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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. I like the new name, Mike. I've changed my name from tlwritinger to TL The Writing Tiger to Tiger, so I can sometimes see the reason for a name change.
  2. My best friend when I was younger was Josh. I never fell in love with him, but I did want to fool around a little and there was a little of that. Anyway, I guess that puts me into the minority.
  3. Ben, we all know he likes to downplay his evil cliffhangers. He always has.
  4. I've read the first five chapters of DoH. I'm probably going to read more today. I am taking a break from writing for a little while as I need some time to recharge my creative flow, so it's a perfect time to read. I have heard about the ending. Still, just from what I have read of Rich Boy, dkstories is quite capable of evil cliffhangers. However, I have yet to see him surpass C James. I will no reveal that my vote was for "Yes".
  5. Celia, there are Smarties in the US. They're quite popular among children.
  6. Steve (wildone) had the idea of calling C James the "Sovereign Emperor of Evil Cliffhangers for Life". This poll is designed for people to vote upon dubbing C James with this title. Added: I will vote later.
  7. Well, unless Steve can somehow top CJ's evil cliffhanging mastery, I do think the title is worth consideration.
  8. CJ, he was copy/pasting what you posted at the end of the chapter. Since the last several chapters (I've lost count) have ended with evil cliffhangers, it is now becoming expected. Only one other author on GA (sorry Steve not you) has ever had so many evil cliffhangers in succession, and yours are much more devious than his. Why don't you just admit that you are, and will always be, the undisputed King of Evil Cliffhangers. We all know you are the only one truly worthy of the title.
  9. Today, I took my friend, Lori, to the bus stop. I have known her for over six years now, and she has decided to move to California. She had been in a relationship with my cousin for a while. Anyway, it was not going well and she decided it was time to pack her bags and move for good. Personally, I don't hold it against her, though some might think I would. She is doing what she had to do for herself. It seems that she has had enough of being miserable. In her situations, I'm sure I would have done the same. I wish her all the best, and I hope she enjoys her life. Still, I'm going to miss her more than I thought I would. Isn't it weird that we can't even admit to ourselves what a person means to us until they're gone? I know that's terrible, but it's the truth. I have been thinking about my own life as well. At some point, I would like nothing more than to do the same thing. I need a fresh start in my life. I certainly wouldn't mind hopping on a bus and getting as far away as possible.
  10. I like your avatar a lot. I love the facial hair especially too. Did I mention that you're hot?
  11. 1. My avatar is a tiger, one of my favorite creatures and also my screen name. 2. I chose it because I am fond of tigers as they are magnificent creatures, powerful ambush predators who can take down animals twice their size. They're also beautiful and majestic. I like to think I have some of their attributes as well.
  12. Welcome to the forums. I hope your health is improving and that you don't have to spend any more time in the hospital.
  13. It really does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that the chances of survival are slim to none. I suppose we'll just have to wait and find out.
  14. I will have to remember that if and when I visit France. Are there any other foods you suggest in France?
  15. I'll take your word for it. I don't know if I could ever eat them. I'm sure they taste good. I just can't get past what they are.
  16. There's an Italian dish I am not even about to try. It's cheese that has maggots in it. It's only a certain part of Italy, but I think there are Italian foods that are much more palatable. Thus, not all foreign cuisine is something of interest. I also have no intention of eating escargots.
  17. Not having kids is actually a disadvantage. I really want to have children someday. I know it can be done, but finding a good womb donor one can trust is certainly not an easy task. I do consider adoption a good alternative, but some states don't allow it.
  18. I once tried an authentic Pakistani dish called a kebab. Those are really good. They're actually widespread across the Middle East. The Mediterranean, and parts of Africa. They're delicious, and I highly recommend them. The variety I tried was beef.
  19. That sounds like a plan, but do not forget how much CJ loves irony.
  20. Happy birthday, Greg. I hope you're having a good one.
  21. Your shyness makes you even cuter, Niels.
  22. I just think you're hot. I'd get banned if I said anything more.
  23. It's official. You're making me drool, Niels.
  24. Yes, they are. There's a reason why he has the title. They are the most evil of all cliffhangers. I think her judgment is clouded by her own farm animals. Thus she has sympathy for mutant goats along with their more domestic counterparts.
  25. His thing probably didn't smell very good after that.
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