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  2. Luke Past


    I'm always eager to read new chapters of this story. I'd been reading a boxed set on my e-reader for the past four days so I was really pleased to discover several new chapters😁 And they were good too - I liked how the main character got the chance to heal and some closure on his early life. I'm just hoping that we get another chapter in present day where things start to go better for him?
  3. The following is sooo true... “Never take the road less traveled on a Tuesday,” X-Ø added. I chose angry as my emoticon...it is well past time to bring the battle to those who so desperately need it.....nuff said!!!
  4. This neatly sums it up for me as well!!
  5. These folks aren't vindictive much are they? And all Quigley did was tell them he was bringing Phentrom and not deliver. He didn't get paid. I hope In tergalactic Domino's has these guys on call blocking. On the positive side, they didn't know their neighbors and couldn't depend on them. It also leaves nothing to move and a heck of a bigger incentive to leave the bounty hunting business behind him.
  6. drsawzall

    Chapter 13 S2

    Devin's prank was a work of art to say the least...and a new, New Year's tradition has been started with the two families. I have to wonder if both fathers are into college basketball and March Madness... As to looking for treasure, they should consider the following...and to note, some believe some of the missing gold is stored in a cave... Confederate gold - Wikipedia
  7. Bill W

    Chapter 13 S2

    It might be a remote and unpopulated area, but there might be plenty of hungers in the area, since different game is in season at different times. I'm happy to consider any suggestions, though, even if I might find a flaw with them, they might make me think of something else.
  8. I love the wetted bed sheets, but, no, I'm still OK with my "sentence."
  9. Lee Wilson

    Chapter 13 S2

    Yeah, you did a better job. The carrying of the bundles, I was figuring it was a remote, unpopulated area. I'll shut up now. 😄
  10. She might step on a Lego™️ brick 🤔 Space garbage falling to Earth, maybe. Thousands of wetted bet sheets.
  11. Bill W

    Chapter 13 S2

    That's an interesting idea, but I think you forgot a couple of things. First of all, where they find the treasure may be up to 100 miles from where they left their clothes, so if they land and find treasure it might be a little awkward to remove the treasure from the cave at the time. And since those types of birds don't nest on the ground or live in caves, anyone observing them may want to know why they're so interested in a cave and go check it out. They could get to the treasure first, and then our gang will end up with nothing. Not only that, but seeing large birds flying overhead with a bundle of clothes might attract attention as well, so it's better they do the search as something less conspicuous. I think you'll see that I may have thought the situation out and come up with a suitable option - at least I hope the readers agree.
  12. Better hope not. She'll end up becoming a nun and founding a denomination in defiance of the pope. I'm already editing that chapter—don't make Lee rewrite it entirely at this point 😂
  13. All awesome suggestions, truck, shed, hail; none of them large enough to do the damaged deserved. Swimming pool? Too easy to get out of. A sewer? Now that's redundant, a pile of shit falling into an even larger pile of shit?
  14. Religion has always been used to control the masses. It starts at the top: Chiefs, Kings, Elders - call them what you will, and through them, it works its way down to us peasants.
  15. What a disaster--Quigley's home and neighborhood was blasted away by the destroyer End Vision. His friends were killed. They will need to find and create a new and safer, hidden home. Will he seek retribution? Meanwhile, Captain Suoki is looking for Lyoth and Stawren in a borrowed ship and cannot find them. What will he do next?
  16. A big truck or a garden shed possibly??? Falling into a swimming pool or a sewer??? Struck by righteous lightning, bonked by baseball sized hail??? Last but not least, a 60-year sentence to a max security prison???
  17. Lee Wilson

    Chapter 13 S2

    I should have read more comments before I said almost the same thing. Great chapter. It's awesome how the two families remain close even after having been separated for a number of years. As far as the search, couldn't they cover even more ground as eagles or falcons? When they find a cave, land in it and transition back to human, which they'd have to do anyway to take the treasure away. Also, a large bird can go back to where they have their clothes were stashed, carry them in a bundle to the cave, and walk out not being naked. How are wolves going to carry anything?
  18. Aloha, young Al. G'day, asylum residents. Don't forget to take your "sane" pills. Doctors orders. 👨‍⚕️ If you're B and T, I hope it was a great day. Be good.
  19. Oscar is seeing the area sights in detail and adjusting to his new life with his grandparents. It seems he will be seeing the grand reveal of the new prpoerty and underground retreat. It seems lots of money is being spent under the advice and management of his grandparents. Shortly, he will better see its purpose and uses for him and others.
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