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  2. That would be my concern if I left the explaining and rectification of a breakup to the one I blame for it. But Karl seems to still trust her that much.
  3. I see a few issues here. Karl says Stephanie had become a "bitch", presumable to him but, he acknowledges that the children will miss her after the divorce. Maybe she's not the perfect mother but Karl is very much the absent father (away 40% of the time) and certainly not perfect. He's "making Stephanie" explain the divorce. The way I see it, they should both have been there to explain it to the children and what would happen with them. Who knows what she would tell them. Maybe even that Daddy was taking them away from her. The most important people in a divorce are the children. They are the innocent victims in divorce. Who has full custody is a technicality. What is important is the relationship the children continue to have (or not have) with their parents.
  4. CincyKris

    Chapter 15

    I'm not generally a bloodthirsty person, but when kids and animals are abused, I wish the worst on the offenders. I'm hoping that the child molester gets shivved in jail before he puts the victims through the extra pain of a trial. I'm also wondering if there will be tension between Andre and Ollie when Andre's secret is revealed to him. Andre already feels guilty. I'm hoping the reveal to the family goes well. On a lighter note, the teens are having a great time and bonding well. I think Jackson will fit in well. I am also a dark chocolate fan, I only care for milk chocolate if caramel and nuts are involved, but even then would prefer it to be dark. I have never had Tim Tams, but don't really care for packaged cookies. But a big breakfast is a cherished treat!
  5. Buenos dias, Alberto! Thanks for the present. I promise I'll take good care of him.
  6. That will be much more obvious after the next chapter.
  7. Well, better safe than sorry on the warnings. I guess I'm not able to do too many chapters before bad news arises. I never knew about the Beatles kids. Interesting.
  8. Good morning, children. Hope everyone had a restful night, and that you're having an easy day. B and T, same to you, but the other way around.
  9. Bill W

    Chapter 12

    Thank you for the wonderful feedback, and it's true. The big family holidays we used to celebrate, even when my kids were younger, got much harder once they grew up. Then we became spread apart, with some of us living in the northeast, southeast, and far west. If you noticed, the grand parents weren't there, either due to health or distance, although the boys and their parents were there.. And once the boys graduate from college and get jobs, there's a good chance they won't be able to have those celebrations any longer, at least until their sons are grown and they're forced to move to the cabin, where they'll be near both sets of parents again.
  10. Thanks for the input. I know personally it's not all crisis focused. All of my recent visits have been checking in, is the medication still doing its job?
  11. I send you blow darts so you can catch Morgan
  12. Paladin

    Chapter 15

    I agree @Cane23 that it would be excruciatingly painful for parents to hear that their son has been sexually abused and even more painful to be in court and see their son being cross examined about what happened to him, especially if in Andre's case he was asked "did you enjoy it?" The police evidence is building up so let's see.
  13. Anton_Cloche

    Chapter 12

    Wow! The whole family on both sides gathers together for Thanksgiving, and a month later for traditional Christmas and New Years celebrations. Not something that's always feasible in any generation, but even more difficult in the last half century (NOT saying we're "over the hill") with work/careers, education, travel, and health all being contributing factors that make such gatherings possible. Thank you @Bill W for this well imagined and written story. (of how remembered, or wished they would be).
  14. Today
  15. Palantir

    Chapter 23

    You love a puzzle don't you. ❓ ❓ - There can't be too many more -
  16. Paladin

    Chapter 15

    I always enjoy reading your comments @Summerabbacat and yes you are being very un-Australian about Tim Tams, even if I am using them as a running joke through these stories. I'm also with you regarding dark and darker chocolate. Yes, this chapter is a "life goes on" break in all that is happening to Chris and Andre. There are possibly ways Ollie's mother can harass without direct confrontation.
  17. Cane23

    Chapter 15

    Hearing the story about Andre's rapist is going to be hurtful for Beau and their parents. How can one parent feel to find out that his child has been abused as young boy and they knew nothing about, didn't prevent it or stopped it. They might feel rage, guilt, pain...luckily there is lot of love in this family to heal the scares of the past.
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