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Disappearing Authors


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Today I was trying to find Replay by Rob Hawes -- couldn't find a trace. Looked like the CIA had done a sweep with their disappearing wand.


A few weeks ago I was looking for Julien Gregg -- same thing. Just gone!


I don't remember seeing anything mentioned about them leaving. Is it SOP at GA to NOT announce these happenings? If so why? Seems to me at least a mention that they are no longer being Hosted would be nice and maybe where their stories might be found. Just disappearing makes it look like there must have been a nasty cat fight or some such thing.


Just wondering----

Edited by Eddy
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Both Rob, Julien had notices they were leaving. Julien has a link if you look back where he's hosted now.


"Julien has a link if you look back where he's hosted now." That assumes I know where he is hosted now. If I had known that, I wouldn't need to ask. On the other hand, I do know that he is being hosted at StoryLovers now, but that has only happened during the past week.


Any reference that I could find at GA concerning Julien and where he had moved to, was in his profile and those links were listed as "not found". I know, that is something that Julien is responsible for keeping current.


As for "Both Rob, Julien had notices they were leaving" I did hunt through the Forum today looking for an announcement and found none -- doesn't mean they aren't there -- only that I didn't find them.


Both Rob and Julien are accomplished authors, with "Merit". I know that Rob was a hosted author and don't remember if Julien was or not. It all just seems much to dismissive to me -- Both GA, Rob and Julien are above that. Yesterday they were good enough and today they aren't -- Just doesn't seem right to me. But then, Politics today has a new meaning. LOL


I know, I really should be talking to Myr about this directly -- Maybe he will come in with a comment or two.


Inquiring minds, don't ya know :sheep:

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Announcements only stay up for a limited time before they expire. If every announcement posted stayed online forever, there would be so many that only a few actual threads would be displayed on each page.


Neither Author was asked to leave. Both requested removal from the site for their personal reasons. If you're curious as to why they left, the best route to go with that would be to ask the authors themselves.


When Hosted Authors leave the site, it is SOP to post a global announcement for 2 weeks to a month letting the members know. However, sometimes they request we don't post an announcement and ask that we keep it 'low-key' so as not to attract too much attention. We try to comply with all wishes that the authors have when they leave.


If you have any other questions about this, please PM me or email me at Joe@gayauthors.org



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