I'm fairly certain if it was within King Wyhrem's ability to do so, he'd take Kandric over his knee and give him a mother of a thrashing lol. He's certainly frustrated enough with him to try.
I'm going to need to fully digest this whole "chapter" and maybe read through it again before I can give my thoughts on it, but on the first read through I enjoyed it quite a lot. It answered some questions, but I feel like a whole bunch more were added to the pile that it's difficult to list them all lol.
At this point I have no idea what Echelon Kandric and his brothers are supposed to be in. Between all the dragon and demon giftings they keep racking up. Honestly the Greens might want to stick with their revealed stealth strategy cause being an enemy dragon around any of these brothers is a death sentence. Even Connor's getting in on killing Royal dragons now.
I do find it interesting that the only things that can humble Kandric at this point are some of his scarier spirit Teachers, Glaster, Seldnat and Syrissia. I would add Mathard, but he's not as good at knocking Kandric on his back foot as the aforementioned others. If the buildup is any indication, I think King Wyhrem may soon be joining the ranks of people that make kandric check his ego at the door lol.
I actually think him having to deal with that Garm girl might have been something of a reality check to Kandric now that I think about it. She is something of a mirror of what Kandric could have been had he not been trained properly. Even now, he plays a very dangerous game of getting too enamored with his own power. It is good that he has instructors in the spirit realms which can soundly knock him down a peg when he needs it.
Also, Afterdusk has the voice of Abridged Alucard in my head. If you know who that is, you're welcome, you now can imagine him with that voice as well.
There are some theories and lore and stuff I could go into, but I'll need to read through this again to really parse out my thoughts on the mysteries, such as what actually happened in Bloody Rock and how many green dragon infiltrators the King may have on his hands. Suffice to say, I thoroughly enjoyed my first readthrough and will most definitely be reading it again.