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  2. Well...something has to happen, or it is time to start rooting for the bad guys...how much longer is this foolishness going to continue????
  3. I would thinkConnor has to realize he's dealing with something not of this Earth but he hasn't expressed that in his thoughts and there has to be a connection with the man in black the odd house and M being able to carry him home so why isn't Connor getting it? Before trying any more way to get intimate with M Connor needs to think through what could happen if M get another seizure. I'm thinking possibly Connor trying oral on M and then he gets another seizure and hold Conner so hard that Connor can't extract himself from it.....It would be a good way to go but stilll
  4. Hi Bucket! Spike will get even less sleep. Congratulations on the new job! How have you been doing?
  5. Hey Spike! Sorry to hear about your problem sleeping. How is the machine supposed to help you sleep? I saw a picture of the machine and it looked more like a torture device. I do hope you find something that works for you. Missing sleep and being exhausted for long periods of time does not sound at all good. Take care my friend.
  6. Hi Page! Two great veggies! I love beets, but leeks are one of my favourite ingredients to use. Potato Leek soup is my favourite soup any time of the year.
  7. Talo Segura

    Chapter 5

    “Your stories aren’t boring,” he replied. “I’m enjoying them.” Ditto.
  8. There was a player on one of the teams I played on who had a huge beak. He was a lineman, so he was in the trenches getting down and dirty. It was inevitable. After a rough game, he broke his nose. It was big to start with, and then it began to swell. Taking it in good humor, he said now I have an attack proboscis!
  9. Hey Nick! Glad to here you and your merged personalities are doing well. Aod's hands weren't the only things he used to help me recover...he has other magical parts as well as being a great cook.
  10. Florida has always had a large homeless population. Some areas are worse than others. Surprisingly, though it's not as bad as one would think considering our climate. I know our west coast.. California, Oregon and Washington have huge issues. I recently read that California's homeless population increased to the point where that state alone accounts for almost 30% of the total homeless across the US. Our government will spend billions of dollars on foreign aid before attempting to fix the myriad of problems right in our own backyard. It's sad. As a property manager, I have no choice but to call the Sheriff when we have homeless on our property. Most of the time they move on, but occasionally we do have to trespass someone. It's unfortunate but necessary considering the nature of our business. There is no clear-cut solution if our government insists on fixing the rest of the world before focus on what really should matter. You bring up such a valid point, tim when you suggest doing something.. even if it's as simple as donating directly to a local shelter.
  11. Next couple of months, I need to write some code. That would not make for good reading
  12. Today
  13. I haven't started reading the chapter yet but OMG what you have been going through would rival most peoples ordeals here's wishing that you will get out on the other side happy🤞
  14. Strange, disorienting things are happening. The dog protects M. M keeps having seizures. Connor visited the scary house again and lost consciousness in an odd , dark room. He waked up outside hours later and M found him.They begin to run when a large white ball appears to seek them out. Connor once again passes out and M says he carried Connor to their trailer. He does not believe him but lets it pass. More odd matters--M denies seeing the large white ball. Connor sees M talking to someone but he says he was talking to himself. Connor remembers most of what has tormented him and he spends time over the toilet throwing up. Times passes and Connor finally goes to work. When he comes home he takes a shower and intends to show M there to much more to sex/romance than kissing. His sex dive has become unusually high and he is motivated to sexually play with M. I wonder if both will be pleasantly surprised?
  15. weinerdog

    Chapter 11

    I'm tempted to think that phone call from Alec is about finding out about his mother but I recall his phone call to River in IHTT being different so to me this sounds unrelated to that. About River not giving himself enough personal time he seems to have a full plate of various things going on every day
  16. A small time Dublin thief (we’re never told his name) suddenly finds himself out of his depth. Used to stealing cash and jewels, which he can easily fence and sell on, he now finds that the paintings he stole, from a country house, are a Rembrandt, a Gainborough and two Guardis. How does he sell them, for a good profit, without alerting the police? And the police are becoming more and more interested in him because his alcoholic mother has been loose-lipped around her new friend. This story was originally included in Toibin’s collection Mothers and Sons. In June, 2006, Picador published it as part of their Picador Shots, pocket-sized books containing one story. The premise of this story is interesting, a criminal falls into a personal existential angst because he has stolen paintings he can’t easily sell, and is facing trusting people he doesn’t know. Unfortunately, the excursion of this story just fades away. Toibin spends a lot of time on the thief’s past. At first this is interesting, but when so much space is given over to it, it means we get so little on thief’s present day life. Why is his falling apart? We have little discussion of that, so little time is given to thief’s current relationship with his mother and we’re not even told thief’s wife’s name. What is most disappointing, is the ending. This story doesn’t end as much as it just fades out with an unexpected event, running opposite to the story’s narrative. It felt as Toibin hit his word limit and had to hastily bring this story to an end. The ending was so disappointing that it left a sour taste in my mouth. I wanted to like this story but was disappointed by its poor ending and the way Toibin did not explore his interesting premise. Maybe other stories in Mothers and Sons are better, but I hope this one wasn’t the best. Find it here on Amazon
  17. @akascrubber @chris191070 I love the assessments. I was hoping to make Maddox even more creepy and devious than before. As well as giving some insight into his motivation without giving away too much. Hehe
  18. Maddox is out to cause problems for our boys. Plenty of family love and tickles, when Lev, Greg and Brandon got together.
  19. Lev, Greg and Brandon met and got along wonderfully. It turns out Lev is well able to handle himself phyically plus he is armed and had a gun and crossbow. He is surprising and will not seem so capable to others. They all will need protection. Unknown to them, they have an enemy who wants to torture. fuck and kill them. Maddox, now out of prison, wants revenge on Jaycen and Troy and those they love. Maddox has a new face thanks to plastic surgery and is hired on as a ranch hand to be close to his targets. This is a scary situation. I hope he underestimates Lev and is handled well by him
  20. chris191070

    Chapter 1

  21. chris191070

    Chapter 1

    I love all of these. Thanks for writing these tim x
  22. Written by a sensitive poet, this collection of mixed form poetry brings to life the seasons of nature and our lives.
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