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Josh Aterovis

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    Maryland, USA
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    Theater, writing, art

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  1. Josh Aterovis

    Chapter 23

    Yeah, I was still a kid myself when I wrote it back in 1999! I've definitely evolved!
  2. Josh Aterovis

    Chapter 23

    Oh my gosh @Jace Ferver, I love that you were able to compare side-by-side, so to speak. Was your copy the 2001 printing or one of the later ones? And thank you so much! That means a lot. I'm both looking forward to and dreading Reap the Whirlwind because I think that's probably the book I've touched the least over the years and I know I've changed a LOT since I wrote it, both as a writer and as a person. I often hear that it's people's favorites, so I'm always afraid to change it too much, but I also feel very distant from it at this point. I think I would approach the story very differently now, so it will be a challenge to find the right balance. I'm glad you're along for the ride!
  3. Josh Aterovis

    Chapter 23

    Thank you! You haven't seen the last of Jake...
  4. Josh Aterovis

    Chapter 23

    Thank you, Ken! I've had a family emergency that has set me back a bit, but there is more coming, I promise.
  5. Josh Aterovis

    Chapter 23

    Hey, Steve! Thank so much for this. It's great to hear from someone who has read all the various versions. Some of this ending was inspired by a screenplay I co-wrote with a dear friend and filmmaker that unfortunately never got made into a feature, but there was some really great stuff that I thought worked really well so incorporated bits and pieces. I'm definitely proud of that first version, too. It'll always hold a special place in my heart as the one that started my writing career. Thanks again!
  6. Josh Aterovis

    Chapter 6

    Thank you for reading! And for your thoughtful comments. ❤️
  7. Josh Aterovis

    Chapter 3

    Thank you!
  8. Josh Aterovis

    Chapter 23

    Thank you, @Philippe!
  9. Josh Aterovis

    Chapter 23

    They are written but I'm doing a LOT of rewriting as I'm posting. You do learn a bit more about the gifts throughout the books. It's a slow process though. As a few of you have noted, Killian can be a bit stubborn...
  10. Josh Aterovis

    Chapter 23

    I think it is! That's why I chose it. I'm watching Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated right now with my partner. It's a lovely throwback to one of my childhood favorites!
  11. Josh Aterovis

    Chapter 23

    Thank you so much! I always looked forward to your comments with each chapter! And I think chronological was the winner. Next up is Adam's backstory, a short two or three chapter tale. All I'll say about Killian's driving is you'll especially enjoy the start of the third Killian novel, All Lost Things. 😂 Stay tuned!
  12. Josh Aterovis

    Chapter 23

    Yeah, I agree that Todd is as much a victim as he is a villain. He was made a monster. His character makes me more sad than anything these days. This isn't the last you see of Jake. That's all I'll say for now... Thank you so much. That means a lot. And thank you for your feedback. I think I'll go with the chronological order, which means the next story will be Adam's backstory...
  13. Josh Aterovis

    Chapter 23

    Thank you for going on this adventure with me!
  14. Josh Aterovis

    Chapter 23

    Hmm, yes. Good point!
  15. Josh Aterovis

    Chapter 8

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