The Legend of the Red Star - Stories
The Legend of the Red Star
The world of my story 'The Legend of the Red Star' and the stories related to it.
- Lupus
- Author
- Last Updated
- 0 Series
- 3 Stories
- 162,587 Words
- 0 Reviews
- World Building Link: --
The Blue Moon 2. The Legend of the Red Star The Legend of the Red Star In Process
By Lupus, in Fiction. 09/26/2024 (Updated: 12/13/2024)
The Shadowy Path 1. The Legend of the Red Star The Legend of the Red Star Complete
By Lupus, in Fiction. 03/04/2024 (Updated: 09/05/2024)
The World of the Legend of the Red Star The Legend of the Red Star Temporary Hold
By Lupus, in World Building. 07/20/2024 (Updated: 07/20/2024)