Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Chasing the Shadows - 2. Chapter 2
Shade slipped into the shadows, flying high above the city lights. As irritated as he was, he wanted to avoid contact with everyone right now, Humans, Vampires…absolutely everyone! If he could, he would even avoid the shadows too.
The darkness didn’t comfort him like it usually did. Since that was out of the question, he just stuck to areas far out of reach from the bright electric streetlights below, and continued to search the night, alone.
Most of the Vamps had already fed for the night, which meant that they were off doing the kinds of stuff that normal Humans do. Most of the Vampires today hold down jobs, take night classes, party with friends, and even go to the movies. Most of them do those, everyday kind of things to help them try to fit into the Human world…well, most of them did!
Unfortunately, when it came to outlaws, they don’t like to follow the rules of society, because they just don’t like to fit in. They were the kind of people that only had a little bit of humanity inside of them to begin with. These Vamps were the foul, evil, scum of the earth and it was easy for them to turn their backs on what was left of their morality, after they were turned into a Vampire. If they were mean and hateful before the transformation, then it was only a matter of time before that side took control, turning them into a renegade.
Every city had its fill of dark seedy bars and the Vampire world was no different. McQuinn already knew that Shade was on to him, after that little scene in the alleyway last night, so it couldn’t do anymore harm to the case to visit a few Vamp Bars and chase down some fresh new leads. Who knows, maybe someone there would have information on McQuinn that wasn’t in the court files.
Shade had read Garrett’s case file over a dozen times. Like every case file the Queen gave him, it was packed full of details like McQuinn’s previous aliases, numerous property addresses and even his financial information. Good or bad, one thing Vamps always had in common was their incredible wealth. Somehow they always knew how to get rich. Shade shook his head and chuckled. It must be something in the blood.
Everything he needed was inside that file…except for a photograph. Since a Vampire’s image can’t be caught on film, the graphic descriptions had kept Shade’s mind spinning with fantasies of the gorgeous outlaw for weeks until they finally came face to face last night. His dick jumped with thoughts of the tall, handsome Vampire.
Garrett McQuinn immigrated from Ireland in 1846 during the Potato Famine. Working as a gentleman’s valet introduced young Garrett to Baron Gladwell, a wealthy and mysterious man who had an insatiable thirst for young men. It was the dashing nobleman who eventually turned Garrett into a Vampire.
With Garrett’s Irish heritage, the Shamrock Bar looked like a better chance than any to find someone who might know him. Shade tipped his shadowy arms toward the pavement down below. A simple green clover hung over the pitted metal door.
There were no flashing neon lights. No red velvet ropes to control the crowds. The Shamrock was the kind of place that wanted to disappear, while staying in plain sight, because the last thing a Vamp Bar needed was a pesky Human accidentally stumbling inside.
A wide grin snaked across Shade’s face as he pulled open the heavy door and walked inside. He knew how to handle Vamps. Cracking his neck, he rolled his shoulders back, staying alert.
The air was thick with the smell of smoke, sex, and of course blood.
Two men sat at the opposite end of the long wooden bar, debating the relevance of modern baseball while watching a ballgame on the big TV screen.
Shade had been in lots of Vamp bars over the years, yet he never got used to the sight of willing Humans sprawled out on top of the tables like a dinner buffet.
Every table had a dry-erase board hanging over each feeder, advertising the blood special of the day. “Aged Scotch, Cocaine, and Sugar High,” was printed neatly on the overhead boards. These were the flavors of the day.
The first two tables only had one or two drinkers, but the last table was packed. There were Vamps standing in line, waiting their turn. The naked woman on the third table moaned and shuddered while her plump arms and legs were stretched out in different direction. Several sets of fangs were drinking her sugary-sweet diabetic blood at once.
Shade watched them, but didn’t react. That would be an invitation for trouble. He kept his eyes cold and hard as he scanned the Blood Suckers, looking for a familiar face.
One very large Vampire pushed a much smaller guy out of his way to get a better position between her legs. He inhaled her sweet aroma. His eyes flashed red as his fangs pierced her femoral artery. The woman tossed her head back and convulsed in ecstasy.
“Archabolt Shade!” A familiar voice echoed over the crowd. Shade grimaced when he heard his full name. Nobody called him that. The last thing he wanted these Vamps to know was anything personal about him.
“Is that really you?” Asked the tiny beautiful blond girl as she rushed towards him. Before he could sidestep her, she leaped into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Oh my stars! I can’t believe it, after all this time, it’s you! It’s really, really, really you,” her thick Irish brogue washed over him.
Shade gave her a dry chuckle. “Dear little Maggie,” he gave her a brotherly peck on her cold pale cheek. “I haven’t seen you in years.”
If it would have been any other Vamp in the world, Shade would have kicked their ass for breathing his name, but it was Maggie...sweet Maggie O’Brian. Of all the Vampires in the world, Maggie was the only one who could call him by his name and get away with it. Shade had a soft spot for the girl.
She was born and raised in a backstreet brothel around the turn of the 19th century. Like many young girls of that time, little Maggie fell in love with a mysterious stranger who promised her a new life beyond her wildest dreams and well, life as a blood-sucking Vampire was way beyond the naive sixteen year-olds most unimaginable dreams, it was a nightmare.
Unfortunately, when the Court found out, her maker was sentenced to death for turning a child. Shade had been ordered by the Queen to carry out his execution for breaking Vampire Law, since it is illegal to turn a Human before their twentieth birthday. The uncontrollable hunger of a fledgling was hard enough for a sire to deal with, without adding the immaturity of youth.
The patrons of the bar stared at them. The buzz grew even louder as several of the patrons suddenly recognized Shade as the Queen’s favorite renegade hunter.
“What in heavens are you doing in my bar?” Maggie asked.
“Your bar?” Shade’s black eyebrows arched up in surprise at the young girl he hadn’t seen in years. The last he heard, Maggie was still in Europe. She was obviously doing very well for herself. That thought made Shade proud.
“Yes,” she playfully punched his arm, “this is my bar. So, what would bring a Shadow Chaser here?” There was a fine line between the laws regarding Vamp Bars. The Human employees were well compensated for their blood supply as feeders and the added bonus of toe-curling endorphins, released during feeding, was another perk. Maggie knew that her bar was out of his jurisdiction.
“Maggie, I’m looking for a Vamp named McQuinn--” Shade lowered his voice so only she could hear him.
“Garrett McQuinn?” She interrupted him before he could finish.
Shade nodded his dark head as he carefully watched the young girl. He felt protective of little Maggie. After her maker had been executed, Shade was ordered to bring her to the Queen. He got to know the teenager during their journey. Even though Shadow Chasers have no say in Vampire Policies, the Queen took his pleas under advisement and decided to spare the young Vamp’s life.
“Do you know where I can find McQuinn?” He asked.
Now it was her turn to nod her blond head. “Garrett moved to the city about two years ago. He lives a couple of blocks north of here, but I haven’t seen him around in months.”
Shade knew that Maggie was telling him the truth. He gave her a quick hug, but before he could pull away, she stretched up on her tippy-toes and whispered in his ear, “When you’re finished with the Queen’s business, why don’t you swing back by the bar so I can show you an amazingly good time.”
Laughter rumbled Shade’s wide chest. “You know that you’re barking up the wrong tree, little one.”
“Yeah, but you can’t blame a girl for trying.” Maggie gave him a soft kiss on the cheek as he disappeared into a puff of thick black shadow.
“You be careful, Archabolt Shade.” She whispered to the darkness.
A cold fall wind had started to blow. It stirred up trash that swirled around in the shadows as Shade searched the parts of the city that were north of the Shamrock Bar. Just when he was ready to give up and to start putting together a back-up plan, he caught a familiar smell riding on the evening breeze.
“Garrett,” he growled and rushed towards the scent that filled the alleyway after gashing the outlaw’s arm in their brief altercation the night before. The scent disappeared into a big brick building tucked into a row of old buildings. Street level was packed with ritzy stores, but the upper levels looked like they were remodeled into upscale apartments.
He tipped his head back and smiled. “So, Blood Sucker, you haven’t skipped town after all!” Black swirled around him as he darted through the darkness, to the top floor of the building.
The vintage red bricks were beautiful. That’s what made it so easy to find the spot where the windows had been removed and bright new bricks filled in the hole. This had to be it.
Landing on the wide balcony of the penthouse, Shade peered into the lavish apartment. Shadow Chasers can easily pass through glass, but he wanted to make sure that he didn’t warn Garrett and let the Vamp get the upper hand on him. Not again, not this time.
The place was packed with expensive antiques, chic furnishings, and priceless pieces of art that all screamed tacky Vampire taste. It was the right place alright, but Garrett was nowhere to be seen.
The balcony gave Shade a perfect view through the open floor-plan, but the bricked-in rooms still needed to be checked. Every Vampire has special rooms to protect them from the sun’s deadly rays and Shade knew there was more to this apartment than could be seen from just standing on the narrow balcony.
Shade silently slipped inside. The air was still. No sounds. No movement, only the smell, that strange yet somehow familiar scent. He followed it, like a trail, through the apartment. It led him to a door that had been left slightly ajar. Since shadows can move without detection, Shade transformed, quickly squeezed through the narrow opening, and then changed back on the other side.
The large bedroom was dim, but his midnight-black eyes had no problem adjusting to the darkness. Shade looked around and suddenly gasped!
He found the source of the familiar scent. It was blood alright, but it wasn’t Garrett’s blood. A young man was being held prisoner inside of the Vampire’s bedroom.
His naked body was chained to the center of the bed. Long blond eyelashes rested peacefully on his freckled cheeks. The guy was a golden god! He was breathtaking. Shade rushed forward. The silver shackles stretched his arm and legs towards different corners of the big bed.
The guy didn’t move…he didn’t breath… he didn’t even stir…
Shade held his breath. He was hesitant to even touch him, but when he did, his found that his foot was still warm. Relief rushed over him. That was a good sign. Garrett hadn’t made this handsome young man his newest victim…not yet at least.
The guy’s well muscled legs were like long lean arrows pointing straight to his delicious bronze cock nestled in a patch of thick golden curls at the center of his body. Shade’s fingers itched to run through the silky hair and explore the rest of him, but that was not what he was here for.
Shade shook his head, forcing himself to focus on the man’s restraints. He had to free the young guy from Garrett’s chains before the monster returned and there wasn’t much time.
“I’m here to help you,” Shade spoke just above a whisper. The man’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. His orange and blue stained fingertips twitched while he was trapped somewhere between dream and reality. The metal cuffs on his wrists were thinner than the ones on his ankles.
Shade wrapped his long fingers around his arm, to use the shadows to free him from his chains, but his warm flesh wouldn’t pass through the metal.
Trying a second time, Shade frowned with frustration. “I don’t understand. This should work.” That’s when he noticed the thin strips of fabric tucked underneath the cuffs making a barrier between the guy’s skin and his metal restraints.
The young man’s eyes fluttered open. They were the most amazing color of gray that Shade had ever seen. “I’m here to help you,” Shade whispered to him again. “Let me get you out of these cuffs and we’ll be gone before he gets back.” Shade pulled on the metal, but it didn’t break free.
Instead, the thin fabric underneath slipped and the man’s golden skin started to burn. His flesh sizzle and popped from the contact. The guy shook his blond head, grimacing in terrible pain, as Shade stood there, staring down at his burning skin.
“No! Stop!” He begged Shade.
Shade was confused. Cold metal can’t burn a Human’s skin. That was impossible. Then it suddenly hit him. “Oh crap!” He growled. “You’re a Werewolf!”
They stared at each other.
How on earth was Garrett McQuinn able to capture a Werewolf? Heck, where on earth did he even find one? Of all the Supernatural Creatures, Werewolves were the rarest of them all and nearly impossible to find.
There was always a rumor that popped up from time to time, that one had been spotted, always in the most remote, godforsaken places on earth, but in all his years, Shade had never seen one with this own eyes.
“It’s not what you think--” The guy stammered.
Shade and the young Werewolf glanced into each other’s eyes before turning towards the bedroom door. It was still slightly ajar the way Shade had found it.
They heard movement from somewhere in the apartment. Shit! Garrett was back and now they were both trapped in a room with no exit. Reading the worry on Shade’s face, the guy motioned to the closet behind him and whispered, “Hide!”
“There you are!” Garrett casually strolled into the bedroom.
The beautiful man on the bed chuckled. “Where else would I be, silly?” He kept his eyes fixed on the Vampire and not on the gorgeous mystery man watching from their closet.
Garrett sniffed the air. “What’s that smell?” He asked, but before getting an answer, Garrett noticed the slipped cuff and rushed to the bedside. “Kieper, what did you do?”
The man tried to shrug his shoulders, but his restrains made it impossible to move. “I had an itch, that’s all. I wiggled my arm just a bit and the silver cuff slipped and got me.” He said with a nervous chuckle. “Thank heavens you came home when you did or I’d have a nasty scar.”
Adjusting the fabric around Kieper’s injured wrist stopped the metal from marring the man’s perfect skin. “There, now that’s all better.” The Vamp pressed a tender kiss on Kieper’s palm before trailing kisses up his arm to his chest. The man’s breathing hitched as his heavy cock twitched and bounced against his stomach.
“Oh, I see that you like that…well, what about this?” Garrett nibbled on one erect nipple.
Golden hairs circled each perky bud before running down the center of Kieper’s muscular abs to meet the thick patch surrounding his growing cock. Kieper moaned and pushed his head back into the bed as Garrett circled his tongue around the sweet perky nipple. A growl rumbled deep in Kieper’s chest making the Vampire smile.
Shade watched Garrett through the crack in the closet door. His heart raced. The outlaw he’d been hunting was only a few feet away from him. McQuinn was within reach and he was distracted. Majorly distracted. Shade needed to arrest him. He needed to do his job, but he couldn’t. He was frozen, unable to tear his eyes away from the two men on the bed just outside the door.
“Release me!” Kieper hissed.
“Nope,” Garrett shook his head while climbing off the bed. “I have plans for you, Babe and I want you right where you are.”
“Oh, come on Garr,” Kieper yanked at his chains, but that only made Garrett chuckle.
The Vamp pulled his t-shirt over his head and dropped it to the floor. His faded blue jeans followed right after. Garrett stretched his long lean body. His creamy white skin was perfectly smooth and hard as stone. Well defined muscles flexed under his cold skin. Garrett had no body hair to obstruct Shade’s view of his large pink cock and heavy balls.
The view was fabulous. Shade’s mouth watered. Two hard cocks bounced before his dark eyes. He couldn’t decide who was more tempting. Was it the golden Werewolf with the piercing gray eyes or the graceful, yet arrogant Vampire with his cat-like reflexes and sexy lopsided grin?
Both men were unbelievably gorgeous!
Garrett playfully tickled Kieper’s toes as he freed the shackle from his left foot. The Werewolf laughed. His boyish chuckles grew into throaty moans when the Vamps long pale fingers caressed his sore leg muscles. He rubbed the aching limb then quickly did they same to the other leg.
“Free me, Garrett.” Kieper pleaded. His feet arched as he lifted his legs and hips off the bed. His head pushed back into the pillows while he yanked at the chains circling his wrists. “Release my arms so I can touch you, too. You know that you want me to touch you too. I can make you feel so good.”
Ignoring his pleas, the Vamp continued rubbing his hands along the Werewolf’s thighs. Garrett massaged Kieper’s tender muscles as he inched closer to his throbbing dick. Dragging his fingers through the golden curls caused Kieper to buck.
“Please Garret. I don’t want to play anymore.”
Garrett lunged forward and pressed Kieper’s hips back down to the bed. He leaned forward, hovering over Kieper’s swollen cock. “But you said you wanted to try something new…something different. Isn’t this what you wanted, Babe? I think bondage is kind of kinky.” The tip of his tongue darted out and caught a drop of pre-cum dripping from the tip of the Werewolf’s thick cock.
Kieper gurgled. His breathing turned into frantic gaps. “Something…new…” he struggled to just speak, “like a…sex-swing…not…silver-handcuffs …and…draining … me…again and again!”
Garrett frowned. “Come on, Kieper. I told you I was sorry for taking so much blood last night. If that crazy Night Stalker hadn’t sliced me, I wouldn’t have needed more.” He pressed a kiss to the tip of Kieper’s dick. It twitched and bounced against his lips. Garrett smiled showing his long fangs. Kieper saw the deadly teeth and desperately shook his blond head.
“No, Garrett, No!” He protested.
“Just one more time?” Garrett purred. His pink tongue circled the cock-slit and probed the opening. The fat cock throbbed against his lips and grew even bigger before Shade’s eyes.
Hiding away in the darkness, Shade felt every cell in his body growing hotter. He wanted to pull his own dick out of his pants and stroke it to the rhythm of Garrett’s wet tongue lapping Kieper’s swollen flesh. Unfortunately, he couldn’t. He couldn’t move or even make a sound, because the Vampire would hear him.
The longer Shade watched the two of them together, the more he started to wonder if Garrett McQuinn was the murderous monster the Queen had made him out to be? It looked like the Vamp really cares for the Werewolf. Their foreplay was kinky and erotic, but not harmful.
Kieper’s gray eyes rolled with ecstasy as Garrett sucked the wide head of his cock. The Vamp pursed his pink lips and rolled them past the rim and down the Werewolf's shaft. A sudden flood of blood to his groin bulged out a fat vein that Garrett eagerly lapped with his tongue.
Sharp fangs scraped Kieper’s sensitive skin, but they didn’t draw blood. They also prevented Garrett from getting the juicy dick further into his throat. It was disappointing since he loved to suck the Werewolf’s cock all the way down to the golden base.
Pulling back left a spit soaked dick quivering before all three men. Shade wanted to suck it. Garrett wanted to sink his fangs into it. Kieper just wanted someone to fuck it.
“Please?” Garrett begged his animal lover.
“One time…one week.” Kieper gasped.
Garrett understood Kieper. If he let the Vamp feed on him, there would be no more blood for at least another week, maybe more. Seriously, Kieper would need time to recover after losing this much blood in a short period of time.
The Vampire’s honey brown eyes flashed deep ruby red. It looked impossible, but his fangs extended even longer. With one swift bite, the femoral artery popped, and blood poured into Garrett’s mouth from the juicy vein pumping through Kieper’s thigh.
Endorphins flooded Kieper’s body as he bucked and pulsed on the bed. A Vampire bite is supposed to be one of the most euphoric feelings in the world. Shade watched Kieper’s reaction while his own heart raced. The guy was in lost in paradise.
In all of his years working for the Vampire Court, Shade had never let a Vamp bite him.
Garrett wrapped his long cool fingers around Kieper’s hot dick and stroked it while drinking down a few more swallows of blood. His pale Vampire skin turned rosy with the fresh new blood.
Nicking the tip of his tongue with one of his sharp fangs, Garrett cleaned Kieper’s wound with his own blood. It was sticky, but clean. After a few seconds, there was hardly a trace of two tiny puncture marks on his inner thigh.
The sexy Vampire knelt between the beautiful Werewolf’s trembling legs. With both his mouth and hands now free, Garrett was able to pump Kieper’s dick faster and harder. The Werewolf snarled and yanked at the silver chains restricting his movement.
Kieper was completely helpless. He shook his blond head, amazed that being restrained only heightened his own arousal. It was true, he had begged for something different in the bedroom and Garrett was definitely delivering.
Garrett sucked the dripping dick into his mouth one last time. Kieper howled. His fingers curled into claws. His nose elongated when his ears tipped back. Garrett pumped his lover’s dick as he rubbed his own cock against the golden base of Kieper’s shaft. The Werewolf nipped at the air. Grunts echoed off the solid brick walls.
“Yes!” Garrett’s gasp was matched with Kieper’s loud growl.
They pulsed together. Reaching higher…straining…gasping…until an explosion of cum left them tumbling down onto the sheets. Hot thick streams shot from the Werewolf’s dick. The force was strong, sending the first spurt over Kieper’s head.
Garrett pumped Kieper’s cock spilling more over his chest until the last drops from his shaft mingled with his own cum that splashed around the golden curls, and continued across his lover’s smooth tan stomach.
Kieper pulled at the chains one last time before his body went limp. Garrett kissed his chin then worked his way up to his parted red lips. The Werewolf lifted his head to return the tender kiss.
“Release me, my love.” His voice trembled as he asked.
“As you wish,” Garrett grabbed the small key out of the nightstand and unlocked the silver handcuffs. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
Kieper shook his blond head and smiled.
Shade watched Garrett’s perfect round butt disappear into the bathroom. “I’ll draw you a nice hot bubble bath. You can relax and soak while I go pick you up one of those big juicy steaks from down the block.” He called out to Kieper from the bathroom.
Kieper pushed himself up and sat on the edge of the bed, nervously looking between the bathroom doorway and the cracked closet door. He knew that Shade was standing just a few feet away and had watched them fuck.
“Hey, Kieper, did you hear me?” Garrett popped his head back into the bedroom to check on him.
The Werewolf gave him a boyish grin. “Yeah, Garr, that sounds good, but instead of a steak could you get a rack of ribs?”
Garrett’s smile returned, “I don’t see why not. Where’s there a restaurant that serves good ribs around here?”
Kieper shook his head, “Not cooked…raw! And I think I’m gonna need a beef shank too. One of those big ones with the center bone still inside.” He knew that Garrett could get to the restaurant down the street and back in a flash, but the only 24 hour butcher shop was on the other side of town and that would take him a while. It would give him a chance to speak to the Shadow Chaser still hiding in their closet.
Garrett frowned. Werewolves only eat raw meat when it’s a full moon or when they’ve been injured. He rushed to Kieper’s side, fear clouding his eyes. “Jeez, babe, did I hurt you?”
Kieper gave him a weak grin and shook his head. “Stop worrying about me, Garrett. I’m fine. You didn’t hurt me…too bad.” He finished with a sheepish grin, because he knew that Garrett would get him whatever he wanted. He was right. With a quick kiss to the tip of Kieper’s freckled nose, Garrett was gone.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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