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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. A related question: Why can profile cover photos only be 50kb when banners for blogs and stories can be 2mb? Or am I experiencing a glitch of some kind?
  2. Hey, everyone! On my way home from a concert with my choir. We made a guest appearance at this men’s choir’s 100th anniversary. Their median age is about 70, they’re adorable. They did a Beatles medley. When they got to When I’m 64, they sang, “When I’m sixty—“ stopped and looked at each other, and then changed it to 94. It was great. Not feeling too hot, though, so I snuck out after we’d finished our set. Nearly home where Paul’s waiting with dinner. Oh! And he got a job! So we’re celebrating.
  3. Thorn Wilde

    Just for Fun

    Ah, Kent... Sweet boy. ❤️
  4. Thorn Wilde


    Agreed. And I think everyone, monogamous or not, could learn something from the kind of openness and communication found in good, healthy poly relationships. Thanks for all your input on this story, it's greatly appreciated. ❤️
  5. Thorn Wilde


    It's true, I've been wanting to write a threesome for a while, and with this story I finally had an excuse to, lol! I get how not everyone will be able to relate to Devon. I never understood it and certainly never thought poly relationships would be for me, until I suddenly found myself with both a boyfriend and a girlfriend at the same time. Now I kind of miss having additional partners. It puts you in a different frame of mind. You end up seeing love and relationships and sex a little differently once you reject the idea of monogamy as the only way. For me, it made me appreciate them all the more. Thank you for reading and commenting regardless!
  6. I hope work gets easier for you, molly. Morning, everyone! Cloudy and warm (well, warm for being here) today. Hope you all have a good day!
  7. Been quiet in here today... Hope everyone's doing okay. ❤️ Sorry about the shitty weather, @Fae Briona. Hope it improves. I'm off to bed now. Night!
  8. Thorn Wilde

    I Love You

    Hehe, I like that.
  9. Thorn Wilde


    Devon threw another glance back toward the sofa where Dave still sat. He really was hot. Shame he wasn’t up for anything. Devon scanned the crowd for that guy from before, but couldn’t see him now. Instead, he walked over to Matt, who was just then standing by himself with a glass of wine. Sauntering over, he put his arm around the birthday boy’s shoulders. ‘Hey there, gorgeous,’ he said, with his most winning smile. Matt leaned in and planted a big smooch on Devon’s cheek. ‘Hey yourself
  10. In Devon’s world, love is free and sex is fun. Unfortunately, not everyone shares his openness, which is really inconvenient when he finds himself deeply attracted to a former fling’s boyfriend. Maybe there is a chance, though. After all, things have a tendency to turn out okay in the end for Devon.
  11. See, it was just working for me, I could see them if I refreshed, but now I'm getting just a flash of it and then nothing. It's a really weird and inconsistent bug...
  12. It's on and off. Right now it's working for me. Edit: And refreshing helps when it doesn't. Still a bit annoying, though.
  13. This appears to still be a thing... And yeah, it's happening with story headers, too.
  14. In Neil Gaiman's Sandman universe, people end up where they expect to end up. If you think you've sinned and you believe in heaven and hell, you go to hell. If you believe in reincarnation, you will be reincarnated. If you believe in ancient Egyptian gods, Anubis weighs your heart against a feather on a set of scales. And so on. So all of these things are constructs of human imagination, and that makes them real. I like that thought. Since we're all sharing, I was raised Eastern Orthodox, but by a parent who's very liberal and doesn't believe that God would judge anyone for loving other people. The church she attends has a gay deacon. It's strange and sad that some people interpret scripture through a lens of hate, while others do so through love. Still, I do think my mother struggles with me 'rejecting the way God made me' by being transmasc. Everyone has limits, I guess. I'm personally agnostic. Hehe, we're turning your comment section into a theological discussion, tim.
  15. This reminds me of many other stories about the devil, the idea of the fallen angel Lucifer who was God's favoured son before being cast out. A devil who's not evil, but who's been manipulated by a callous father to serve a purpose in punishing the wicked. There are so many interesting theories and ideas out there on this subject. Yours is one I've never heard of or considered before.
  16. Thorn Wilde

    I Love You

    Thank you for taking the time to read it. Yeah, love can be tricky, and not just the romantic kind either. I'm glad you enjoyed my poem. ❤️
  17. Thorn Wilde

    I Love You

    Thank you. Hehe, my ham-fisted attempt at an oxymoron. And I've always been skeptical of forever... Feels kind of like a jinx, you know?
  18. Thorn Wilde

    I Love You

    The heart wants what the heart wants, that's for sure. Thank you.
  19. Thorn Wilde

    I Love You

    it means rainbows sunshine after the storm has passed it also means the storm weather it, i promise it won’t last it means starry skies and moon bright nights and also blizzards, snowstorms fairy lights it means falling endlessly but still hitting the ground it means swimming for your life when no dry land can be found it means light and dark, night and day it means boiling sleet and freezing rain it means always and it me
  20. This was really interesting and different. You've given me a lot to think about... Thank you.
  21. I'm lactose intolerant. I do have friends who are allergic to milk protein, but they all have severe gastro-intestinal symptoms similar to celiac disease. I don't. (The throwing up is because of phlegm and cough, often it's just dry-heaving.) Not gonna rule anything out before talking to my doctor, though. My GP is anything but dismissive. She's a wonderful human who really takes care of her patients. Which would be why she's so popular and why I still go to her even though I don't live anywhere near her practice anymore. She'll take me seriously.
  22. Morning, DiC! Hope you all have a good day. I have to drag my ass to choir practice tonight, as we have a gig tomorrow and I've got a solo. I epically don't want to, I still feel very ill (though I'm marginally better), but them's the breaks. Take care, all!
  23. It’s not gluten. Often, things like bread, salted biscuits and so on are the only things I can eat without feeling sick, so... I’m going next Tuesday. I talked to my mum today, and she and my aunt both have this thyroid thing. I got tested for it a few years back, but might be worth testing again. So gonna start by asking my doctor about that.
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