The Brotherhood - Stories
The Brotherhood
Follow Jacob as he heads off to begin his academic career as a freshman at Kingsland University. Although KU is one of the country's most prestigious institutions for higher learning, a school where many of the world's elite send their sons and daughter, it was not why Jacob picked Kingsland. Like many of the young men attending KU for the first time, his sole desire, above all else, was to become a member of The Brotherhood.
- The Writer X
- Author
- Last Updated
- 2 Books
- 533,933 Words
- 3 Reviews
The Brotherhood 1. The Brotherhood Complete
By The Writer X, in Fiction. 08/10/2011 (Updated: 03/20/2013)
The Brotherhood: Awakening Book II 2. The Brotherhood In Process
By The Writer X, in Fiction. 09/25/2022 (Updated: 01/01/2025)