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Story Series

Series Must Contain 2 Stories to be viewed in the Browse by Series list
  1. Out-Numbered

    Two tales about Dracula. Only not quite as you might imagine them...

  2. Tales From the Sauna

  3. WRECK

    A series about "mages" called Wanderers and Idlers who travel through dimensions. A fusion of Sci-fi and Fantasy.

  4. The Life Series

  5. Giants

  6. The Thinning Veil

    The world is a far older and a far more mysterious place than any of us could possibly imagine. Some things we have relegated to legend or mythology and do not count as history. But, how often, even in modern times, does history become legend; the legends of World War II for example? Quite often it would seem. So, what other legends are there that we hold that may be based in truth? Moira O’Brien found the answer to one of these legends that was in fact true. This volume recounts what she found.

  7. The Rhino and the Mouse

  8. Kyle and Kodi

  9. Summer Premium Anthology

  10. The Albert Cummings Mysteries

    His stories go from the bizarre to the transcendent. Detective Albert Cummings’ cases were anything but ordinary. Some of these stories are compiled here in this volume.

  11. MyPinnedPrompts

  12. W.T.F.

    A collection of short stories featuring a group of friends who between them cover gay, tv, bi and straight points of view - there's even a confessed 'adventurer' and a drag queen. We see our drag queen go from first gig to a possible new relationship, our sad tv finds fun with an adventurer and our straight protagonist, to mis-quote Lou Reed, takes a brief walk on the wild side.

    Welcome to What The Fuck!

  13. Jake's Hand

  14. Well Groomed

    Collection of Voltron: Legendary Defenderfanfics, set pre canon and pre-kerberos, featuring Shiro and Keith falling very gently in love.

    Series Complete (6 works)

  15. Harry Potter and the Tri-Fold Prophecy

  16. Generations

  17. Bye, Brother

  18. The Sole Scion Cycle: Second Cycle of the Centurion Chronicles

  19. Underneath This Big Ol’ Sky

  20. Oakfield

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