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  2. Albert1434

    Chapter 9

    Well Jake has fig this out he is a very bright guy. And he cares for Greg and would never cause he harm so and in point his is safe as are all the other! Just a perfectly enjoyable chapter even if there was more then a little sweat!
  3. "Heads up. Order more tissues and maybe even get a prescription for Xanax for the next chapter". Diazepam and donuts - perfect snack combination for a session with patients (and friends) along with children reeling from not just the divorce, but Mommy Dearest wanting the divorce and not wanting the children? Thankfully Karl lucked into getting a great player drafted and seeing his commissions go up enough to get a nanny to look after his children when he has to go out of town, plus being close enough to have Carlo and Brandon's kids as friends. What could go wrong (or seriously sideways), and who is going to be affected. Jason having a health issue? Janet? Hopefully none of the children. Time for trip to stock up; tissue, diazepam (although if children 'need' something I avoid Rx drugs and instead use children's motion sickness medication Gravol © aka dramamine as a gentle relaxant). For donuts at a psych session..
  4. chris191070

    Chapter 6

    Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 More from Ken, Joe, Tom and George coming on Friday.
  5. POSTS Penis often spurts towards sofa CLEAN
  6. @Demiurge ah thanks for that, man - much appreciated. You really are the writer we probably don't deserve/haven't earned the right to but have always wanted/needed/yearned/hoped for. And I, for one, am very grateful. May your pen never be without ink, your muse ever ready to inspire, and your heart resilient in the face of adversity. Cheers 🤘
  7. Albert1434

    Chapter 8

    I think that was one of the funniest chapters to date. I do wonder if Mr. Thomas still has a job
  8. Today
  9. Lord; anyone that styles themselves as Mama is either one of the best people imaginable or one of the dregs; I just wonder which this one will be. I have a guess, but don't think anyone will like it. Still sad about Golvinte; but glad the rest may soon be together. I think they all are better and stronger when they have each other. Just keep adding to the group.
  10. Jamie and RMW are becoming a better team and a more equal one as well. It seems as though this unlikely pair will be holding back a potential flood of evil. More power to them. Mike is being neglected. 😔
  11. This makes total sense and certainly a trend that has been seen in many parts of the world. As society becomes increasingly violent, those who protect the innocent need to be able to effectively combat the perpetrators of the violence. It is not popular view, but I cannot rhink of any other credible alternative.
  12. Nope. Never have I worked from a natural cave or cavern system.
  13. Some truly great stories on these lists, problem is, I never have enough time to get to them all.
  14. This would make a great deal of sense. I think the dour Scot would be able to deal with the supernatural without freaking out.
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