Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Reach - 1. Chapter 1
Part One: The Eastern Vineyards
Tibial sat straight and tense as hell in the front passenger seat as the truck cruised down the road. He had been nervous earlier, sitting on the curb and biting on his fingernails. It was a habit no one could ever get him to break, though everyone had tried. He was watching Chad, elbow deep in grease and machinery, as he worked on the engine of the small beige truck. Tibial had been radiating an anxious, almost frightened energy all afternoon...Not that Chad could blame him, but it had kicked into a higher gear once Chad finally got the truck to start up.
Tibial rolled down his window, letting the breeze cool down his face and blow back his sweat-dampened hair. This summer, like all the ones before it, promised to be long and hot, days and nights burning with the Goddess’ fiery kiss. The only difference in this summer was a notification that Tibial had received from the council elders.
It seemed the council thought it was time for Tibial to become an adult.
All adult males had to go through a three-stage initiation. Tibial was about to undergo the last stage this evening and if he had known a little bit sooner about what was to be involved, he might have chosen to remain a child the rest of his life. He didn’t give a shit about his “duty to the Goddess” anymore. Now, though, it was already too late. He had agreed to go through with it, Chad had agreed to instruct him and it would bring high dishonor, to him and his family, to back out now. But Tibial still felt another surge of nervousness seize him and he shivered violently despite the heat.
Chad caught the movement from the corner of his eye and gave Tibial another glance, then pulled over on the side of the road. He could understand how Tibial felt. All the men in the town went through this ritual and it was normal to feel afraid. Chad had as well. Once you knew what was in store, it was hard not to be scared, nervous or apprehensive.
Tibial looked at Chad, his eyes wide and uncertain, nervous mistrust radiating off of him in waves.
"Why are we stopping?" he asked.
Chad put a hand on Tibial's shoulder before thinking about the stain his oil and grease covered hand would leave, but by the time he did, it was too late, the damage was done. Oh well. This was far more important.
"Tib, please calm down. There's no need to be scared. It's me, Chad. You trust me right?"
"I don't want to hurt you. I'll make it as easy as I possibly can. I know it's hard not to be scared. I was scared too when I had to go through it. But I want you calm and I want your trust. It'll be better for you that way, easier for both of us. Can you do that?"
Tibial took a deep breath. "I'll try," he promised.
"Good." Chad's hand moved up, his thumb brushing gently on the curve of Tibial's jaw. He dropped his hand and pulled back onto the road and changed the subject, talking about casual things like sports to bring Tibial's mind off of what was going to happen and into something pleasant to relax. It worked. As they neared Chad's apartment, Tibial was chatting animatedly about his favorite local teams and who had the best chance of winning the championship that year.
His voice trailed off and died as soon as Chad parked the car. "C'mon," Chad said, his voice easy and casual. He went around to the other side of the truck and opened the door. Tibial stepped out, nerves reasserting themselves in his posture and stance. Chad took Tibial's hand firmly in his own, gave it a gentle squeeze and led him forward.
Once inside Chad's apartment, the tension in Tibial was almost palpable. It was driving Chad crazy and certainly wasn't doing Tibial any good. The poor guy was determined to make it harder for himself. When Chad had gone through this ritual, his teacher had known what Chad needed. He threw Chad into the experience right away, not giving him enough time to think or feel anything but the present moment. It had been fast and hard and a little painful, but it had worked for Chad. That approach wouldn't work for Tibial, who was shy, withdrawn and high-strung. Chad would have to take things slowly and carefully--not his strongest suit.
Comfort, he thought to himself. Focus on comfort first.
He would need to make Tibial feel safe, relaxed, then move on from there.
"Remember what we talked about in the truck?" Chad asked, gripping Tibial gently at the upper arms and leaning forward to speak against his ear in a soft voice. Tibial nodded woodenly. "Yes sir."
"Okay. I'm going to pour you a glass of wine. I want you to sit down and drink that while I go wash my hands, alright?"
"Yes sir."
"I'll try."
* * *
Tibial had downed the entire glass in the time that it had taken Chad to wash and dry his hands. He was desperate for anything to calm him, to soothe his galloping heartbeat and ease the trembling in his hands.
Chad saw the empty glass, pleased to see the faint color in Tibial's cheeks and the sheen in his eyes.
Chad poured Tibial another glass and pressed it into his hand.
"Easy," he warned, "take it slow. This stuff is pretty strong." Tibial was seated cross-legged on the floor, his back leaning up against the sofa. Chad sat behind him, on the sofa, and gently put his hands on Tibial's shoulders.
Be gentle, and get him used to touch, Chad thought.
He began to massage Tibial's shoulders, feeling the steely tenseness in them.
"Relax," he whispered again. "Drink."
Tibial took another sip of the wine and after several minutes, Chad finally felt the muscles under his fingers begin to yield and soften. He pressed strong fingers into them, loosening and soothing.
"Do you understand why you are here?" Chad asked.
Tibial nodded. "Yes sir." He spoke quietly, his voice almost a whisper. "The time draws near when I must lay with a woman. But I must come to her as a man and not a boy."
"And what is your duty as a man when you take a lover?"
"To give her pleasure."
"Good. Have you had your initial lessons?"
Tibial nodded. "Yes."
"And you know the purpose of this final lesson? Why you are here, with me?"
Tibial nodded again, some of the tenseness returning, but most of it was subdued under the influence of the wine and massage. "To-to-"
"Calm down. Take a deep breath, then speak what you mean to say." Chad's hands continued to knead and stroke, fingers finding the tight spots and carefully working them out.
"I am here to understand the position of the woman. To understand the value of patience and gentleness; to understand both sides of the coupling. So I can know and understand the pain of penetration."
"True." Chad stood and pulled Tibial up with him. "My job is to give the experience and to instruct. I accept responsibility."
"My job is to submit and learn. I accept duty," Tibial said, his voice trembling for the first time.
"Finish your wine," Chad instructed. Tibial looked surprised, but did so. When the last drops were gone, Chad took it away.
"Have you washed as instructed?"
"Yes sir."
"Do you need to use the facilities?"
Tibial shook his head. "No sir."
"Then let's begin."
Tibial shifted his feet nervously, then seemed to finally find his courage and stood tall. "Just tell me what to do."
"Relax and listen first. Before sex, there needs to be arousal. Arousal is one of the basic components of sex," Chad said. "Do you know arousal?"
"Ah...arousal is to excite a woman's body and to make it more receptive to coupling," Tibial answered, looking up at Chad, proud of knowing the answer.
"No, that's not what I'm asking. Do you know arousal?" To make his intentions more clear, Chad stepped forward, trapping the teen against the wall and blatantly invading his personal space.
He saw the click of understanding in the boy's eyes as soon as he did this. "No sir."
Chad fixed the teen with his gaze, running his hands up the back of Tibial's shirt, then back down his chest, smoothing the wrinkles as his fingers encountered them. He was close enough to feel the boys trembling, the vibrations coming off him into the air.
"Arousal does several things." He kept his hands moving as he talked, up and down the shirt, just a gentle touch, letting Tibial feel it, get used to it. "It excites the woman, but it also excites the man. It gets the body ready for sex. Why is that important?"
"Easier and less painful penetration," Tibial answered, then gasped slightly as Chad's hands slipped underneath his shirt, caressing bare skin.
"Correct." Chad felt the shifting musculature underneath his hands. One rough fingertip passed over Tibial's nipple and Chad felt it pucker and harden in response. He paused there, letting his fingers rub over the tiny nub of skin. A low muted moan rose from Tibial's throat.
"Arousal consists of several components. One is touch. Touch her often and gently, carefully. Touch her where she likes to be touched. She'll let you know, by the way she moves and the sounds she makes. Another one is eye contact. Don't get so wrapped up in a woman's body that you forget about the woman. It sounds ridiculous, but keep it in mind. Be sure to look at her, and look at her often."
Tibial lifted his eyes to meet Chad's and Chad looked back at him.
"Good," Chad said. "Third is verbal. Men get turned on visually, that's why women are so careful with their appearance. Women are less visual than men. Women get turned on by touch, which I told you about, and words. Tell her that she's beautiful, that she's gorgeous, that she's sexy. Tell her how much you love to touch her, how good she makes you feel."
"Okay. Touch, eye contact, talking."
"Yes." Chad considered for a moment, wondering how to proceed. "Tib, how far have you gone with a girl?"
"Just kissing sir."
Chad wasn't surprised. Tibial was still young and somewhat sheltered. Boys were being prepared for coupling at younger and younger ages. Chad supposed that the elders reasoned that the mutation became a greater risk with age, and so the logical decision would be to force coupling sooner for boys--and girls too. Many reached childbearing capability no later than fourteen, some as young as ten. Tibial was just shy of sixteen years. He would make a good candidate, though. The boy was extremely good-looking, intelligent and possessed none of the awkward clumsiness that was common among boys his age.
"So you know how to kiss?" Chad clarified.
"Yes sir."
"Show me."
Tibial's eyes went wide.
"It's part of arousal. Kissing," Chad explained. "I need to see how you perform it." A firm hand pressed at his back, the other continued it's merciless teasing of his nipple. "It's okay, I'm your teacher, remember? It's alright."
Tibial licked his lips nervously, then pushed himself up on his toes until his mouth found Chad's. He pressed against Chad gently and chastely before pulling away.
"Nuh-uh." Chad's arms went around him, one still at his back, the other sliding to his shoulders to pull him back up close. "Not one of those. A real kiss."
Tibial blushed furiously. "I don't know what you mean."
"Yes you do."
Tibial turned an even deeper shade of red, but went back onto his toes and pressed his mouth against Chad's again, working his mouth gently until Chad's lips parted and Tibial slid his tongue inside. Chad felt a moan rumbling deep in his throat as Tibial's tongue, feeling so small against his, thoroughly explored his mouth. Chad felt a small pang of disappointment as Tibial broke the kiss.
"Was that--was it okay?" Tibial asked. It felt strange, kissing a guy, but not as unpleasant as he expected.
"Yeah." Chad leaned forward and kissed him again, gently unbuttoning his shirt, running his hands over his chest and around to cup his ass. Tibial responded, pressing closer and kissing deeper, shy nervous fingers unbuttoning Chad's own shirt, his fingers running down his belly to the waistline of his pants before he broke off the kiss, looking away with an embarrassed flush on his face.
Chad turned his face back, gave him a brief kiss, and then spoke. "How do you feel?"
Tibial closed his eyes, focusing. "Um, hot. Excited, embarrassed. Tight."
"Like, tight where?"
"My chest, stomach," Tibial trailed his hand down his stomach as he spoke, "and...err..."
"Here?" Chad suggested softly, pressing his hand against the bulge in Tibial's pants.
Tibial's hips rotated forward, into that touch before he could stop them. "Yeah." The redness crept back up his face.
"It's okay. That's good. That's arousal. Feels good, right?"
"I can continue to do that. Remember how arousal makes the body ready for sex. Less painful penetration?"
"That's true for men and women," Chad said. He kept his hand on Tibial's crotch, pressing his hand gently against the firm flesh there. "It'll make it easier, less painful for you, if you are aroused. But if it makes you uncomfortable, you can tell me, and I'll stop. You can have sex without arousal but it's usually difficult and uncomfortable. That's up to you."
"What you're doing...it'll make it easier? It will hurt less?"
"It's going to hurt a little at least. I can't promise you that it won't. But yes, arousing you will make it easier."
Tibial bit his lip and nodded. "Okay. Okay, do that."
"C'mon," Chad said, taking Tibial's hands and pulling him into the bedroom.
The bed was neatly made, the sheets turned down, and Tibial felt his nervous energy, which had been buried underneath new pleasant sensations and sexual excitement, creep back into his system. He tried to ignore his fear, to quell it by focusing on how good certain things had felt--Chad kissing him slowly and deeply, the faint stubble scratching his face, the warm glide of his hands over his chest, and later, the firm pressure of that hand against his covered cock.
Chad kissed him behind his ear. "Go ahead and lay down. We'll go slow, I promise."
Tibial sat down and pulled off his boots, then slid back on the comforter, lying down, the material cool and smooth against his back. He drew in a nervous breath and let it out slowly as Chad moved over him on the bed, leaning down to give him another gentle kiss. This was okay, Tibial decided, lying here like this and letting Chad kiss him, the older man's weight warm and heavy on top of him. Yes, this was alright.
Chad's hands roamed, running up Tibial's arms to caress the palms of his hands with strong thumbs, then down back down his sides, to his waist where they squeezed gently. Tibial tentatively reached up, his hands gently touching Chad's hair, then down his neck to his back, warm skin and thick muscles under his fingertips. Chad's lips moved from Tibial's mouth to his neck, tasting the salty skin there. His lips continued to move, across Tibial's collarbone, then down his chest and stomach.
Tibial's breath caught in his throat when he felt Chad's face pressed up against his crotch, sending a hot puff of air through the material of his pants and making him cry out. He heard the slow rasp of the zipper being undone,the cool air against the warm sensitive skin, and fisted his hands in the comforter to keep them from either pushing Chad away or covering himself--which he wanted to do quite desperately. Chad pulled off Tibial's pants and socks, leaving the teen beneath him completely undressed. Chad slid back over him, covering his body with his own, giving him another deep kiss.
"Okay?" Chad asked, seeing the teen's clenched hands and red face.
"Don't be embarrassed. This--" He slid his hand down and gripped Tibial's erection. "This is normal. This is arousal. It's okay. It’s supposed to be like this. Alright?"
"Yeah, I just-"
Chad looked at him with gentle eyes.
"I don't want to be the only one--you know--" Tibial said, blushing a deeper shade of red.
"Okay then," Chad said, getting up onto his knees.
Tibial bit his lip then reached out, unfastened Chad’s pants with trembling fingers and pushed them down off his hips. Chad helped push them the rest of the way down his legs. Tibial couldn't keep his eyes from drifting down.
It looked big. Really big.
When he thought of where it was going to be...
"Shh. It's okay," Chad said as he saw Tibial shiver. He slid a warm palm over Tibial's cock, gave it another gentle squeeze. "Do you want to do this on your back or on your stomach?"
"On my back," Tibial said. He didn't like the thought of not being able to see what Chad would be doing.
"Okay." Chad kissed him again. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Chad thought it was weird to be kissing Tibial this much. During his experience he had been kissed only a few times, briefly and fiercely. But it seemed to keep Tibial's nervousness at bay and he would use whatever worked.
"I'm going to have to prep you," Chad said, dropping a kiss on Tibial's chest, then moving down to place a gentle kiss on his inner thigh. Tibial squirmed.
"If you are working a lady, especially for the first time, you might have to do this," Chad continued, closing his hand around one of Tibial's ankles and sliding the teen's foot up the bed until his knee was fully bent. "Most women produce their own moisture when they are aroused, but some do not. It's a biological thing, so you might have to use something else, oil or lotion.”
He had some lotion, already on a nearby table. He smeared some onto his fingers, gently kissing the interior of Tibial's knee. "I'm going to use my fingers to stretch you," Chad said. "Stretching an opening almost always makes sex more comfortable, more pleasurable.”
Tibial felt a slick finger at his opening, stroking, teasing before sliding in halfway to the knuckle. Tibial gasped and Chad felt him tighten, clench up.
"Relax," Chad whispered, running his free hand up Tibial's stomach. Acting purely on impulse, he leaned down and gently kissed the base of Tibial's shaft. Tibial moaned, the shaft twitched and a moment later
Chad felt the muscles around his finger loosen fractionally, enough to push the rest of his finger in.
Chad worked the finger in and out slowly. Above him, Tibial didn’t seem to know what to do with his hands. For a minute, Chad thought Tibial was going to try to push him away, but instead the teen reached above him and grabbed the headboard. He was biting his lip, but he didn’t say stop, or slow down.
Chad ran his tongue up Tibial’s erection, closing his mouth over the head as he slid the tip of a second finger in. Tibial jerked against the intrusion, pushing himself deeper into Chad’s mouth and Chad put his other hand on his hip to hold him down. He slid that second finger in a little further, a little deeper, continuing to work Tibial’s cock with his mouth.
Tibial was making needy gasping sounds and Chad felt a small satisfaction at hearing them. Chad had been with only one person who had used their mouth on him this way and he still could remember the warm wet pleasure he had felt. It was working for Tibial, making him relax as he slid both fingers up to the knuckles.
Tibial let out a low throaty groan. "Chad..."
He felt strange, like everything was spiraling completely out of his control. This hadn't been what he was expecting at all. He hadn't expected this low throbbing burn all over his body, sparking off his sweaty skin. Hadn't expected how it would feel, with the warm mouth slowly moving over him, the strange sensation of fingers inside, gently stretching him. Chad's fingers brushed over something deep inside, something that sent a sharp jab of pleasure, achingly, blindingly sweet through his entire body and he felt his hips jerk. Chad slid his fingers in again, bumping against it and Tibial was sure he was going to die.
Then everything, the pleasure, the heat on his cock, the pressure filling him up was gone and Chad was on top of him. Tibial thrust his hips up, pushing his cock up against Chad's skin.
"Listen. I'm going to take you now," Chad said hoarsely. "I'm going to go slow, okay? Always go slow unless a lady tells you otherwise."
"Okay," Tibial whispered, having to struggle to get the word out.
"I'm going to be gentle, I promise," Chad said. "I need you to relax, like you were doing before, that was good. Relax and breathe, okay?"
"Is it going to hurt?"
"Yes. A little. I'll do what I can to make it comfortable." Chad bent down and kissed him. "Relax." He breathed against Tibial's lips. "Trust me."
He pushed in slowly. Tibial gasped, his eyes flying open and his hands shooting out like bolts against Chad's chest. "No, no, shh," Chad said softly, grabbing his hands and holding them. "Breathe, Tibial, breathe and just relax for me."
Tibial drew in a breath, his eyes burning. Goddess, this was the pain he expected, the burning and stretch and pressure.
"Hurts," Tibial breathed out.
"I know, I know. Just relax."
Chad pushed in a little further and Tibial bit his lips to keep from crying out. He wanted to tell Chad to stop, that it was too much, it hurt too bad, it was too big, but he kept silent. Out of everything he had ever learned, it was to do what he was told.... compliantly and without protest, no matter how hard it was.
Chad lifted Tibial’s hands up to his lips and kissed the back of them.
"I'm in," he said softly. "All the way."
"Okay," Tibial said, gritting his teeth. He felt so full, like he was about burst or tear apart...Goddess, how did women do this?
"I'm going to start moving. Are you alright?"
"Yeah." Tibial forced a fake smile, even as a couple tears spilled down his face.
Chad wound his fingers in through Tibial's, leaned down once again and kissed him deeply. Chad began to move, slowly, pulling out and thrusting gently back in. It hurt, a lot, at first but Tibial realized that it hurt less each time; that his body accommodated to Chad's size. He prayed the worst was over. Then Chad hit the same spot as earlier and Tibial let out a little gasp. He felt Chad's lips curve against the flesh of his neck and plant a kiss there.
"Yeah," Tibial said, feeling embarrassed. Chad thrust again, hitting that same spot and Tibial moaned, gripping Chad’s hands tightly.
“Please,” Tibial said hoarsely, not even sure what he was asking for.
Chad knew, however, and freed one of his hands to grip Tibial and stroke him.
Tibial arched up, feeling something build up quickly in his lower stomach, then erupt, splattering his belly in wet sticky warmth.
Chad thrust a few more times, then pressed his face against Tibial's hair as he came, breathing in the harsh dry smell as he pulsed inside the young body underneath him.
He waited for a few seconds, a few heartbeats and then pulled himself back, checking Tibial's face. It was turned to one side, burned a hot dry red, what he could see of the eyes overly bright and shiny. As he pulled out gently, a whisper of pain passed over Tibial's face.
Chad got up and returned with a washcloth, a glass of water and a small capsule. He gave the water and the capsule to Tibial. "Here, take this," Chad said.
"What for?"
"It'll calm your body and help you sleep," Chad said. "Do you need something for pain?"
Tibial shook his head. "No."
The capsule worked fast; he could already feel himself getting tired. Or maybe it was just from the afternoon's activities. He lay there as Chad gently wiped him down with the washcloth, the material cool and damp against his skin.
Tibial shut his eyes again once he felt Chad walk away. He felt so many things...confused, embarrassed, humiliated, sore, anxious, but overlying all that was a kind of fuzzy mental warmth, covering all of those things, making them a low dark presence in the back of his mind. Right now, all he knew was that he was tired and cold.
Chad came back into the room, wearing a pair of sweatpants. He sat down on the edge of the bed.
"You okay?" Chad asked. His own voice sounded hoarse and exhausted.
"Yeah," Tibial sound tired and dreamy. What Chad had given Tibial was a very strong tranquilizer. He had been able to recognize the distress the boy had been under once it was over.
Chad slid back onto the bed, being careful. He had heard that many boys didn't want to be touched afterwards. He had been one of them. In fact, once his teacher had fallen asleep, he had crept into the bathroom and vomited until he was doing nothing but heaving dryly and was too weak to stand.
But as soon as he laid down, Tibial instantly turned, curling into Chad's body heat. His skin was clammy with a cooling sweat and he was shivering.
Chad pulled the sheets and comforter up over them, gathered Tibial carefully in his arms, waiting for Tibial to pull away. When he didn't, Chad was secretly surprised and pleased.
"I'm fine," Tibial murmured softly.
Chad combed a hand through Tibial's hair, remembering the scent and feel of it against his face earlier.
"Did I do okay?" Tibial asked, still in a stupor.
Chad smiled, continuing to stoke his hair. "Yeah, you did great. I'm proud of you."
Tibial was silent after that, and Chad remained there, continuing to let his hand wind through the strands of hair. Chad wasn't sure who needed the comfort more.
Oh goddess...
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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