Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Gordy Comes Home - 8. Chapter 8
Into the third game they were tied. Billiards championship and appropriate bragging rights were on the line.
They had dropped Joe Don off and finished shopping. By the time they returned to the ranch a light snow had begun to fall. Before dinner the ground was turning white and snow was falling much heavier.
After dinner, Mr. Grant had gone to the library to work. John and Wylie had moved into the den to watch television. Becoming bored, Wylie challenged John to a game of pool. At the first break Mr. Grant came in to say goodnight. After the first game Wylie switched from beer to whisky. John followed suit. Third game saw a definite slowing in the action. Speech was beginning to become an issue for both. They had convinced themselves the other was drunk enough.
A casual observer might have questioned how such little alcohol, consumed over that period of time, could have such a strong impact on two physically fit young men. The blood alcohol content was actually; just enough to keep a pleasant glow.
The final act was when Wylie bounced the cue ball off the table and across the floor. By unanimous agreement, it was decided the championship would be continued another day.
Both now staggering, they took their drinks and went to check on the snow. John switched on the outside floodlights and was dazzled by the reflection. He was about to challenge Wylie to a snowball fight when Wylie slurred, “I gotta go to bed and pee.”
John chuckled, “You mean; you got to pee and then go to bed. You do it in your sequence and you’ll find yourself sleeping in the barn. Come on cowboy, let’s go to bed.”
John stumbled, a little as he moved to turn out the floodlights. His lucid remarks had slipped out without a slur. He needed to make amends and appear as intoxicated as Wylie. John admitted to himself, being in bed with Wylie, even a wet bed, was far better than any outdoor activity.
Together they staggered naked into the John’s bathroom and giggled, like little boys, as their streams crossed. Wylie pulled away and reentered the bedroom. Stepping onto the cushioned blanket chest, at the foot of the bed he launched himself to fall, face first; sprawling across the bed.
John stood there admiring the view. For the first time, he could see Wylie’s pucker. He left the bathroom light on. Wylie’s magnificent gluts flexed, causing his pucker to wink at John. All this, seemed to John a Royal Invitation. It didn’t take John long to R.S.V.P. Kneeling on the blanket chest he too, let himself also fall face first onto the bed. His face landed between gently on Wylie’s muscled ass.
A low moan encouraged him.
This was virgin territory for both men.
John caressed, nibbled and licked both cheeks. Pulling the cheeks apart, he saw the pretty pucker before him.
His was overwhelmed.
Now he knew what an explorer felt in that “Eureka!” moment. He had arrived; where no man had gone before. His heart raced and his cock throbbed.
Wylie invited and encouraged John with a flex of his muscular ass.
The smell was a heady aroma of Wylie. Definitely, not the scent John had assumed he would find. In fact this was different. John knew it was the essence of Wylie. He inhaled deeply. He thrilled as that essence became a part of him. He pursed his lips and exhaled the breath he had just taken. He leaned in closely and blew that warmth against Wylie’s rosebud. John had seen this act on the internet. Wylie shuddered and moaned. John almost giggled when Wylie reacted just like the porno queen.
Tentatively, with the very tip of his tongue, he tasted that beautiful rosebud. That first tentative touch sent a shiver up Wylie’s spine. John could feel goose bumps as they formed on Wylie’s skin. He withdrew his tongue to investigate the taste; …. slightly musty…. sweaty…. almost…. spicy. Enticing. The intimacy made the taste intoxicating and instantly addictive.
John wanted... NO!... John needed more.
Wylie groaned his encouraging approval.
Both frosted with frustration at not being allowed to speak.
Wylie wanted to tell John how good it felt. If he spoke, it would mean this could be the last time. He wanted more of this. He guarded his moans, afraid they would meld into words of passion and love.
For John? His tongue was too involved to consider talk. John charged in, trying to fuck Wylie with his tongue. He was delighted to find Wylie’s balls lying in a most suckable position. Wylie’s moans rewarded all John’s activities. John moved his tongue into Wylie’s ass again.
Wylie lifted his ass in an attempt to further impale himself on John’s tongue.
John stretched his arms, worked his fingers until they were tweaking Wylie’s nipples.
The throatiness of Wylie’s moans vibrated, even to his ass. Wylie raised slightly on his elbows to accommodate John’s efforts. His pucker opened and John’s tongue felt the ring move along it’s length. He marveled at the grip.John pulled back and in a single motion stepped off the bed and retrieved a bottle of lotion from a bedside drawer.
His tongue was home before Wylie could finish whining a complaint. It occurred to John that if this lotion didn’t work he would soon be tasting it. Right now, he preferred the flavor of Wylie’s ass, to just about anything. If he couldn’t fuck him, he would definitely be tonguing his ass again...Tonight!!
He hoped the taste of the lotion wouldn’t mask the flavor of Wylie. A flavor, he had already come to relish. John poured lotion into his left hand and slathered it on his right index finger. He made sure the finger was lubed and the lube was warm.
He tongued Wylie’s hole again. Wylie was once again in pleasured agony.
John’s finger replaced his tongue. With no complaints; ….he pushed in a little further. .
A little further...
He struck Wylie’s prostate. Wylie jerked up on his fingertips. His ass clamped tight and moaned with abandon.
John was shocked at Wylie’s reaction. He would have extracted his finger, but it was held in a death grip.
John froze.
Wylie relaxed and let his head rest on his folded forearms and cooed like a new born.
John freed his finger, applied more lube and went in again. He imagined his cock going into that tight little hole. His cock throbbed and drooled precum. It would be easy to cum now, without even touching his cock. John dropped the thought!
John pulled his finger out again. Wylie whined his complaint. A well lubed finger back in his ass stopped the complaints and renewed the cooing.
John touched Wylie’s prostate. Wylie pushed his ass back onto John’s finger, demanding more. John always was a quick study. His brain flashed the thought; action and reaction.
John purposefully stroked Wylie’s love nut. Wylie jerked up on his knees! His hands pulled his cheeks apart. Inviting… encouraging…. Demanding…. More!
Only when John withdrew to apply lube, did he lower himself onto his hands. His whines ceased. His cooing continued as he waited for John’s finger to come home.
John’s lubed finger hurried home.
John knew he had to open up Wylie’s ass. He doubted he could get his cock in without damage to Wylie’s ass or maybe damaging his own cock. Excitedly, he lubed up his middle finger and slowly forced it to join his index finger. Wylie accepted the new invader.
Soon the moaning grew louder.
John was impatient.
Lubing up his ring finger he sent it to meet it’s brothers. Wylie’s head bounced between the pillow and a fully arched position above his shoulders.
He was perched either on his elbows or on his fingertips. No matter how his upper body moved. His ass was on John’s fingers. Wylie only moved his ass to drive John’s fingers deeper.
Three times John extracted his fingers; lubed and reentered. Wylie was writhing. Wylie was gasping for air. His moans filled the room.
John forced himself to concentrate. Fearful he would cum and his one chance would pass. His own cock was leaking precum like Pavlov’s dog had drooled at the mere hint of food. Slowly, he twisted his fingers. Making a conscious effort to relax and expand the entrance. After the third insertion, he came to his knees and scooted closer to Wylie’s ass. Clumsily he applied more lube to his still inserted fingers and Wylie’s asshole. Carefully, John applied what he hoped was an excessive amount of lube to his cock. His well lubed fingers worked until Wylie was writhing and moaning loudly again.
Wylie was at the edge of insanity! He wanted… more! He refused to consider what “more” was.
John extracted his fingers and in the same motion inserted his cockhead.
Wylie froze!
John froze in response.
Afraid to push in; afraid to pull out. The grip on his cock was unbelievably tight.
Wylie was not pulling away…. neither was he pushing back.
John extended himself so he was lying on Wylie’s back. He began kissing the back of Wylie’s neck. It was now his turn to make cooing, comforting sounds. He caressed his lovers body. He used his right hand to reinvigorate Wylie’s deflated manhood. While his left stroked Wylie’s hairy chest. When his fingertips brushed Wylie’s nipple, John felt Wylie’s cock surge toward revival. He pinched the nipple.
Wylie pushed his ass back…. a little. Encouraged; John pushed in…. a little.
Wylie was writhing and John was afraid he would cum and his one chance would pass.
For Wylie’s part, insertion, however slight brought him from writhing with his head on a pillow to torso suspended on fingertips, in a flash. The pain he felt had been intense but momentary. His first thought was to pull away from the pain; run and don’t look back. This was John...
Wylie’s leaking cock began to soften. He had a decision to make...
Would it get worse with more dick?
Would it get better?
The dick was John’s. Pulling away was rejecting John.
The point was moot, he had been fucked. HE HAD BEEN FUCKED!
No more than a girl could say she was ‘only a little bit pregnant‘ Wylie, could not now say, he, “hadn‘t been fucked”.All these thoughts took only an instant. In that instant the pain lessened.
Wylie felt John’s hairy chest lay upon his back. He heard soft comforting sounds. Tender lips kissed the back of his neck, sending tingles down is spine. Softly, hands caressed and hugged him. Fingers danced through the hair on his chest. Fingertips lightly grazed his nipples. Those same fingertips tugged, tweaked and pinched.
Currents tore from his nipples to his cock. A hand encircled and stroked his cock. It Moved the foreskin lightly away from and back over his glans. The hand on his nipple moved to his balls, never loosing contact with his skin. That hand fondled, caressed and squeezed ever so lightly.
He gasped! Blood rushed to his head. His pulse pounded in his brain. He…. Gasp…. Wanted…. Gasp…. This… gasp…. MORE!
Somewhere under the reinvigorated passion; Wylie knew…. Even as his cock swelled…. He knew. Even as his asshole spasmed around John’s hard as steel manhood…. He knew. Even as his breath, again, became ragged. Even as his own pulse echoed in his brain…. He knew.
.John; with every touch,…every kiss… every stroke…. John was saying,…. “I love you, Wylie.”
Not in words. In all the little ways; a caress…. a kiss…. an intimate touch. The ways a lover says and in turn is understood. John said… “I LOVE YOU!”
Wylie’s choice was made. He pushed back exploring with his ass.
John slowly advanced. Slowly, John invaded Wylie’s ass. Twice he pulled out to apply lube. Each time his well lubed fingers stroked Wylie’s love nut. He wanted Wylie enjoying this, if possible, as much as he.
He had to concentrate. “Don’t Cum!
It only got better!
Not cumming became more of a challenge. The further he slid in; the harder it was not to let his desires take control and just…. “Fuck that Ass!” He fought his desires, with the only weapon he had….. THIS WAS WYLIE!Suddenly, not cumming became less of a challenge. The threat diminished even a little more once he was balls deep.
Another deterrent to cumming; it kept getting BETTER!!
Cautiously, John pulled back…. and pushed in…. a little. A little…. More. And a little…. More.
His cockhead bumped Wylie’s prostate. Wylie’s shuddered and moaned.
Out…. In… out… in.
Out… in…. out….in.
He angled his cock to stroke along Wylie’s love nut.
An electric charge coursed throughout Wylie’s body. His breathing… erratic… His pulse…. pounding.
Every nerve in his body was… alive! Never! … Never… had he been so turned on… so ALIVE!
John was … John was…
Wylie’s thoughts were melted by the heated passion centered in his ass. Blindly he surrendered to the…. To his overwhelming need!
Need… to… be…fucked… by…. John!
Mindless of the fact that his ass, slamming to meet John’s thrusts, punctuated his thoughts. He pushed and pulled his ass along the length of John’s cock. He was fucking John’s cock!
The electric current surged with each push back… ebbed with each …. Pull away. At it’s lowest…. Greater… than… anything…. Ever!
John felt the shift in Wylie. Tentative…. Shifted… Into…. DEMANDING!
Both; now lost in that age old rhythm. This was at once familiar and foreign. In and out…. Lover and loved…. In and out…. Loved and Lover. Together united by need, fueled by passion. In and out…. Loved and Lover…. In and out.
The rhythm increased; gradually building the tempo. Passions enflamed; inciting a frenzy neither had ever felt.
Hesitantly, tremulously they joined in the dance. Like any new partners; familiarity gave them confidence. There movements became more practiced, more fluid. More as one.
Together they danced. The beat increasing as they moved. Faster now, the beat shifted from a waltz to a frenetic flamenco.
Thrashing a flailing Wylie felt the entire length of John’s cock as faster and faster it explored his depths.
John was long dicking Wylie’s ass.
Wylie found a semi-crouched position where John’s cock rubbed his magic spot with each movement…. In…. and …out.
The Pain was all but a memory now. The rhythm was steadily building.
The long strokes, just as long, came quicker.
John marveled in the velvety iron grip. No pussy, no fingers, not even Wylie’s lips ever gripped him like this.
He had to!… Oomph!…. Do this….. Oomph!…. AGAIN!
His cock throbbed without mercy. Ultra sensitive… he could feel his cock releasing pre-cum as he had never known. Still…
It kept getting better.
He fell into a rhythm where the ring of Wylie’s ass caressed the length of his cock. On the out strokes he had to exert tremendous control as that velvet ring gripped his corona. Slowly; but with determination, he increased the rhythm.
Wylie’s moans picked up, punctuated by his gasping for air. He raised his body on all fours.
John was pounding now, his own graveled groans and ragged breath joining Wylie’s near howls of tormented pleasure.
Insanity took Wylie. Thrashing! Flailing! His throat, hoarse and dry from sucking air produced sounds he had never made. He met each thrust with an equal force.
In total abandon the slap of flesh on flesh, echoed throughout the room. That frenzied sound was familiar to both.
This was beyond anything either had experienced. And...
it kept getting better!
All conscious thought was abandoned, left behind. Their minds focused on the promise of even …greater…. ecstasy.
Their bodies fought with flesh to become one. Together their rhythm built toward a magnificent crescendo. John felt his cum building throughout his body. His entire life-force was to be given to Wylie in this one Magnificent coupling. He would give it with a lover‘s abandon.
His nuts drew up with such sudden force it was almost painful.
Wylie was mumbling incoherently, writhing in an almost epileptic seizure.
Wylie’s ass grabbed his dick even tighter.
His cum being pulled from him. His cock swelled; answering the choking grip of Wylie’s magnificent wonderment.
He pounded feverishly faster. Driven by sensations his mind could no longer process.
As Wylie’s ass sucked his cock and demanded his cum, he nuts jump in reply.
Blinded by a SURGE that ripped from his nuts. Pushed by the SURGE, his cum forced it’s way to his cock.
While the SURGE rippled throughout his entire body.
He was!… He…. Was…. He…
!!!!! CUMMMMMING !!!!!
Wylie grabbed his own cock for the first time tonight. Frantically he began stroking so as to elevate or alleviate this celestial agony. His ass clenched in spasms. His balls drew up, becoming a target for John’s balls. The light flashes of pain fed the already overwhelming sensations.
Wylie entire body…. FLAMED!
His cock swelled larger than ever. His foreskin was stretched painfully taut, away from his cockhead.
This pain too added to the madness that had already taken him. He fisted his cock.
Unconsciously trying to synchronize his strokes to match the firery pleasures coming from his ass.
Trying… to match the majesty…. Trying… to prolong this celestial bliss….. Trying….
to elevate it into a time and place of absolute ONENESS!
Wylie’s fisting and John’s pounding became ONE!
Wylie's Cum ripped from his balls and spit forth with such force he would later recall actually hearing himself cum. His cum pushed against the inside walls of his cock. Forcing his cock to swell even larger.
The first volley tsunamied inside his shaft as it pushed for escape. It burst free in a blinding sensation. Release and…
!!!!!!!!! ECSTACY !!!!!!!!!!
Wylie blacked out; for an instant. Unaware; his cum painted the bedspread.
John’s own cock painted the walls of Wylie’s ass.
Wylie collapsed.
John followed him down.
They were too drained to do anything but gasp for air. Their ragged breathing drowned out everything except their need to re-oxygenate their exhausted flesh.
Slowly, gently, John withdrew his softening cock with an audible “plop”. He fell on his back alongside Wylie.
Wylie resented the emptiness their physical separation, had left. He knew that John had moved to allow him to gasp for breath more easily. His gratitude challenged his sense of emptiness. Cautiously; Wylie rolled over on his back. He realized there was only a tingling from his ass. That, and a vacancy.
John rolled onto his side to see Wylie.
Wylie rolled to see John.
They didn’t touch. They still needed air.
Afterglow came unhurriedly. It built as they stared into each other‘s eyes. Even as their breath came heavily. It built as they, slowly but surely, recovered. It built until at last it radiated from each in; warmth, tenderness and intimacy.
This.. This.. This had not been sex. This had been beyond SEX!
It.. It.. It was new and frightening.
Frightening in it’s intensity and raw vulnerability.
They searched each other’s eyes; seeking and finding reassurance. Finding love.
This afterglow was stronger than the physical coupling. The physical coupling had give birth to this. This had grown to be so much more. So much more than either could fully comprehend.
Neither moved. Neither wanted to. They wanted to hold onto this.. This.. This moment.
Silently; in the dim light from the bathroom, their eyes spoke volumes. Neither resented their “pact of silence” at this moment, words could not express the overwhelming emotion. It glowed in their eyes. Words would be blasphemy.
Gently Wylie raised his fingers to caress John’s face. John took Wylie’s hand and gently kissed each fingertip.
He slowly pulled Wylie’s face to his and kissed him gently. The kiss was tender, it was unhurried, it was sweet.
Both; wished only to prolong the intimacy with this; simple, singular, yet still intimate act. It was a bridge between the intensity of their passion and the sincerity of the love they shared.
The kiss held for a long moment.
When it broke neither pulled away. They stayed; kissing close. The air they breathed was common to both. Each fully aware; his breath was shared with his lover. That knowledge drew them; even closer, even deeper, even more in love.
Eventually John twisted his head toward the bathroom. Understanding; Wylie got out of bed and moved toward the bathroom and a much welcomed shower.
He was pleasantly surprised to feel John take his hand. He returned the gentle grip. Together they washed themselves and each other. Still deep within the silence that for once was welcomed.
John turned out the light when, together they left the bathroom. Physical contact was broken only when they moved to opposite sides of the bed.
In bed they entwined their arms and legs. Their movements slow and deliberate settling at last in positions that would allow them to comfortably hold and hold onto each other.
A simple, warm goodnight kiss; and Morpheus took them gently to their rest.
The next morning found them in the same positions. John got up. Without thinking, he completed his ablutions and headed downstairs to start breakfast.
He couldn’t embrace, as a whole, the wonder that last night had left in his heart. Each passing moment had him restraining himself from running to Wylie. He wanted to confess his boundless and eternal love.
He wanted them to search for last night. To find again the perfection, they had known. He wanted to share again with his LOVE the ONENESS!
Even now! His heart leapt so that he put his hand to his chest. He simply wanted to feel the happy pounding.
His hand fell as again he felt the restraint. His pulse slowed. He breathed. Unaware that his breath had caught in his chest, as he had considered the ONENESS.
The thought came unbidden how could; Anyone, Anyone make such love and not; talk about it.
The greatest sex! In the history of sex. And never talk about it.
Joy slipped quietly and quickly to frustration.
Frustration slipped into anger.
He slammed the skillet onto the stove so hard he was surprised that nothing broke. A groan drew his attention. He turned to find Wylie clutching his head.
“Are you alright?” John asked and knew he was making a plea, ‘tell me I didn’t hurt you’.
Wylie met John’s worried gaze, with a slight smile, “I would be if you didn’t have to make such a racket. Can’t a man suffer in peace around here?”
John turned his head abruptly away from Wylie. His head turned for two reasons;
First; had he not, he would have run to Wylie and held him forever.
Secondly; he turned so Wylie could not see him fighting back tears of joy.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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