Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Greg's Rambling Prompts - 1. Prompt 213 - You want me to do what?
“You want me to do what?” I stammered in disbelief. I had to have heard my captain wrong. He couldn’t have actually said what I thought I heard.
“I want you to go undercover as a runaway turning to prostitution,” Captain Smith said looking both amused and pissed at the same time. “Look Steve, I know it’s an unusual assignment, but we really need you for this. You and Dave are the youngest in the department and frankly you look a hell of a lot younger than him.” Captain Smith paused and took a breath. “We have to get this perve off the streets before he attacks another boy and this is the best chance we have.”
Captain Smith did have me there. I did look young. Hell, I wasn’t really all that old to begin with. I had just turned 21 a few months ago but even on a bad day I could still pass for sixteen. My beach bum blond hair only added to illusion. And to top it off, at 5’ 9” I still looked like I had some growing to do. But hell! A prostitute? I could only imagine how that was going to play out. Damn my sense of duty anyway!
“Uh,” I stammered, “yeah, ok. I’ll do it.” I started imagining what I was going to have to wear for this assignment. I had seen some of the guys we had collared in the past. I knew I was starting to blush. “But I better not hear even so much as a snicker from anyone!”
“Don’t worry,” Captain Smith assured me trying to hide a little grin. “Hell Steve, the guys giving you shit is just a way of them accepting you.” The captain looked over at the door as Dave walked in. “Dave is going to be your back up. He doesn’t look as young as you, but he shouldn’t draw too much attention hanging out in the same area. You should go change. I want the two of you out there tonight.”
I was a little dazed as I followed Dave to the locker room. I’ve always been a little self-conscious with how I look and I knew I was going to have dress anything but conservative. But even my worst imaginings hadn’t pictured what was waiting for me.
“You can’t seriously expect to me wear this!” I exploded furiously glaring at Dave. “I might as well be nude!” Well, not exactly, but I sure felt exposed as all hell. My undercover costume consisted of a pair of nearly worn out Converse and a pair of skin tight and seriously thread bare jeans with several rips further exposing me. The crotch was so worn you could practically see thru it and there was a tear along the right inseam that if I didn’t watch it would get me arrested for indecent exposure. No shirt, no socks, and no underwear. I had more skin showing than most people exposed on the beach. Hell, if I had seen someone dressed like me I would have given serious consideration to arresting them myself.
Dave was trying very hard not to grin as he faced my wrath. “The important stuff is covered Steve,” Dave assured me. “We got to try and entice this creep and besides, you’ve got the body to pull this off.” Dave hesitated for a few seconds and then pulled out a bottle of baby oil. “You want me to help you put this on?” he asked grinning openly now.
“Fuck you!” was all I could stammer as I knocked the bottle out of his hand and started towards the door. “I ain’t putting that shit on.” Dave followed me making me angrier since I could hear him snickering the whole way.
As I threw open the locker room door, a wave of whistles and catcalls nearly blew me off my feet as literally every guy in the squad room did their best to embarrass the hell out of me. The fact that I knew I would have been right there with them if someone else had been in my shoes did little to help me out. This was going to be one very long night.
The captain was waiting at the squad room back entrance and I couldn’t help blushing even more as he looked me up and down. “Damn!” he said grinning at me. “If this doesn’t draw him out I can’t imagine what we are going to put you in next.”
The blood drained from my face as what the captain just said hit me. This might not be a one time thing. I might have to dress like this, do this walk of shame, take the shit from the guys over and over. Dave noticed I was starting to get a little shaky and he threw his arm around my shoulders as we started to walk towards the park. “Don’t sweat it Steve,” he said quietly. “The guys’ll back off after today. They’ve had their fun.”
I took a deep breath and nodded my thanks to him. I knew he was right. But facing the guys was only part of it. I didn’t like feeling exposed like this. Like I was on some perverted pedestal for the world to leer at. And I sure as hell didn’t like not having my gun, but there was no way I could conceal it with what I was wearing. Hell, if I had had any you could have counted the coins in my pocket!
A few blocks away from the park Dave separated from me wishing me luck in passing. We had decided I would try ‘working’ the same area as the first victim on the cliché theory that the creep would re-visit the site of the crime. Of course the park wasn’t really all that big either so the choices were limited, but I couldn’t help snickering as I imagine the theme song to Murder She Wrote playing in the background somewhere. I leaned up against the light pole and mentally shook my head. This felt like a really bad after school special, but there wasn’t really much else I could do. I sure wasn’t going to sit down on that park bench and risk getting a splinter in my ass!
After a couple of hours I was getting bored. Even being out dressed like a street hustler had lost its edge. I was bored, getting sleepy and wishing for even the crud they called coffee back at the squad. Only a few guys had passed by as I waited, some giving me appreciative looks, but none approaching me. None of them had given me any kind of vibe of a creep looking for his jollies. I was starting to think tonight’s efforts had been wasted and I really wasn’t looking forward to having to repeat this whole experience. I also couldn’t help wondering if the captain had been serious about trying to find me something even more exposing to wear.
The crack to the back of my head took me completely by surprised and I felt myself falling forward to my face on the ground. I had always thought that line about seeing stars was a crock of bull but I really did see little flashing lights as I felt myself being manhandled over onto my back. I shook my head to try and clear it and that just sent bolts of pain thru my skull and made the lights flash even faster.
“Looks like another little fag has made it out to the streets,” a voice said seemingly from a thousand miles away. Whoever the voice belonged to they had breath that reeked of a freshly opened cesspool and I could feel his hands groping my crotch. Distantly I could hear the sound of my jeans tearing and I felt the night air hit the exposed flesh of my groin.
I instantly came back to reality as I felt the bastard take a tight grip on my balls and gave them a firm squeeze. “You do exactly what I say or I’ll turn your balls into jelly fag.” He gave my boys another stomach churning squeeze to emphasize his point.
“I may be a fag, but it’s you who has their hands on my junk!” I said without thinking earning myself a heavy handed slap across the face that I knew was going to leave me a shiner. But that was the least of my concerns as the bastard snarled and squeezed my balls even tighter making me shriek in pain. It felt like the bastard intended to rip them right off me.
“Hey fuckhead!” I heard shouted thru my agony and through my squinted, tear filled eyes I saw Dave slam a board against my torturer’s head. My assailant lurched right over the top of me losing his hold and the release of pain was so intense I nearly passed out. I instantly curled into a ball, clutching my stomach trying to keep from vomiting.
Dave was at my side almost instantly, rubbing my back and giving me little shoulder squeezes. “It’s over Steve,” he kept saying over and over. “We got him.”
A few minutes later several squad cars arrived and Dave helped me up and into the back of one of them. I was in so much pain I didn’t even care that my boys were basically just hanging out there for the world to see. All I wanted was to get home and curl up in ball for the next hundred years or so. Dave stayed next to me the entire time and I couldn’t understand why every time he looked at me he looked like he was about to cry.
The captain arrived shortly thereafter and spoke briefly with Dave before poking his head into the car to talk to me. “Are you doing ok Steve? Do you need to go to the hospital?”
“No,” I protested, just wanting to go home. “I’ve got a hell of a headache but I’ll be ok.” I didn’t mention that my balls felt like they had been shredded or that I wanted to puke. I’m pretty sure the captain knew that anyway.
“All right,” the captain said reluctantly. “But Dave is taking you home and he is going to stay with you for a couple of hours.” He squeezed my shoulder as I started to protest. “Just shut up Steve, and follow orders.” Oddly enough he sounded gentle.
A few minutes later we were at my apartment and Dave was helping me in. He kept fussing with me as he helped me onto my couch that I was about ready to slug him. Glaring at him, I shoved at him when he went to brush my hair out of my eyes. “What the hell is wrong with you?” I demanded through clenched teeth.
“I’m sorry,” Dave stammered backing away reluctantly. “I’m…I..uh, I’m sorry,” he finally finished lamely looking at me again with his eyes filling up with tears.
I took a deep breath trying to get a grip on my temper. “What gives Dave? You look like you’re about to cry.” I took a long look at him then, really looking into his eyes. I could tell he wanted to break that stare, look at anything but me, but something kept his gaze locked on my eyes.
Dave finally shuddered and looked down at his feet. “I, uh, I….. I thought he….” Dave looked back up at me and I was shocked to see he actually was crying now. “I thought he was going to kill you Steve!” he wailed at me. “All I could think was he was going to kill you before I could stop him! I thought I was going to lose you! And I wasn’t going to have a chance to tell you… tell you how I felt!”
It finally dawned on me. I didn’t know how I could have been so stupid as to not have seen it. Dave wasn’t upset about his partner getting beat up in front of him. No, he was upset cause the guy he had a crush on was getting the shit beat out of him. My gaydar must have been on the fritz! Oh hell. I’d never had gaydar to begin with.
I pulled Dave down to sit next to me and pushed his head onto my shoulder. “Shhhh,” I said trying to calm him. That’s got to be about the stupidest way to try and calm someone but it was all I could think of. “He didn’t get me. I’m alright. You protected me.” I kept murmuring that over and over like a mantra and slowly Dave calmed down.
After a couple of minutes he pulled away, keeping his eyes on his feet shyly. “Uhm,” he stammered, blushing to the roots of his hair. “You weren’t supposed to find out this way. I told the captain it was a mistake to make me your back up.”
I grinned at him wryly. “So captain knows too huh?” I said earning another blush from him. “He wasn’t trying to play match maker sending you home with me to watch over me was he?”
Dave looked up at me, smiling a little. “Probably,” he muttered. “He figured out I had a thing for you about the first day you started.”
I grinned as I stood up and offered Dave my hand to help pull him up. “Well, he did you give you orders to watch me for a couple of hours and right now I’m going to go take a shower. It’ll be a little crowded but I think you’ll fit in there with me.”
Dave started laughing as he followed me down the hall. As we got to the bathroom he reached around and fingered the huge tear in the crotch of my jeans. “You know, at first I thought it was a shame that creep ripped your jeans since you looked so good in them. But I’m thinking I’m liking the new modifications even better!”
Maybe these jeans weren’t so bad after all…
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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