Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Born Wolf - 16. Chapter 8.1
What did you do with a dead werewolf? Contrary to common medieval lore a shifter stayed in the shape they’d died in. It was left to Deoran and David James to bury the body of Philip Tanner. Deoran had been surprised to be called on, even more surprised that right now Degan Canon, the alpha of South Sea, was meeting with his mate to decide his future. And he didn’t get a say in the matter. It was all very startling really. But yet, here he was deep in the woods, helping to dig the grave of the red-brown wolf Kurt Ulrich had killed.
Kurt Ulrich. The very thought of the boy made him shudder involuntarily. Kurt could only be described as a boy in the barest sense of the word, and as a man only in a very oblique manner. The youngest pack enforcer was all wolf. It hadn’t been hard to see it in him, the need to know his place, to exert dominance on someone he considered weaker than himself. His mind was sharp and complex, but with one very simple aim. Know your place. Deoran knew his place was definitely under Kurt. He was a wolf too powerful to be challenged, as Philip Tanner had discovered way too late to save his own hide. Deoran had seen wolves die of lesser injuries, and Philip must have been pretty strong to last as long as he had.
There had been a small vigil for the family and a few friends, but wolves didn’t like the scent of their dead, and most had stayed away. They would be mourning now in the comfort of the Tanner’s house, a traditional wake that was strictly for pack members. Alex Tanner, his wife and son, would not be able to mourn their son publicly for a while, possibly even years. Deoran wished what he didn’t know so much about what happened when a wolf died. Moving from place to place, doing odd jobs for packs to stay on their good side had left him with the knowledge he’d rather not have had. And then there was what had happened to Bruno…
Deoran snapped at himself for thinking too closely about his past, well, at least one bit of his past, and turned back to the task at hand. Young dead wolves were buried and the lie was told that they had gone away to study, abroad usually. The National Council dealt with the rest. Papers were forged, acceptance letters and student records created, and then there was just the usual game of waiting for a plane to crash or a ship to wreck or a minor rebellion to break out. Passenger records were forged, personal items miraculously recovered to show the evidence of the person’s death, and the family was ‘told.’ They could mourn in public, to cry and wail for their loss. It was not a pleasant system, but it had kept their secrets for years. As the technology got better and better, more and more complicated grew the lies. Most of the South Bank pack worked somewhere in the human government system. It was no secret that many were very high up, and forging these records never seemed to be a problem for them. It was like the secret service of werewolves.
The grave was dug, nice and deep. Burying a wolf was easier than burying a human, mostly because of the lack of coffin, and together Deoran and David lowered in the sheet wrapped body.
Feet lying on the tarmac. Blood in fur.
Deoran shook himself, raising an eyebrow from his companion as he began to throw soil back into the grave. The red head gave the other wolf a small smile, appropriate for the situation. When the grave was about three quarters full, David obviously decided it was OK to start a conversation.
“So, you and Aliza then?”
“Yeah.” Deoran smiled again to remember the heat of their mating, the fast desire and flame warmth that had risen from him the moment their play-fight had turned into seduction. The ochre-brown wolf’s teeth in his throat, letting him know he was being claimed as furiously as he had fucked her. “What’s she like?”
“I’ve never seen a scent work so fast.” David shook his head and dusted off his hands. “You must have been sitting down all of two minutes before she came and grabbed you. I’m not sure that’s what Degan meant when he said ‘be welcoming’ huh?” David began to pat the earth over the grave, “Aliza is one of the lads really, very independent. She works with Carson sometimes, you know the big guy with the oil stains? He’s a mechanic. The rest of the time she works in deliveries and packages. Drives stuff all over the shop. What about you? You mentioned the school?”
“Yeah. I teach English mostly. I do substitutes and cover and supply and all that stuff.”
“You like it?”
“All of the rubbish behaviour, none of the marking.” Deoran shrugged. “It’s a life.”
“Will you and Aliza be staying here, or will you returning to your pack?”
“It’s her decision.” Deoran tried to smile again, but the reminder he had no pack stung. He’d had a pack before, when he was a little younger than Kurt was now, and everything had been so…
The scent of blood and motor oil. The light fading from green eyes.
Deoran pushed the thoughts away. He’d not had to try this hard to block out his past in years, since the last time he was living this close to a pack. Being around other wolves brought everything flooding back. Deoran had never learnt to swim in the waters of his past. The grave completed, and the soft mound covered in rocks and a layer of fallen leaves, the two werewolves started back down the hill towards the pack lands. Deoran felt he should be running in the other direction. David James was apparently in negotiations, and Deoran could see why. The company was easy as they walked. The conversation was light and silences un-awkward. Deoran wondered if things hadn’t gone wrong, if his life might have been like this.
Maybe life can be like this now… He was mated. Aliza’s attack on him had been unexpected and unexplained, at least until afterwards. They had lain side by side in her bed the previous night and Aliza had explained about the scent that had driven her nuts. She was totally shocked he couldn’t sense it the way she did, and then had ridden him hard into oblivion. It had been an excellent contrast to his normal evenings. The big problem was that Aliza was going to want him to be a wolf more, much more than he was now. Once a month would not be enough for a woman in a pack where changing was daily business.
Running through the woods. Barking. The road. The screech of tires.
Deoran shook himself again as he and David emerged from the woods. Aliza was waiting for them in the back garden of Degan Canon’s house. She was holding a set of house keys. She didn’t look happy. The key’s jangled.
“Degan having you move into the free house?” David spoke first, and hefted the shovel from his shoulder to the ground.
“Yes.” Aliza’s reply seemed rather terse. “He just wants everyone to be together.”
“Is that bad?” Deoran couldn’t decide which way he wanted the answer to go. He’d spent so long avoiding anything that looked like settling down roots.
The wet slap of a body hitting the road.
But really, he liked the idea of here, this place, this woman to whom he felt an incredible draw, as though she was the sun. He went to Aliza’s side and was only slightly surprised when she wrapped her fingers around his own.
“I suppose not.” She smiled and it was like the world lit up for Deoran, he could feel his old self seeping back in already. “We’d better go get your things.”
Chaska stood at the stove, stirring her biggest saucepan with her largest hand carved wooden spoon, one hand on her hip. Her father sat at the long table, watching her. A tense uneasiness had fallen over the house. Everyone but Isla walked around Tahryn and Kurt on egg shells. The latter hadn’t left their room except to shower and use the bathroom since his arrival, though Noakes had come on Sunday afternoon and checked on his stitches and proclaimed him to be healing nicely. Now it was Monday. Tahryn had skipped school and stayed home with his injured mate, had been conspicuously absent at meal times, and Chaska could tell her father was not happy. And she knew why.
Chaska knew she shouldn’t, but she was great at overhearing things. Tahryn had argued with Dick Smith about who was responsible for Kurt now that he was an Ulrich. Apparently Whelan now felt threatened by his own son. Chaska knew Kurt and Tahryn couldn’t live here long term, but a little while would have been nice. Chaska liked seeing her brother’s secret smile. Chaska tapped the spoon on the side of the pan and turned back to her spice rack. Lavender sea salt, cinnamon, turmeric, cumin, coriander, mustard seeds and a big dollop of honey went into the lamb, onions and apricots. She stirred the tagine and turned to look at her father.
“Am I particularly fascinating when I cook?”
“Something is different about you.”
“Ooh, we’re being cryptic today are we?” Chaska knew she didn’t normally tease her father quite the same way as she usually did with Tahryn, but Whelan’s tense attitude annoyed her, it was very unlike the way he usually was.
“You smell different.”
“Do I?”
“Yes. Come, daughter, talk to me.”
Chaska stopped stirring the stew and went to sit down across the table from her father.
“You don’t love Tahryn any less do you Dad?” She’d decided the best thing to do was ask her father outright.
“Of course not sweetheart, I love him just the same. But he’s a man now, nineteen with his own mate. He will want his own space too.”
“But I like having Kurt here.” The comment went unanswered. “So am I a woman now too?”
“Chaska,” Whelan shook his head softly, “you’re only eighteen.”
“But I have a mate too.” And there it was, slipped out as though it was no big deal, like it didn’t matter.
“What are you talking about?” Whelan Spencer’s eyes had gone hard and wild, “Who? How? When?” He was up in seconds, walked around the table and grabbed Chaska’s arm, pulling her to feet. He sniffed deeply. “WHO?”
“Dad!” Mehran stood in the doorway looking at the scene with horror. “Let go of Chas.”
Her little sister’s shock snapped their father from his concentration, and Chaska fled. Without thinking about it, she found herself pressed against the door in her brother’s room. Tahryn wasn’t there, but Kurt was sitting up in bed, pillowed and cushioned, and he managed to wave at her with his good arm. He was healing well, the cuts to his face no longer dark and sharp, but soft, like a scar from bramble bushes rather than teeth,
“You smell like food. Did you bring food?”
“Not yet.” Chaska’s heart thudded and she sat on the edge of the bed without really hearing anything Kurt said.
“Why do you smell like Jene?”
There was a long, long silence.
“Oh my god.” Kurt shifted himself further forwards in bed, and Chaska noticed he could put some weight on his splinted arm. “You and Jene…” Kurt walked his good hand across the sheets and Chaska took it automatically. “When did this happen?”
“Don’t feel bad. You were away and then getting sort of beat up at the time.” Chaska sighed and smiled with her lips sealed at her brother’s mate, her mate’s best friend. “She took us home and we…well.” She shrugged. “It was amazing.”
“I’ll bet. Why’d you arrive in here looking like a scared bunny?”
Kurt nodded and growled, but only once, and low.
“He doesn’t like me much.”
“You outrank him.”
“So does Tay.” Kurt spoke like this was common knowledge.
“It makes him nervous.”
“You still going to be the alpha female your brother says you are?”
“Who knows?”
“Well are you still a good cook?” Kurt grinned, very human, and looked hopeful.
“Fine, fine. You’re not good at this whole tact thing are you Kurt?”
“Nope.” Kurt looked sort of proud of that.
Tahryn sat on the edge of the bath, leaning against the tiled wall with his hand dangling into the slowly rising water. Apparently his life had decided at some point over the last few weeks that not all the parts of his existence could be happy at the same time. Either they were locking horns over things that no longer mattered and his home life was great; or he and his father were at loggerheads without really knowing why, but Kurt was sweet and delicious and let Tahryn kiss him whenever he wanted. Tahryn knew which of these situations he enjoyed the most. And Kurt hated baths, which when you thought about it from a dog’s perspective was sort of natural, but showers were too hard. Standing for too long hurt his mate, and Tahryn couldn’t bear to see him suffer.
Tahryn finished running the bath and walked back across the hallway to what he was starting to think of as ‘their’ room, rather than his, and was surprised to find Chaska sitting with his mate on the bed.
“Hey Tay,” came the chorused answer. Chaska stood, squeezed Kurt’s hand and kissed his cheek before she vanished.
“What was that about?”
“Your sister’s in love.”
“Uh-huh.” Kurt looked unbelievably smug, a dog with a joint of lamb.
“With who?” Tahryn folded his arms and tried to look menacing.
“With my sister.” Kurt answered cryptically.
“With Jene?” It took Tahryn a few seconds to work out who Kurt meant, but then he laughed. “That’s excellent!”
“Makes us all a little family, huh?”
“Yup. Come on, bath time.”
“Really?” Kurt whined, looking every inch the puppy Tahryn thought of him as when he wore his human form.
“Yes, pup. Come on.” Tahryn lifted him bodily from the bed. Kurt kicked at him ineffectually. But by the hand that went around the back of his neck, Tahryn knew the skinny boy in his arms didn’t really mean it. ‘I love you.’ He sent the thought to Kurt and had the pleasure of watching the other blush rose-pink. “I can’t wait until I can see inside your head too.”
“Well you’re going to have to,” Kurt winced as Tahryn set him down in the bathroom and twisted to examine the wound on his thigh, “I’d break if you screwed me now.”
Tahryn knelt and unwound the bandages from Kurt’s hip, exposing the rough crescent shaped scar where Phillip had done his very best to tear the flesh from his body. The flap of skin had been big enough not to atrophy, and like all of Kurt’s wounds was healing well. It would only be another day or two and Kurt would either have to give in or come up with some other excuse not to be with him. Tahryn’s thoughts were interrupted by being splashed. Kurt looked angry.
“How could you think that?” Tahryn realised too late he hadn’t been guarding his mind. “You think I’m just letting you touch me because I’m injured?”
“I want to be with you.” Kurt didn’t look at him when he spoke, but watched the floor carefully, his feet narrow and pale on the brown stone tiles. “I have to fight myself every time in order to say it, but it’s true. I want to be with you. The wolf me does too, just not in the same way.”
“The wolf you?” Tahryn made sure he repeated the words slowly. He had never heard Kurt refer to the human and wolf being anything other than the same thing. It seemed as though the least split wolf he’d ever known was now reversing his sense of self. Tahryn hoped that he didn’t push it too far.
“Tay…” Kurt looked utterly dejected. Tahryn decided not to continue with the line of questioning. He stripped off his shirt to help Kurt into the bath and smiled when Kurt grabbed his arm and curled it to his chest. “Believe me.”
“I do.” ‘Can I get in with you?’ Tahryn directed the thought as a question, too scared to say it out loud. Kurt looked so unsure Tahryn wondered if he was ever going to get an answer, but eventually Kurt nodded. The big blond stripped off the rest of his clothes and stepped into the bath. He sat, reached up and by degrees, lowered Kurt down onto his lap, chest to spine and shoulder blades. Kurt weighed more than he had a month ago, but less than he had before his injuries. Tahryn ran his hands over Kurt’s chest, the muscles still defined from being underweight and having a wolf metabolism, and Kurt shuddered as he exhaled. From his pinned position in the tub, Tahryn found soap and rough sponge. He’d invested in the all-natural soap Kurt liked during the month when his mate hadn’t been really talking to him, and began to spread lather in slow circles over Kurt’s chest and belly. The wolf in his arms shuddered as his fingers brushed his navel, his skin still soft and smooth under Tahryn’s fingers. But Kurt didn’t pull away, the desire not to be submissive losing out against the kisses which Tahryn was planting along his throat.
Soft brown lips worked their way to the spot below Kurt’s ear, where jaw joined neck and nipped gently. Kurt moaned and squirmed in his lap and Tahryn chuckled in his head and began to lick and bite at the spot where his last mark was already fading fast.
“I can hear you thinking in there you know.”
Tahryn thrummed against his mate, knowing Kurt had heard his thoughts. He wasn’t guarding them and with the proximity and the amount of body contact between them Kurt couldn’t help but listen in to his desires. He let the sponge float free and moved his fingers across Kurt’s skin and growled in surprise to find Kurt’s fingers digging into his thigh, his other arm propped on the side of the bath, the splint denying him movement.
‘I want to touch you.’ Tahryn coloured his thoughts with love and desire and the image of Kurt writhing in pleasure. Kurt let out a low moan as Tahryn continued to work on the love bite on his neck, drawing new blood to the surface, and nodded gently. Tahryn smoothed his fingers over Kurt’s skin under the water and found the tapered length of him already half hard and twitching, begging for his touch. Tahryn smirked and wrapped his hand around Kurt’s erection, moving his fist gently in the water, little splashes lapping against the side of the tub. He could feel the fight Kurt was putting up, and it made him proud, and stupidly pleased Kurt wanted to be here with him, and sad he was still struggling in order to do so. He licked the column of Kurt’s throat and used his other hand to turn his boy’s neck and found Kurt’s tawny gold eyes blown, filled with lust and wanting.
“Hey pup.” Tahryn kept his voice low, hearing the husky notes that were tied to the erection pressing between their bodies. Kurt moaned as his thumb rounded the tip of his cock and pressed gently to the slit. “Oh you like that huh?”
Kurt groaned again, and kissed him. It was, pretty much, the first time Kurt had initiated something in human form and Tahryn decided not to question the beautiful pale boy in his arms, but delved into his mouth as Kurt opened up to him. Kurt was warm, and wanting, his tongue duelling in Tahryn’s mouth, and by the time they broke the kiss both boys were vibrating with need. Tahryn traced Kurt’s lower lip with the pad of his thumb and has the pleasure of seeing his mate smile.
‘You’re beautiful.’
Kurt frowned and Tahryn kissed the little lines that formed between his eyebrows.
“You are beautiful. I’m gonna keep saying it until you believe me you know.” Tahryn squeezed gently and brought Kurt’s attention back to his crotch. The frown vanished as other emotions took centre stage and Kurt moaned and twisted, half wanting to get away, and pushed himself back into Tahryn’s chest. Tahryn wrapped his arm over Kurt, touching the soft skin of his belly, loving the way Kurt submitted to him, lost in his own pleasure. His cock was very pink, and Tahryn enjoyed the contrast in colour’s between their skins as he stroked Kurt, the six inches of pointed flesh vanishing into his big fist. The timbre of his mate’s breathing changed as he sped up, Kurt’s fingers dug into his thigh, his leg tensed, and his own cock begged for relief and he ignored it, focused on Kurt. Pale knuckles gripped the outside of the bath, Kurt’s head was thrown back against his shoulder and he panted and squirmed, the rose pink blush spreading across his cheeks as Tahryn’s hand moved faster. Tahryn pressed the boy to his chest, his free hand stroking his belly and touching at his nipples, making him yelp.
‘Fuck, you’re sexy.’ Tahryn made sure Kurt heard him and bit softly at the skin of Kurt’s shoulder as his boy’s breath hitched. Kurt was close, all the muscles of his abdomen tense and defined. Tahryn pinned him down, stopped him from curling up to hide the blush and the shame as he gasped. Kurt gritted his teeth and groaned, his heart beat super-fast against Tahryn’s hand and he rocked violently and half snarled as he came.
“Oh god that’s hot.” Tahryn slowed his movements and began to rub the length of Kurt’s still twitching cock with his thumb, spreading his seed over his skin. He moved to the splashes of thick white seed that decorated Kurt’s flushed skin and then lifted his hand to taste him. Kurt tasted like he smelt, like nature and vitality and ozone, and Tahryn loved the thick feel of his come on his tongue. Kurt looked like he wanted to curl up into a ball and die of shame. Tahryn kissed him until the look passed and curled his arms around the boy in his bath and hugged him hard. Kurt shifted against him and the movement freed Tahryn’s cock from being trapped between them and his erection sprang up from underneath Kurt and nudged at his softening member.
“Fuck I keep forgetting how big it is.”
Tahryn chuckled at his mate’s words. He was dying for release, but he kept himself guarded, there was no good to be done by Kurt feeling pressured. He could feel the warmth and wellbeing from Kurt, the scent of love and satisfaction which for now at least had blocked out the pain, and was staving off the humiliation of being dominated. Tahryn knew he didn’t fully understand, he loved getting fucked by Kurt when they were wolves, there was nothing better than having the big black beast pressed over his back and driving him out of his mind with the force of his lust. Except maybe now, having Kurt in his arms, gleaming with contentment. It was a shock when those narrow fingers touched at the head of his erection, swollen and red and jutting out from the water. Tahryn bucked in surprised and Kurt drew back.
“Jesus, don’t stop.” Tahryn felt his heart practically explode out of his chest as Kurt’s hand returned. Never had Kurt tried to touch him, not even when they’d lain in bed together right after he’d been injured and more than willing to be submissive. Now Kurt traced the length of his erection with his fingers, his exploratory touch so soft and dangerously sweet it drove Tahryn clean out of his mind. Kurt’s weight on him was not enough to force him to be still but he tried not to buck into Kurt’s innocent grip. Kurt could only use one hand on him, but when he finally wrapped his fingers around the girth of Tahryn’s cock, he gasped and gripped onto Kurt’s uninjured hip with white knuckles. Kurt sat up in his lap a bit more, trying to see what he was doing, and Tahryn ran his fingers down his spine.
“Am I doing OK?” Kurt’s question was accompanied by a twist as he moved his hand up Tahryn’s shaft. It made the big tan wolf dig his fingers into the flesh of Kurt’s shoulder. He couldn’t form a coherent sentence, but his thoughts were loud as a drum being struck.
‘Oh dear god, yes. Keep going! Fuck!’ It seemed to do the trick because Kurt began to grip harder, move a little faster and Tahryn couldn’t keep his hands off of his mate, fingers running over the bumps of his spine, the muscles of his back and abdomen, the hollow where his spine met the flesh of his lower back. He knew he wasn’t going to last long. The sensations of his mate around him, and in his head as well, were too good. There wasn’t time for a warning, but Kurt didn’t pull back and Tahryn came with a drawn out groan, thick ropes of come splattering up on Kurt’s chest and neck. Kurt twisted in his lap and the sight of his mate covered in his seed made Tahryn’s head spin.
Kurt blushed and looked slightly guilty as he dipped a finger into Tahryn’s essence and painted it very deliberately on his tongue, watching Tahryn’s reaction as his eyes dilated.
“You have any idea how hot you are?” Kurt blushed and Tahryn pulled his mate against his skin. “I’m so fucking proud of you.”
“Really?” Kurt looked up at him puzzled. “Isn’t that kinda weird?”
“Not for us pup.” Tahryn took the opportunity to kiss his mate, tasting himself in Kurt’s mouth, “We’re just fine. How do you feel?”
“Good. Is that bad?”
“Nah.” Tahryn traced the fading scars on Kurt’s face. There would be hairline marks in the pale skin but nothing more, Kurt was either lucky or blessed, maybe both; most people would probably never even notice them. “We should get cleaned up though.”
Tahryn washed his mate down and tried not to think about Kurt’s arse when he did it. Getting up and out of the bath was slightly tricky, but Kurt managed to stand unaided, though he couldn’t walk by himself. Tahryn wrapped towels around both of them and put his arm around Kurt’s waist to lead him back to their room. Isla was sitting on the bed, which had become miraculously freshly made, waiting for them. Her nose wrinkled when Kurt sat down next to her, but she hugged him anyway.
“You two smell… similar.” Isla knuckled Kurt’s hair. She took the towel Tahryn had had draped across his shoulders and used it to start drying him off. “You look better. You’ve been making out in the bathroom.”
“Isla!” Tahryn gaped at his sister’s forwardness as she towel dried his mate. “You can’t say things like that!”
“Why not?” Isla turned back to Kurt and smiled at him. “And anyway I was talking to him.”
“Thanks little bit,” Kurt reached out and ruffled her hair, and then stared at his arm. He was using the splinted one.
“You really are feeling better.” Isla grinned. “Dr Noakes is downstairs waiting on you. Chaska is serving dinner. You wanna get dressed today?”
“Alright.” Tahryn was surprised Kurt agreed, but he grabbed his own jeans and found a jumper while Isla fussed over his mate. It was good to see Kurt happy, even better to know he and Kurt had, well not fucked in the bath tub, but at least… Kurt was blushing and Tahryn could feel his mate in his head, listening in. He smiled at the floor and did up his fly, shrugging the hem of his jumper into place. It was the fluffy touchable one again, the one he wanted Kurt to love and snuggle up to. Kurt let Isla fuss over him; she helped him to dress in a pair of Tahryn’s clean jogging trousers and put his arms through the wide sleeves of an oversized t-shirt. Tahryn was amazed Kurt let his little sister do things for him, brushing his hair even, without making a fuss. Apparently Isla didn’t feature on his wolf’s hierarchical scale, and that was sort of interesting.
Isla lead the way downstairs, and Tahryn walked one step in front of Kurt, supporting his mate and using any excuse to touch him. Kurt hadn’t been downstairs since they’d arrived, but he seemed much better and it helped when they got there that Noakes and Whelan were sitting down already. Kurt jerked his chin in recognition and Tahryn sort of nodded, but the tension was thick like molasses in winter. Chaska filled the space with chatter and called for Mehran and it was a slightly uneasy company who sat down to eat. Tahryn took the head spot at the table, pulled Kurt’s chair around so his mate was nearly in his lap, and Isla slipped in next to Kurt. Chaska served everyone and sat on Tahryn’s other side. Tahryn could practically smell the divide across the table. The gamma of the South Sea pack was caring but uneasy in the presence of wolves that were aligning themselves differently. Something had changed, and Tahryn could feel it.
Noakes kept Kurt and Tahryn in his peripheral vision as he ate. Chaska had still served him and Whelan first, and he had seen the set of Tahryn’s shoulders change. Degan’s worries had been correct, and now Kurt had gone from being an asset to a problem yet again. Between him and Tahryn there was nothing stronger, and both of the boys showed alpha traits, both human and wolf. Noakes had worried about Tahryn from the time he had arrived and instantly taken over the younger half of the pack. Degan could have handed over to him, if it hadn’t been for the issue with Kurt. No one in South Sea would accept the big black wolf that sucked at pretty much all forms of human communication as their alpha. It wouldn’t work. Everyone expected Doug to take over from his father in law when Degan stepped down. Willis was a good beta and he wanted to stay that way.
Noakes looked over Kurt while he ate, without making eye contact. While he was fairly certain Kurt wasn’t in a position to challenge him right now, Noakes was not betting his health on Tahryn’s ability to restrain himself. The mate of an alpha who was himself dominant, it was a recipe for a lot of fighting and a lot of loyalty. Kurt was healing well. He wasn’t using his damaged arm but he was leaning weight on it, which was a good sign. It seemed Kurt would be fine in not too long a time. Noakes ate, chatted genially to Whelan and Mehran, and smiled and thanked Chaska for the food. Tahryn and Kurt looked like they were in love, and weren't really talking to anyone.
"I'm going to need to examine you." Noakes was talking to Kurt but he looked at Tahryn, the big blond was the dominant one when they were human, and that arm was possessive. "I want to see how well the injuries are coming, and see about those stitches."
"I took out the other ones." Isla sounded genuinely pleased with herself and Noakes wondered straight away what her test scores were like in the sciences. "Is Kurt going to have scars?"
"Not as badly as he would have if you hadn't taken them out. You did good." Noakes got up and gestured to Kurt. "You reckon you can walk as far as the lounge for me Ulrich?"
"Yeah," Kurt stood unaided, but his walk was stiff and it wasn't long before he was clinging to the wall for support. Tahryn was up in an instant, arm under Kurt to hold him up and he walked. There was something so intimate between the two of them it was almost painful to watch. Noakes collected his little black medical bag and went to the sofa where Kurt was now reclining. Tahryn hadn't moved away from him.
"I need to examine him," Noakes repeated, "you're sort of in the way." Tahryn growled, but moved around to the head of the sofa while Noakes set up. Kurt groaned as he removed his shirt. The cuts and scrapes to his chest were now fading marks, no worse than scratches left by fingernails. Noakes unbound the bandages from around the splint and began to walk his fingers up and down the bones. Kurt hissed and snarled at the pain and Noakes saw Tahryn's muscles bunch. "Hold up there big fella. I'm just doing my job. If you think you can do better than me go ahead." Tahryn backed off. "Better. Let me work."
The bones were healing well, knitting back together with no obvious issues. The face looked good too. Isla really had done a good job with the stitches, and Noakes doubted the scars would be bad. He washed down the arm with an antiseptic wipe and re-bound it with only one steel splint. Surgery wasn't a great option for werewolves. Surgical pins and plates were rejected by the body when it changed, and while Kurt would have healed fast if he'd stayed wolf, he would have been much harder to communicate with. Plus his fur wouldn't have grown back any quicker and Noakes would have had to shave a fair bit of him.
"You're doing much better." Noakes finished with the bandage and pinned the end, "You can take it off to wash now, but make sure you don't re-wrap it too tightly." He directed the comment to Tahryn. "Or you'll risk squashing the bones as they heal alright?" Tahryn nodded. “Let’s have a look at the hip."
Kurt groaned as he rolled onto his side. Tahryn growled when Noakes pulled down the baggy trousers, and Noakes narrowed his eyes.
“Do you want me to fix him or not?” Noakes was angry now. It was one thing to be possessive, but quite another to threaten everyone who came near your mate. Soon enough Tahryn was going to have no friends left.
“You cannot bark at everyone Tahryn Ulrich.” Noakes turned to Kurt’s hip and the big ragged curved wound which was now straining against the stitches. “Right now you are going to need all the friends you can get.” He began to snip the stitches in Kurt’s leg, pulling them out with tweezers. Kurt growled and he found Tahryn’s hand pretty quickly. It was sort of nice to see the dominant wolf actually relying on his mate for once. Once all the stitches were out Noakes cleaned the wound and checked over the edges. Kurt was healing well all around it seemed. He pinned the wound with steri-strips and then patched over a new pad, securing it with tape. “Change this when it gets wet,” Noakes handed Tahryn a little bag of sterilised pads and a roll of tape. “He should be fine.” He turned back to Kurt and re-dressed him while he spoke, “I know it hurts, but get some exercise, the more the better. The muscles in your leg are seizing up and that’s what’s causing most of your pain now. You’ll be up and running by the end of the week.”
“Can I change yet?” Kurt looked so hopeful Noakes nearly said yes.
“Friday, and not before.” Noakes smiled with closed lips. “We’ll see your big black self at the meet Ulrich.” Noakes got up and closed his bag. “Tahryn? Walk with me a minute.” Noakes expected the big tanned young man to refuse, but was pleased when Tahryn came along with him. He walked out of the house and into the cooler air of dusk. It wasn’t summer yet, and the spring was still developing. The trees lining the cul-de-sac were gently unfurling their leaves and coming out in bloom. Noakes closed his eyes and inhaled. The world smelt like Kurt Ulrich did, nature and the wetness that came with things growing. It was good. Tahryn leant against the tree outside his house and folded his arms. Noakes let the dominant stance slide. It was not his place to start challenging Tahryn.
“Degan is worried. You should know that. The Alpha’s do talk to each other.”
“Are you or Kurt going to challenge Degan for alpha?” Noakes decided to come out with the question straight away.
“No!” Tahryn’s exclamation was so vehement Noakes knew it had not even crossed his mind. “Is this about what Kurt said to Murray Hill?”
“Partially,” Noakes measured his words carefully, “between the two of you…”
“We’re too strong to challenge.” Tahryn finished the sentence he’d left hanging. “How long have we got until Degan does something?”
“I’m not sure. He likes Kurt, so that helps you. Murray Hill is unlikely to talk to anyone about it so that’s alright. It sort of depends on National Council and whatever they decide to do with the information that Kurt killed Phillip Tanner, and whether any other wolves decide to step up to challenge Degan on the basis he is too weak to control you two.” He paused. “Before the end of the summer.”
“You know Chaska and Jene mated?”
“Yeah, Whelan told me. He’s not happy.”
“Are they at risk too?” Tahryn shifted his weight from foot to foot, and Noakes could see he’d been human too long. He was straining to run now that he could feel the world around him.
“It’s possible, due to their alignment with you, and Isla. Your mate and little sister seem pretty dependant on each other.”
“Oh Christ.” Tahryn ran a hand through his hair. “I can’t do this. It would kill Dad to break up the family.”
“You might not have any other choice.” Noakes shook his head sadly. “You and Kurt are in this for life, either way. I severely doubt you’re going to be spending the rest of your teenage years as members of South Sea.” He touched Tahryn’s shoulder gently. “Go for a run, go howl at the moon and tear up an animal if it helps you think. I’ll send Willis over tomorrow to get Kurt started on rehab exercise. You go back to school.”
“But I don’t wanna leave him.”
“You can have too much of a good thing Tahryn.” Noakes patted him and turned away to walk across the road towards his own house. He hoped he was wrong, but he knew he wasn’t. Kurt’s days were as numbered now as they had ever been, from asset to danger in the time it had taken him to kill Phillip Tanner and his mate had gone from ranking but respectful to full on alpha wolf.
He was not wrong.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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