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  • Site Administrator

Hello everyone!

I'm looking for some folks for the following:

1) Finding Stories for the archive. This job will involve lots of reading and emailing of authors. I'd really like to get back to adding a lot of stories to the archive.

2) Official Welcomer. Someone to send greetings via PM to all new members to welcome them to the fold and encourage them to post.

3) Reviewers - We need more people to write reviews for the Story Review forum. You can write your own review for any story you want (even one that has already been reviewed). We do have a simple format to follow to keep consistency.



If you'd like to help me keep Gay Authors open, please provide suggestions or your time to help us improve this place.


According to the server logs, the most popular stuff on GA is our Links and our archive (Aside from the hosted authors). the Story Reviews get a lot of hits as well.



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Hello everyone!

I'm looking for some folks for the following:

1) Finding Stories for the archive.  This job will involve lots of reading and emailing of authors.  I'd really like to get back to adding a lot of stories to the archive.


I'd be willing to help you out there. I do read A LOT of fan fiction but I specialize in the HP universe. Specifically Harry/Draco. Drop me a PM and let me know what you need or email at trecklarpol@cox.net



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2) Official Welcomer. Someone to send greetings via PM to all new members to welcome them to the fold and encourage them to post.


i am already a mod for my car club and do welcome all new members within 24 hrs. of joining so let me know what you think.

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Reviewers -  We need more people to write reviews for the Story Review forum.  You can write your own review for any story you want (even one that has already been reviewed).  We do have a simple format to follow to keep consistency.


I could do this. i read a whole lot of storys. :read:

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Alright Myr,

I'll help welcome new members. This is a good site and there has to be a way to get the word out to the TEENS there we're here so they can have good quality stories to read other than the trash that's out there on NIFTY


I know I and other's post there too but it is another way so our stories can be seen.


Take care,

Mike Sanchez :sword:

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  • Site Administrator

Nifty does a damn good job at what they do. Which is provide a free place to air a massive volume of stories. You shouldn't fault them for that.


Besides, one person's trash is another's treasure. There are some stories in the archive here that are highly rated that I wouldn't read if you paid me, for example.

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Guest jamieanderson

>Nifty does a damn good job at what they do. Which is provide a free place to air a massive volume of stories. You shouldn't fault them for that.<


While I concur with every word you say, I feel that I must point out the fact that some of the stories in there, with their phonetic spelling, random punctuation and ghastly grammar, come across as a call for the final and unconditional surrender of the English language. Reading them is a bit like listening to an incompetent child practicing on a piano, painful.



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>Nifty does a damn good job at what they do. Which is provide a free place to air a massive volume of stories. You shouldn't fault them for that.<


While I concur with every word you say, I feel that I must point out the fact that some of the stories in there, with their phonetic spelling, random punctuation and ghastly grammar, come across as a call for the final and unconditional surrender of the English language. Reading them is a bit like listening to an incompetent child practicing on a piano, painful.




;) where as that might be true, the americans never did care much on how badly the butchered the langwage. I mean... I get hard just listening to englishmen talk why can't amaricans talk that way!!! *clears his thought*


forget you read that.

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Guest jamieanderson

>I mean... I get hard just listening to englishmen talk why can't amaricans talk that way!!! *clears his thought*<


Should I tell him that I'm a Scot?



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Guest jamieanderson
OK jamieanderson , I've just got to know. Is it true about Scottish Men and their kilts?  :whistle: No offence meant! :)

From the above I assume that the question that you really want to ask is; "Is anything worn under your kilt?"


And the truthful answer is; "No! Everything is in full working order!"


Next question,



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Ok Guys,

If Movieguy and Forloryn will grab my legs and yank upwards, I'll remove my feet from my bloody mouth. If it wasn't for Nifty, I would have never got my start. :wacko:


Many apologies but they seem to be getting alot of trashy stories there lately. I would love to see the teens come here than Nigty because of that.


Take care, :)

Mike :sword:


BTW, it is true what they don't wear beneath their kilts :whistle:

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