He did say he took business courses in college so at least he has an idea of how the entertainment world works. Too many aspiring young performers are clueless and get taken advantage of
In today's environment lawyering up is a requirement for anyone with even the slightest possibility of facing litigation. Chipper's lucky he has Ethan to guide him through the legal stuff.
“The offer’s legitimate.” Miles Abramonov handed Chipper and Ethan fresh Corona bottles and joined them at the poolside table. His wife had taken their kids inside to allow the men to discuss business without distractions.
Chipper adjusted the towel around his shoulders. As the sun raced toward the horizon, the temperature had dipped. “So what’s the next step?”
“Nothing right now.” Following a joint workout first thing in the morning, Ethan spent a couple of hours in the office while
I think a lot of writers would love to have their fictional characters appear. Pat may not be part of that group. Well written and entertaining. Good job, my friend. (I was expecting 15k word or more LOL)
You don't even know this, but I toyed with the idea of a romp between the four. What I felt like writing might not have fit in with GA's community standards, though. Y'all can let your imaginations run wild.
Jennifer Hudson didn't win either and she's done okay for herself.
Even though the story's written and edited, I revisit each chapter the day before it posts. So far I've tinkered with all of them. A missing word or comma, word repetition echoes, and other small stuff like that. It would be easy to change the name announced at the end of the last chapter. I made sure not to mention The Voice when the reporters were sharing Squad micro-biographies during CJ's inauguration.