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Story Series

Series Must Contain 2 Stories to be viewed in the Browse by Series list
  1. The Mantis Gland

    Superheroes are real, but their powers can be stolen if you eat their brains.

  2. Sparkle

    A historical vampire anthology, with each part telling the story of a different main character until they fight the ultimate evil together. I stole part of this summary from @Hudson Bartholomew 's critique.

  3. Ink Boys

  4. Generations

  5. MyPinnedPrompts

  6. Working It Out

  7. Vega-5

  8. The Fragmented

  9. Carthera Takeover Tales

  10. Moorpark Palms

  11. Confounded

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    Waiting for the Sign

    A romp through the sports and acting worlds with the twists and turns of living in the public eye.

  12. Fire Prompts

    The unlikely friendship between a firefighter and a fire extinguisher which has some unexpected abilities and quirks.

  13. Doorways

  14. Splash Trilogy

  15. Las Vegas Trilogy

  16. Black Sheep

  17. High School Sports Series

  18. My Jump Off

  19. Bye, Brother

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