Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Rich Boy: Awakening - 2. Chapter 2
Worthington didn’t like his first view of Phoenix.
First off, it was hot. The heat was like being slammed into a brick wall, something that had only happened to him once, during his first year of boarding school. The comparison to that experience put a grimace on his face. Then there was the smell of jet fuel, because they were at the airport after all, and it hung in the air from planes taking off and landing. Everything in sight was dusty beiges, faded reds, and browns with occasionally a spot of faded, dirty green.
It was ugly.
As his Aunt drove the white Prius hybrid vehicle, he looked around in near-disgust at the unrelieved monotony of the Phoenix landscape. Yes, the freeways here were decorated, but it was a sad attempt at art – primitive, animalistic rock sculptures on the side of the freeway and the like. It was difficult to not snort in disgust.
Then again, maybe he was just being peevish because it had now been three days since he’d felt the skin of another man against him. Reliving an old memory of what it would be like to be someone else just wasn’t the same as making up a new one, and with his Aunt’s rules, he didn’t think he’d find someone today, or probably tomorrow. From what she’d told him about his cousin and the other boy, it sounded like they were ‘goodie two-shoes’ more than anything.
“You may not like the heat now, but during the winter you’ll like the moderate climate.” His Aunt said with a trifle bit of defensiveness.
“I enjoy the snow.” He said honestly, not just to be contrary. The fact that it was contrary was merely a bonus. Her only response was to just shake her head.
They headed east for a while on a freeway before she turned off to the surface streets and headed east again. Soon enough they were following winding streets up into some foothills, and he realized it might not be that bad living with her after all. These homes were all fairly large, and some of them looked to have fairly good views over the city. He imagined that at night, the lights of the city must be more beautiful than the desert landscape.
His hopes were confirmed when she reached nearly the top of the hill and pulled into a driveway large enough for three garage doors. Most of the house was out of sight as it was situated right on the hillside, and he looked over at his Aunt to find her smiling at him. So, she had expected this reaction from him.
“You will like the view.” She said simply and he nodded before getting out of the car. His shirt was clinging to him with sweat by the time they got the luggage out of the car and into the house. They had no staff here beyond a maid who lived off-site and came by three times a week. “This is the main level of the house, with our kitchen, dining room, living room, our bedroom, and the garages.”
“The view is wonderful.” He agreed with her as they stood in the living room looking out through large bay windows. He could see that the house extended out from under the level he was on, and the roof of the lower level formed a balcony for this level. Just beyond the lower level of the house was a flat area that included a pool, in which several young men were already swimming. There was also a covered patio with some tables and what looked like a brick, built-in grill.
“Downstairs are the boys’ bedrooms, and what will be your room as well as a guest room and play room.” She continued explaining the layout of the house. “There is also a game room down there. Below that is a basement built into the mountain where we have a wine cellar and Stacy’s workroom.”
“It is very nice.” He complimented her, and meant it. He had been resigned to what he thought would be a middle-class home, but this place was obviously worth a lot of money, even if it wasn’t as big as the estate he’d lived in until now.
“Boys!” She called out as she opened a patio door onto the balcony. The young men in the pool all looked up at her. “We’re home. Why don’t you come up and help Worthington get situated?”
“We’ll be right up, mom!” One of the boys yelled out, and all three of them got out of the pool. Jameson was easy to pick out. He had his mother’s height, and slim figure as well as her blond hair. One of the other boys was brown-haired and shorter with a stocky build while the third was of medium height with light brown hair. All three were wearing Speedos of various colors, and had well-formed bodies. It would be difficult to keep his hands off Jameson and whichever was Richard, but either of the brown-haired boys would do. Maybe their friend could be convinced to spend some time alone with him.
“The one in the black Speedo is Bill, Richie’s best friend.” His Aunt said as if reading his thoughts with a small frown. “His interest is in nice girls.”
“I see.” Worthington replied noncommittally.
“You must be our cousin.” The brown-haired boy who was now wearing brown cargo shorts said as they all three came into the upstairs a few moments later. Worthington was disappointed that all three had put on cargo shorts, but at least their torsos were free of shirts. They were all deeply tanned already, and he shook the older boy’s hand. “I’m Richie. This is my friend. Billie, and my brother, Jamie.”
“I am Worthington.” He replied in a proper greeting, nodding to all of them as he shook Richie’s hand. It wasn’t worth correcting him that only Jamie was his cousin. His Aunt would see that he would make an effort to get along with them.
“Welcome to your new home.” Jamie said with a dazzling smile. His blond hair wasn’t long, nor was it necessarily short, and it was almost white as it was starting to dry. His teeth were perfect, and almost blindingly bright. With that perfectly tanned skin, Worthington knew not tripping him into bed would be difficult.
“It is nice to meet all of you.” Worthington said with a slight smile.
“C’mon, let’s grab your stuff and show you your room.” Jamie said in an excited tone. He seemed to almost be bubbling over with happiness, which made Worthington a little uncomfortable. He was not used to such blatant emotions being evident in someone so close. Richard, and William were giving him measuring looks as Jamie led the way to where Worthington’s luggage was sitting. Everyone grabbed something though, and soon he was being shown a room that took up almost a full third of the downstairs. “This was the guest room and is bigger than both of our rooms, so hopefully it’ll be big enough. It’s got its own bathroom, with a Jacuzzi tub as well as a shower. Richie and I share another bathroom on this floor and there’s another between the playroom and the other guest room. We’ve all got a great view at night though.”
“Slow down, Jamie.” Richard said with a chuckle. “You’re going to overwhelm him and he’s just got here. Remember what Mom said.”
“I know, it’s just exciting to finally meet someone from Mom’s side of the family.” Jamie said with a playful grin. How did they tell which mother they were referring to? Worthington wondered.
“Yes, well, just remember Mom said we should try not to overwhelm him.” Richard said, and the way he said ‘Mom’ was slightly different than before.
“You can tell which one they mean by the way they say it.” William said as he looked at Worthington’s expression with a grin. “Richie was just referring to Elizabeth.”
“I see.” Worthington said as he filed away that tidbit of information. There was a difference in how they said it, and it was easy to tell Jamie had been referring to Elizabeth not just from the context, but the way he’d said the word, which matched the way Richard said the word.
“Is the room okay?” Jamie asked in an excited but worried tone. “We didn’t want to overdo things since Mom said you were going to bring stuff from back home.”
“It is fine, cousin.” Worthington said with a smile. It wasn’t as big as his suite, but the large bed, facing the large bay windows was nice, and the dresser was tasteful as was the large desk. He’d brought his laptop with him, and there was plenty of space on the walls for the two pieces of art and the television he had selected to be sent down here. The closet space was a trifle limited, but it was a walk-in with enough room for what he would need this summer.
“Would you like some help unpacking?” Richard asked and Worthington weighed his options.
“No thank you.” He finally decided. “It looked like you were having fun in the pool. I wouldn’t want to keep you inside.”
“Nonsense.” Jamie snorted. “Richie, why don’t you two go have fun. I’ll stay and help our cousin unpack.”
“Fine.” Richie said with a roll of his eyes and then headed out the door followed by Billie. Jamie went over to open one of the suitcases.
“So, do you like to swim?” Jamie asked as he looked at the carefully folded underclothes in the suitcase. “I hope you brought swimsuits. We swim almost every day in the summer.”
“I do not have any swimsuits.” Worthington admitted and he was surprised at the blush on his face.
“Oh, well, we’re almost the same size until you have a chance to buy your own.” Jamie said and then he frowned. “Wait, do you swim?”
“I was taught how to swim, yes.” Worthington replied.
“Oh, good.” Jamie said as he picked up some t-shirts. “Which drawer do you want these in?”
“Left side.” Worthington said quietly as he went to the same suitcase and began picking up his underwear. He did not want Jamie touching them. The thought of that was making his pants too tight as it was.
“Do you own any underwear that isn’t white?” Jamie asked as Worthington put his things away into the dresser. He stared at his cousin in astonishment at the question, and felt a slight blush rising to his cheeks. Quickly he pushed the feelings down again as his cousin got an embarrassed look on his face. “I’m sorry, that was rude, wasn’t it? Moms always say I speak before I think too much.”
“It is alright.” Worthington said in as normal a tone as he could manage. His cousin reminded him of a few of the boys at school who attended on scholarships. They were much freer with their tongues, and he’d always felt livelier in their presence. Unlike most of his peers who were taught from an early age to control their emotions, and to always maintain a refined presence, they were a lot freer with their feelings.
“So, what do you like to do?” Jamie asked, changing the topic. “For fun, I mean.”
“I enjoy riding motorcycles.” Worthington admitted. It was one of the few guilty pleasures he had been able to get away with openly. His love for it had begun after he had enjoyed a romp with a slightly older guy, in his early twenties. The guy had been an avid motorcycle rider and looked quite dashing in his gear, on his Kawasaki sports bike. Worthington would never ride such a common bike, though. The one he had purchased, which would be delivered here next week was a custom-made Ducati.
“Oh wow, that sounds cool.” Jamie said excitedly. “Do you own a bike?”
“Yes, it will be here next week.” Worthington said.
“Mom is letting you keep it here?” He asked excitedly. “You’ll have to take me for a ride, please! There’s no way she’ll let me on one otherwise.”
“We will see.” Worthington said. “I don’t want to upset her.”
“She’ll get over it.” Jamie promised as they moved to another bag. “Wow, cool laptop!”
“Thank you.” Worthington said. His cousin was excitable, he continued to learn as they unpacked his things. He was also a fount of information about his new home, and he found that he was enjoying the boy’s company. Even though they were the same age, it was difficult to think of Jamie as anything other than a boy. He had a child’s enthusiasm, and took delight in the littlest of things. It was quite endearing, in its own way.
By the time they were done, Worthington realized that his sexual attraction to Jamie had changed. It was still there, but it was not as noticeable as before. Maybe, he thought, his summer here would not be as bad as he had presumed, and the holidays here would be mildly enjoyable in Jamie’s company. The restrictions on having sex in the house might just be livable as well, because while Jamie wasn’t a sexual partner, obviously, his presence soothed some of that need that always seemed to rear up in Worthington.
“Let’s go swimming.” Jamie said when they were done.
“I think I will relax in here.” Worthington said after a moment’s pause.
“What’s wrong?” Jamie asked. “You don’t like swimming? It’s just us out there.”
“No, swimming can be fun.” Worthington said. “It is just that… your pool is outside, in sunlight.”
“You’re not a vampire, are ya?” Jamie asked in a teasing tone. “You know, burn up in sunlight?”
“I am not a vampire, but the sun does burn.” Worthington replied. “I know you and your brother have good tans, but you have to know what the sun does to skin. I do not want to look like a leathery farmer when I am older.”
“That’s what moisturizers are for, silly!” Jamie stated. “C’mon, we’ll get you a pair of shorts in my room. I didn’t see a single pair of shorts in your stuff.”
“I don’t own any, except for those I use at school during gymnasium.” Worthington admitted, but he let himself be dragged into Jamie’s room, which was quite a surprise. He had expected it to be messy, but it was clean. The walls were filled with posters of baseball, basketball, and football players, but everything was neat and in a very specific place. Jamie rummaged around through a set of drawers before pulling out a pair of light green Speedo shorts.
“Here, these will fit you.” He offered and Worthington tried not to blush. “Oh, if you want privacy you can go change in your room. Here, take a pair of my cargo shorts. You can wear those over…”
“It is okay.” Worthington said, not able to summon up the will to protest. Instead he slipped off his loafers, took off his black dress socks and slowly unbuttoned his pants after unhooking his belt. Now was as good a time as any to see how his cousin reacted.
“Yup, we’re related alright.” Jamie grinned after Worthington had removed his underwear. His shirt tails hid part of his equipment, but enough hung down for his cousin to see. To his surprise, given his Aunt’s admonitions before coming out here, Jamie dropped his cargo shorts and briefly lowered the front of his Speedos so that his ample-sized equipment hung free. They were of a size, both uncut and well above normal. “I bet we’re about the same size hard, too. Oh damn, is this another one of those things I shouldn’t say?”
“I go to an all-boy’s boarding school.” Worthington shrugged as his sexual desire for his cousin welled up again. If Jamie was right, they would probably both be well over seven and a half inches. He knew darn well that most guys were smaller, and not as wide. He’d seen many of his schoolmates, and there were actually several of them who had a difficult time matching the size of his soft cock when they were fully hard. His cousin just blushed as Worthington pulled up the Speedos he had been given, and stuffed his equipment inside the thin material. He’d never worn them before, and was surprised at how nice they felt.
“You are pale.” Jamie said as he stared at his cousin. The front of his swimwear was starting to be extended as something inside them plumped out. That question at least was answered then. “Still, you’re in good shape. Here, let me get some suntan lotion for you so you don’t burn. Don’t worry it’s waterproof.”
“That would be wise.” Worthington agreed and took the offered bottle.
“No, like this.” Jamie corrected after watching him for a moment. He took the bottle and started to spread the liquid over Worthington’s chest with liberal strokes. Worthington let out a sigh, and tried not to react to the touch, but it was sensuous, and when Jamie moved behind him, applying the lotion to the back of his legs, he failed to control his reaction. By the time Jamie was doing his back, he was sure there would be a wet spot on the front of the Speedos.
“Yup, it is as big as mine.” Jamie’s voice shocked Worthington, as much from the whisper in his ear as from the words. Jamie was tight up against him, and reaching around, down into the front of the thin material.
“Jamie…” Worthington hissed as the boy’s hand wrapped around his cock. The hand was slippery with the suntan lotion, and felt good. His protest turned to a moan as the hand gripped him tightly, and stroked him twice.
“Mom gave you the ‘keep your hands off the boys’ speech, didn’t she?” Jamie whispered in a devious tone. “I know what you were thinking about Billy though, so you at least like to play around, right?”
“Yeah.” Worthington moaned as he leaned back against his cousin. He could feel the boy’s erect cock against his butt. They were the exact same height, apparently. As the boy continued to stroke him, he relaxed a bit, and began to imagine what it would be like to be this boy, who had grown up in such a different environment.
“Well, Richie and I are both virgins when you get right down to it.” Jamie whispered while his hand deftly pulled Worthington’s cock out of the confining fabric. “We haven’t even sucked or been sucked, much less anything else. There’s nothing wrong with giving each other a helping hand, though. You don’t mind do you? I mean, you’re used to more, but this is enough, right?”
“Oh yeah.” Worthington moaned as the boy turned him around, and their lips met. Kissing only enhanced the feelings, and he reached into Jamie’s Speedos to pull out the cock that was so much like his own.
“Yep, we are almost exactly the same size.” Jamie giggled, and Worthington let himself smile before leaning in for another kiss. Surely his Aunt didn’t include this in her restrictions? It would go no further than a few kisses, hands on each other, and a few imagined moments. Jamie’s hand picked up the pace, and Worthington stopped thinking. Instead he unlocked the box inside him and let the feelings out. Grief came first, but passed through him quickly. There really wasn’t much to grieve, so it passed quickly. Soon enough though, he could feel his imagination taking hold, like it was seeping inside his cousin. Curiously though, as he began to manipulate his cousin’s cock and the boy’s eyes closed in pleasure, those walls didn’t fade away like they always did. Instead of imagining what the boy’s life was like, he felt pleasure, like his own pleasure doubled, and soon enough he found that they were both matching each other’s stroking perfectly. The crescendo built until both of them were grunting in unison, and their seed was spilling onto each other and the floor.
For a brief flickering moment, Worthington felt the walls give way and for that moment he was one with Jamie. He didn’t have time to imagine the boy’s life, but he did imagine what the boy was feeling. Jamie must really love Elizabeth, of course. She was probably a source of comfort and love in his life, the steady source of safety and comfort. Stacy he loved too, of course, even though Worthington had never met her, he could imagine she was a rock, a shelter in any storm, but hard. It was Stacy who made sure he knew right from wrong, and on who he could depend to be ever firm, ever loving, and always consistent.
He loved Richie too, of course. They were brothers, and sure they fought a lot, or would always try to outdo each other, but they were a constant source of love and support for each other. The two of them held each other’s secrets close. There were other friends, and Billie was always a likeable sort, but there was also a secret longing, a desire for something deeper than a good older brother and a good set of friends. There was no best friend, no one to share secrets with that a brother just doesn’t understand, someone to do new, and old, things with. Not a lover, not a partner, although that would come later. There was too much of life to enjoy before that, but a best friend, a friend that would be there forever was something he imagined Jamie wanted so much.
Maybe part of Jamie hoped Worthington would be that friend. At first, he probably had thought Worthington would be this spoiled rich boy who would look down on Jamie and the rest of their family, but he wasn’t like that so far. Sure, he was standoffish, and kind of cold, but there was something about him, something buried deep that suggested maybe, just maybe Worthington could be that special friend.
Worthington always liked it when his imagination included himself in the mind of the other person, or their feelings. He knew better, that reality was never that way, but in his deepest recesses he knew that it would be nice to have at least one person he could be open with. His father had always had Randall Smythe. The two men had probably even slept together, and never showed any affection towards each other in public, but Worthington had always imagined the two of them really cared for each other. It would be nice to have a best friend like that, and he let his imagination go forward, dreaming it might be possible that he and Jamie both wanted the same thing from each other, could be that for each other.
“Oh man.” Jamie whispered and Worthington felt his imagination folding up, its tendrils pulling back into the dark recesses of his soul. Still, something was different this time. It was like there was one little tendril still out there, connected to Jamie. Their eyes met, and he noticed Jamie had gray eyes to his pale blue.
“I hope your Mom doesn’t kill me.” Worthington whispered softly, but there was a smile on his face and he was still breathing heavily, as was Jamie.
“She won’t.” Jamie said with a gentle smile. “How about we head outside? We can step under the shower on the way out.”
“That’s a good idea.” Worthington agreed and followed Jamie out. Normally all the emotions would have drained out of him by now, but as he padded along behind Jamie, nude except for the thin piece of swimwear, he realized there was still a jumble of feelings left. He couldn’t summon the determination to put it away though, and let it ride there, in a new little corner of his mind that said ‘Jamie’s place’.
“It’s about time!” Richie called as they arrived at the pool, and Worthington stood there, at the edge for a moment. It felt odd, having the pounding sun touch his body, but it felt good in a way that he had long forgotten. He smiled, surprised at the unusual expression coming to his face as he slipped into the pool next to Jamie, who immediately started splashing his brother.
The afternoon turned into evening, and Worthington found himself doing things he’d never imagined doing. The battle lines were drawn, with him and Jamie against Richie and Billie. It started with splashing, and soon evolved into a wrestling match with everyone trying to dunk the others under water. Worthington was at a slight disadvantage, until he remembered his wrestling lessons and used those skills. Then Jamie climbed onto his shoulders, even as Billie climbed on Richie’s, and they proceeded to try to wrestle each other under water.
It was fun, and he was laughing as loud as they were, forgetting for the moment all the lessons he’d been given in life about decorum.
“Well, what have we here?” A female voice said loudly, amusement evident in the timbre. Worthington still straightened up quickly, knocking Jamie off balance and into the water. Billie and Richie were laughing, as Worthington tried to straighten out his disheveled hair and looked up at the short, stocky woman with dark brown hair standing at the edge of the pool. She was wearing a flowered dress over her stocky frame, and had hair almost as short as Worthington’s.
“Hi Mom!” Richie shouted as Jamie spluttered his way back to the surface and shot Worthington a nasty look. That look didn’t bother Worthington; he knew his cousin was amused. He was also pretty sure his cousin knew he wasn’t amused.
“Hello, ma’am.” Worthington said as politely as he could muster as Jamie tried to climb back on his shoulders.
“You must be Worthington.” Stacey smiled at him. “Well, it looks like Jamie wants back on your shoulders so you boys have fun. Dinner will be ready in about a half-hour.”
“Thanks Mom!” Jamie called out as he tried to get his legs back over Worthington’s shoulders.
“He better have sunblock on!” Stacey called out from the patio as Worthington tried to shrug Jamie off.
“Oh give over!” Jamie said with an exasperated tone. “She’s not your parent. She’s happy to see you in the pool with us. You had to have heard her.”
“Jamie.” Richie said with a strange warning look as he shifted his eyes to Billie who was looking at Jamie with an odd expression.
“Oh bugger.” Jamie murmured as Worthington shrugged him off his shoulders.
“Thank you for the fun.” Worthington said as he moved towards the stairs to leave the pool.
“Get him!” Richie called out and the next thing he knew all three of them were dunking him. As their hands touched him, he felt irritated for a moment, but he was doing that strange thing, laughing again, when he broke back to the surface and turned on Richie.
“Someone needs to trim their fingernails.” Elizabeth said just a little more than a half hour later as she came out into the pool area with several platters. Stacy was walking behind her, wearing a one piece bathing suit while Elizabeth had on a two-piece bikini. They sat the platters down on the outside table under the patio. “C’mon boys, dinner’s ready.”
“You have to be joking.” Worthington said in shock, just under his breath. Jamie started laughing. He was the only one close enough to hear.
“You’re kidding?” Jamie managed to gasp out between laughs. “You’ve never eaten a meal without being all dressed up?”
“No.” Worthington stated flatly. “It’s just not done. Even if I was doing something outside I would take a shower and change before dinner.”
“Welcome to your new life.” Jamie said with a laugh and then he frowned. “Wow, Mom was right. One of us needs to trim his fingernails.”
“What are you talking about?” Worthington asked.
“Dude, you’re covered in scratches!” Richie exclaimed. “Sorry!”
“Oh.” Worthington stated as Jamie traced a long scratch on his back. They didn’t hurt, even when he got out of the water, but his skin felt a little tight.
“Oh boy, looks like someone’s sunblock got wiped off with all the fun.” Stacy chuckled. “Come here, Worthington and let me get a look at you.”
“I…” Worthington tried to protest, but she patted her knee and he found himself sitting almost in her lap as she examined his back.
“You’ll be fine.” She said after a few minutes during which his entire upper body tingled, and not in the sexual way. “I’ll give you some cream to have Jamie rub on your back later. That’ll take care of the tight feeling and the sun you got today should work its way into your skin. You’ll have a nice tan in no time.”
“Thank you.” Worthington said softly as he sat down next to Jamie, who was sitting on the other side of the table near Elizabeth. Richie was next to Stacy, on her side of the table and Billie was next to him.
“It looks like you enjoyed yourself, nephew.” Elizabeth said with a smile on her face and Worthington started to mutter an apology, but he felt Jamie’s leg press against his, and thought better of what he was about to say.
“I did.” He said instead and Jamie grinned.
“You and Jamie seem to be getting along fine.” Stacy commented as they all began to fill their plates with some of the cold meat and bread on the platters. There were cubed melon as well, and as he copied their motions, Worthington found the food delightful not only in taste, but it fit the afternoon heat, and the exercise in the pool.
“Yes.” Worthington finally stammered out after several other things flitted through his mind as a response, none appropriate.
“I think you’re going to fit in just fine here.” Elizabeth said after a moment. “I didn’t expect you to adjust so quickly.”
“Jamie was a big help.” Worthington said before he thought, something he never did, and then he grinned as Jamie blushed.
“I see.” Elizabeth said with a strange look at her son while Richie choked on something. Billie looked a little confused but shrugged it off.
“Oh lay off, Liz.” Stacy said when Elizabeth started to frown. There seemed to be an undercurrent there, almost as if she was also saying You know Jamie initiated anything that happened, and you know Jamie won’t go too far!
Worthington hated his imagination sometimes, but here, with these people it was coming out of its box whether he liked it or not. There was something about this place, and about them that invited him to relax. All sorts of warnings sounded in his head of what such relaxation could lead to, the dangers and pitfalls they created.
As he ate, Elizabeth changed the topic to something else, telling them about the awful funerals (and he found he agreed with her assessments), he realized that he didn’t care at the moment about all those warnings. Oh, he’d never go so far as to turn his back on tradition, the family’s honor, the expectation of the future, but he found he wanted this summer. He wanted to enjoy it, to pretend for a while that he wasn’t bound by being a Sinclair, that he could be almost normal. Maybe if he did that, he wouldn’t need sex with others so much, wouldn’t need to have that physical contact to let his imagination loose. Maybe he could learn to do it whenever he wanted, and that would make all of his life easier.
Watching the others laugh at something Elizabeth said made him smile, and he didn’t try to lock that smile away for once. He knew the boundaries, after all. There was no one he knew in this place, and he could afford to be a little free with himself. So what if he got a tan for one summer? No one at school, not even Randall would really know what he did or did not do this summer, and he realized he wanted to enjoy it, to maybe see what it was like to have a friend.
There was something about this place that encouraged him to do that, to let his guard down a bit and to do things he’d never done before, or would ever do again. With a smile, he picked up a piece of melon and smiled before sticking it in Jamie’s ear, garnering a shocked look from the boy, and from Elizabeth, soon followed by laughs from everyone.
Yes, maybe he would try to live his imagination for a bit.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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