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  1. Past hour
  2. After a brief pause, we pick up where we left off. Attack!
  3. He's too naughty, he should learn to be as nice as me!
  4. Well damn..i know he was an assassin but can he catch a break lol .... and brutal but I can imagine it worse; if uve ever seen the medieval torture chambers in Europe ud agree...
  5. Lupus

    Chapter 9

    Danae Naldau, Grand Duchy of Malkania Danae Dannkas nodded approvingly to the maid who had just finished doing her hair. She uttered a polite thank you, then sent the maid on her way, nodding again to her reflection for reassurance. The maid had done a first-rate job, especially remembering that Danae's hair was not the easiest to comb. Shoulder-length blonde hair tended to bend into defiant waves, which required precision and willpower to style into the latest trend in Naldau's high
  6. Today
  7. Don't make me take Surprise hostage...
  8. You're not allowed to use Rowoon against me.
  9. Like Halloween, Brandon and I planned on hosting Thanksgiving dinner for the extended family. This group was quite a bit smaller. The DeMarcos had made other plans, and the kids didn't invite friends. Carson couldn't come down from Boston, either. My parents attended. With only fifteen people, we decided to do it at home after considering, then dismissing, the idea of renting a room and having it catered. Many more people would have caused us to flip that decision. Mason's wife, Murenda, offered
  10. Great chapter. I love the retreat and the new reserve. Oscar seems to be getting alot better.
  11. PLANS Paul loves a naked soldier MAJOR
  12. I know, it is too cute, so it must be a fake. Always trust your gut, yup, it's a fake. Jesse Franks Photography and Creations | Spiders
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