Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
To Move Forward - 10. Nice Guys Finish At Last
“Come on, come on!” Ben called out of his car window.
I was uncomfortable enough wearing a suit without being rushed. I parked, ran over and tossed my bag in the back seat. He shifted into reverse; I stopped.
“Get in, get in!” The panic in his voice was immediately negated by the wide grin.
I jumped inside and Ben pulled away out swiftly.
“Are you going to tell me where we are going yet?”
“Nope.” He grabbed my hand and pulled it to his lips. “Trust me.”
Same story all week; he wasn’t telling.
“Am I dressed ok at least?”
“You look fantastic.”
He was too excited or happy or both. He drove fast, but not recklessly.
“Sorry about running late. Traffic was terrible.”
“It’s ok. We should make it on time. Don‘t worry.”
“I wouldn’t if you would tell me where we’re going.”
He thought a moment. “If I told you, you might not want to come.”
I grunted. I didn’t like it, whatever it was, but it was important to him. I could deal with whatever it was as long as he was nearby.
“Just stick by me.”
He chuckled softly and squeezed my hand. His was sweaty. Whatever it was, he was worked up.
“Of course. We are in this together.”
I melted as I had all week, every time I got a text, e-mail or call, as I had done during the last months and years. We passed through the old neighborhood and memories. We came to my parents’ old house.
“I know, right? Odd shade of green now, but look, see the tree we planted. It’s still there.”
We had dug up a sapling from a park and replanted it. We thought it would die in the first few months, but it came in strong the following year. The tiny sapling behind us was now fully mature. Before my parents moved, we had carved our names into it so everyone would know who planted it. I wondered if our names were still visible. I doubted it. Maybe we could sneak a peek someday.
Before long, he slowed the car and turned into the parking lot of a large school with a church attached to the far side. Ben hadn’t mentioned Darrin’s school. I frantically tried to remember if he had told me about events coming up.
“Hurry, let‘s go.” I barely made it out of the car before he rushed us to the side door. I didn’t have time to think, as I sprinted to keep up with him trotting down the halls, and didn‘t try to figure out how far or where we were going. We finally turned a corner to see Darrin standing in front of a pair of large closed doors.
“You’re here!”
“Just barely,” Ben huffed. “Tell them so we can start.”
Darrin rushed away.
Ben turned to me and straightened my tie.
Something wasn’t right. “Was Darrin wearing a suit too?”
Ben nodded and tucked my shirt. I glanced around the lobby; a large open entryway opening out to a full parking lot. I turned to face the other direction and saw stacks of flyers on a ledge with a beautiful cross on the wall above. Had we come all the way to the church side of the school? I spied another cross above the doors.
Ben smiled and leaned away to check me over.
“Where are we? What‘s…”
He stretched up and kissed me. “You look great.” He opened the door and pushed me in.
I was horrified.
The church was set up for a wedding and the guests were staring at me. I heard a few giggles and reddened. Ben took hold of my elbow and guided me gently up the aisle. I knew he could be impulsive, but this? This?!
“Umm…” I whispered, “I don’t know if I’m ready…” I tried to walk straight and not trip. Faces all around me peered at our progress with each step. The sweat rolled down my back and I was glad I was wearing the jacket so no one would notice.
We continued ahead and I concentrated on not passing out. This walk was becoming the longest of my life.
We approached the front and my heart pounded wildly.
Ben stopped and gestured to the side.
Everything in my head froze.
I thought my chest would explode.
He pointed to the pew again and pushed gently on my arm.
We stood at the second row, marked “Reserved.“ As more of a reflex, I slid in and Ben sat next to me leaving room on his other side. I heard a short laugh. I balled my hands and tried to calm down and think. I didn’t have the time.
Music began and I directed my attention to the rear of the church.
Annie walked slowly towards us arm in arm with a man I knew from somewhere. It was Mitch, from Darrin’s birthday party! They walked past us and gracefully, separated and proceeded to opposite sides. Joe stood beside the pastor.
Darrin followed with a small girl by his side. She tossed flower petals and he tried to walk evenly. At the front, below the steps, both he and the girl turned around. The music changed and we stood up.
Emily, with Kurt on her arm, appeared in the doorway. She was in a simple white dress, he in a suit. With rehearsed grace, they proceeded down the aisle and dismissed Darrin and the flower girl. Darrin came running over to sit next to Ben.
“How did I do?”
“Real good,” he whispered.
The music faded and the ceremony began. Kurt gave Emily away to Joe before sitting down in front of us.
“Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Emily and Joseph…”
With all the attention focused on the couple, I stole glances around us. We were seated on the bride’s side directly behind Kurt, his family, and on the far end, Rob. I felt some heat in my face when I saw him. He appeared the same, no visible expression, paying close attention to the ceremony.
Across the aisle, I didn’t recognize anyone in the first few rows. I dared not turn too far to see behind me, but I could feel the presence of many others.
It had been ages since I had been to a wedding. This one was fairly short and concise. I caught Rob spying on me; his mouth formed a hard, straight line.
The row in front of us started out and Rob appeared to try to catch Ben’s notice. There was none. When it was our turn I could recognize more people, Drew and his family, Greg and his. Kathy waved at me while she impatiently waited to leave.
We shook hands with Mitch and Annie then Joe and Emily. Each thanked me for coming before Emily leaned in.
“Thanks for bringing Ben,” she winked. Joe nodded in agreement.
Darrin ran into the growing crowd behind us. We filtered out to the far end to watch and wait.
“We’ll head over to the reception in a few minutes.”
“You can’t have a wedding without a reception.”
“I didn’t RSVP,” I said flatly.
“Ben plus One. You won’t get out of this that easily,” he chuckled softly.
“It was a good thing you didn’t tell me where we were going.”
His hand strummed my back and I felt like I would survive.
“Hello Ben. Patrick.”
Ben immediately dropped his hand.
“Hi Rob.”
“I hadn’t expected you to show. It’s not usual etiquette for the bride to invite her ex to the wedding, much less…” Rob trailed off glaring at me.
“I believe this was discussed already.”
“Many things and many people get discussed.”
“Yes they do,” Ben said with some grit, “How are your new offices?”
Rob’s face cracked and his eyes flashed. “The offices are fine. I think I may finally have enough space to expand and hire another assistant.”
“Good, you need one. Maybe then you can devote more attention to the products you have.”
Rob froze for a moment before he morphed into the serene, benign presence he had displayed before.
“Of course. The remaining ones are so much more superior anyway. Without the dead weight, I can really get some work done…”
“Hi Rob, peeing in the pool I see,” said Drew smarmily.
Rob rolled his eyes at Drew. “Did you like the ceremony? Or were the words too big?” He nodded graciously and slithered away.
I didn’t know what to say or feel until Drew’s wife laughed.
“Just in time.” Ben shook Drew’s hand and kissed his wife.
“Speaking of which, cutting it a bit close there, you were almost late.”
“That was my fault,” I blushed.
“You still made it. That’s what’s important. Reception?”
Ben responded first. “He wouldn’t miss it.”
“Good, see you there.” They walked away and out the doors.
“What was all that about?”
He hesitated. “I fired Rob about a week ago.”
“Well, not fired exactly, discontinued his contract. Rob won’t be representing my company anymore. I had him move his offices out of my building.”
“You’re kidding…”
“No sir-re. I helped find a new space and arranged the move myself.”
“Wow. No wonder he was bitter.”
“I thought the whole thing was pretty civil, for an eviction that is, even if I do say so myself.” He grinned.
“I think I like Drew.”
“Good. He’s my best friend. He likes you too.”
“Just don’t leave me alone.”
“Stop it. You can take care of yourself. I’m going to look for Darrin, be right back.”
I waited quietly in the hall feeling better Rob was gone, then I heard Greg’s voice.
“How are you doing Patrick?” He gave me a playfully rough punch on the arm.
“Great, how about you?” I punched him back.
“Good. Can’t wait for the reception. Are you going?”
I nodded.
He grinned widely and opened his eyes wider, “Am I allowed to have a drink there, Dad?”
“I think that would be fine… this time.”
“Thank God. I’m dying for a something strong,” he looked at me strangely and smiled. “You’re ok, Patrick, Ben needs someone like you.”
He punched my shoulder and strutted out. I guessed this was as close to Greg saying “you’re in” as I was going to get. I was pondering what Ben could possibly need from me, when I felt a tug on my arm.
“Have you seen Dad?” Darrin asked.
“He was looking for you. You can wait with me, he will be back soon.”
He stood with me and searched for Ben. Before long, we saw him talking to a couple across the way.
“Do you like my dad?” Darrin asked out of the blue.
“Of course.”
His brow creased. “I mean, do you like my dad?”
“Uh…” He expected only one answer, anything short of that, and he would never understand.
“You know.. like, like.” He persisted.
I peered down. How innocent was this question? What does a boy of his age know? Ben better get over here fast.
“Yes, I... umm… like… like your dad. I like him very much.”
He took a few moments to think, then turned and looked into my eyes.
“That’s good. He really like, likes you.”
That simple confirmation told me he knew a lot more about life than most kids his age.
I glanced up to see Ben across the foyer. He caught me grinning at him and returned the smile.
“I think he really like, likes me too.”
The reception was in a large, private room of a restaurant. I saw people having cocktails and milling around making small talk. Darrin immediately dashed off toward a group of kids on a small dance floor in the corner.
I felt a now familiar punch. “The bar is over there, going to go find my table,” Greg said before walking away.
“How come I’m not surprised he found something to drink before he found his seat?”
“Let’s find ours first,” Ben said.
We were placed respectfully away from the family but, considerately not next to the door. Drew and his wife were seated with us and I instantly felt better.
“You want a beer?” Ben asked.
“I could use it, yes.”
He walked away towards the bartender.
“How’s it going?” Drew asked.
“So far so good,” I leaned in closer, “Please tell me Greg isn’t sitting around us.”
“No. He’s way, way, way over there,” he pointed across the room.
“Thank God.”
“I don’t know what you are worried about. It seems like you know how to handle him just fine.”
“He’s exhausting.”
“You’ll get used to it.”
“I hope I don‘t.”
We laughed. His wife excused herself and left us by ourselves. Drew checked around before continuing.
“Have you talked to Ben about the chat with Rob earlier?”
I nodded.
“Good. I had been telling him to talk to you about all that. He can be so secretive sometimes. He tries to handle things himself. No mention or bragging or anything, but that makes him who he is, I guess.”
Ben returned with my drink, Drew‘s wife following. I wanted to ask Ben more about Rob‘s dismissal, however, it was a private matter and would have to wait till later.
I could see Rob near the front with Kurt and Kurt’s family. There were some others I recognized but couldn’t remember from where, maybe the birthday party or volleyball game.
I brief announcement was made for everyone to return to their tables. Aside from Ben, Drew and his wife, there was only one other couple with us. Ben introduced them as neighbors from when he and Emily were married. It sounded like Emily kept up with them and Ben had fallen out of touch. They talked mainly to each other and I forgot their names immediately.
The wedding party was announced. With less than formal fanfare, they came in and seated themselves at the head table. Waiters rushed in with the appetizers.
“I reserved the prime rib for you,” Ben said softly, “Will that be ok? Or do you want my chicken instead?”
“No. That will be great.” I picked at my salad.
Ben shifted suddenly and pulled out his cell phone which vibrated violently.
“Excuse me, I have to take this.” He grinned and left the table.
“Must be really important,” Drew chuckled.
I was embarrassed. As the CEO of his company, he occasionally got calls on the weekend and late at night. At least his phone was on vibrate. My plate looked even less appealing now. I continued poking at it.
“Patrick, Ben wants you,” Drew pointed at the doorway. “It looks like good news.”
Ben gestured from the door. I approached cautiously. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the hallway.
“What’s going on?”
“I have been working on a project for work and I just got word the deal is going through!”
He jumped up and down like a kid and hugged me.
“I know I don’t normally get into this stuff with you, but this time it’s different.” He grabbed my hand. “I don’t know if you know, or what I may have told you, but, I have been wanting to expand my business for a long time. We are solid but could be doing better. I just got word that I can sign the papers for a new building on Monday.”
“That’s huge. Are you going to move the whole company?”
“No, no, I’m going to keep this one here as the hub. The new one will double our space and the location will make the shipping cheaper and more efficient.”
Ben squeezed my hand and gazed into my eyes. “Just outside of Chicago.”
“Chicago? Near me?”
“It makes sense. Cargo going in and out of there will be cheaper. I will be closer to O’Hare airport, which will make meeting with buyers easier. It also doesn‘t hurt that I found a great deal on the building.”
“Wow. That’s so sudden! How did you find it?”
“Well, like I said, I had been thinking about this for a while, then I met this guy a few weeks ago who works for a freight forwarding company,” he observed me mischievously, “He found it for me.”
Met this guy!?
He giggled and couldn’t contain himself. “Alec! Your Alec found it for me!”
I blushed and choked on air. “I’m going to kill him when I get home! I can’t believe you were able to keep this a secret! Both of you!” I hugged him. “With part of you business there, we can see each other more often. Not just weekends… you can stay at my place whenever you want.”
Ben shot a smile at me. “As a matter of fact, I was thinking of moving my office to the new facility… permanently…” He waited and blushed when I forgot to speak.
“Do you want to live with me?” It came out wrong. “Please, Ben, move in with me.”
“Are you sure?”
I kissed him. “I’m sure.”
“I was hoping you would ask. I love you.”
He kissed me. “We better get back in there or we will miss dinner.”
I frowned. “Really?”
He laughed and pulled me to the door. We sat down at the table to our waiting entrées.
“Everything ok?” Drew asked not making any eye contact.
“Everything’s great,” we answered together.
Drew hid his expression down into his meal.
“Drew knew all about this too, didn’t he?!”
They giggled like schoolboys. Far from being embarrassed, my heart nearly pounded with excitement. I had a hard time eating, I was already full… of joy. I shifted in my seat and leaned my leg against Ben’s. He reddened.
Near the end of the main course, the music faded out and Mitch stood up.
Drew whispered to Ben, “I hope he doesn’t use that joke he ran by you.”
“Just make sure to laugh if he does,” said Ben quietly.
“Hello everyone! I know many of you, but for those who don’t know me, I’m Mitch, Joe’s best man, and I would like to say a few words.”
He waited a few beats.
“I know, I know, don’t worry, I’ll make this brief, trust me, I want to get to dessert too…”
I heard some polite laughs, Ben’s among them. His face was alive and happy.
“I met Joe many years ago when we were young men just starting college. Back then…”
Ben and I had met a long time ago too, in school, when we were young…
“…later Joe told me about this wonderful woman he had just met…”
The caring, loving and handsome man, my Ben, my Enge…
“…then I met her and her kids, Annie and Darrin…”
Both loved their dad, they could grow to love me…
“…I could see that love and knew where this would go, maybe even before he did…”
I had known then, maybe Ben had too. We both knew now…
“…so let’s raise our glasses to Emily and Joe…”
Ben and Patrick…
“…two people who took a long time to find each other…”
Twenty some years… I leaned closer to him…
“…and made a some mistakes…”
Stupid, crazy mistakes…
“…but are now ready…”
I was finally ready…
“…to move forward.”
I whispered, “I love you.”
Any and All feedback is welcome.
Thank you in advance.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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