have been the kitchen doing some thing, gone over to the fidge to get some thing. By the time I got there I have forgot what I whated. :wacko: :D


How about that eh


Rainbow :(

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