Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Prophylaxis - 9. Chapter 9
We pulled into a parking garage under a tall building. Takashi tucked smoothly into a number spot and we got out. He locked the car with a button on the fob and tucked my hand into the crook of his elbow. It was hard not to lean into him. Hell, it was hard not to climb him like a goddamn monkey. He led me to an elevator and up we went to his apartment. I followed him in. He flicked on a few lights and emptied his pockets into a bowl-like shell on a small table. I followed his lead, kicking my shoes off onto a small rug near the door.
I stood awkwardly. Should I jump him? I wanted to jump him, oh god did I ever. I wasn't entirely sure of him, though. It was something I wasn't used to, normally I could easily feel what someone was expecting or wanting. I thought if I was touching Takashi's skin I might be able to tell what was going on in his head. Standing here a few feet away from him, though, I got nothing more than a warm soothing hum.
His smile was wide, showing those sharp fascinating teeth as he cocked his head toward the interior of his home.
“How about a little tour?” He asked.
I nodded and followed him through the entryway. The apartment wasn't huge, but for a place in Chicago I imagined it wasn't cheap. There seemed to be boxes everywhere. He looked like he was either moving in or moving out. There wasn't much left out that wasn't furniture or stacks of things clearly just taken out of or about to be put into boxes. The decorations I saw were an interesting mix of what looked to my untutored eye like Japanese and Egyptian. Not what I would think of as going well together but it seemed to work. The furniture was all leather and dark wood. The couch looked especially inviting, overstuffed and cushy. I thought of my couch at home and the things I'd been up to on it lately. I shook my head and focused on the delicious man in front of me.
Then I promptly tripped and fell, because I am so fucking graceful.
I let out a small 'oof' as I landed against Takashi's surprisingly solid chest. For looking long and lean he certainly didn't lack muscle tone.
“Alright?” He asked, petting a hand across my cheek.
“Shit, sorry!”
I looked down to see if I had an excuse for tripping or if I was just desperately uncoordinated today. I'd caught my toe on a box filled with hardcover books.
“No, it's my fault.” He said apologetically, nudging the box towards the wall. “I'm sorry it's such a mess. I'm actually going to be moving very soon.” He sighed. “It's too bad I'm leaving right when I met someone interesting here.”
I blinked as he smiled at me sadly.
Oh, me. He meant me.
“Oh. I...” I wasn't sure what to say to that. That was a lot of information he'd given in one sentence. He liked me, he thought I was interesting, and he wanted to see me again.
“I'll be about four or five hours away.” He said softly. “But I'll probably be back every once in a while for business. I know that's not very often, but maybe I could take you out to dinner sometimes if I'm in the area.”
I shook my head. Fuck, I was slow on the uptake today. “I don't live here. I was just here for the job.”
“Ah, I see. So, where is home?” He asked.
I bit my lip. This wasn't information I shared when I was out for empath work. That was kind of the point of having an alias and hiding my personal information. But really, what would it hurt. Not telling him would require awkward explanations and for some reason I really didn't want to lie to Takashi. He was moving from Chicago. I thought about cities four or five hours away. He would probably be in St. Louis, Cincinnati, or Cleveland. Somewhere like that. Maybe, I thought as I licked my lips, a visit every once in a while from this delicious man wouldn't be terrible.
“Iowa City.” He probably hadn't even heard of it.
He looked startled, then smiled wide. “About half an hour south of Cedar Rapids?”
Okay, he'd heard of it. I nodded. “That's the one. So where are you moving?”
He looked like the cat who'd caught the canary. “Cedar Rapids.”
“I... what?”
He chuckled and tugged me to sit with him on the couch. Yep, just as comfy as it looked.
“I recently sold my club here in Chicago to Jim. Not the place we did the interviews, a different one. I have another just outside Cedar Rapids that needs a bit more of my attention. It will be good, too, since I'll be closer to another business of mine in Des Moines.”
Takashi leaned toward me, his thigh pressing mine in a warm line. He cupped my cheek and ran the pad of his thumb over my lips. My breath left me on a sigh. There it was again, that languid peace his touch brought. I wanted to strip his clothes off and rub against him, wallow in his skin. At least I wasn't going tharn anymore.
I closed my eyes as his face filled my vision. His lips were soft against mine. He didn't press, just slid them side-to-side. It almost tickled. His tongue flicked out, catching my lower lip. My mouth parted, letting him in. He gently explored, seeming especially interested in the tips of my canines and tongue. His tongue was rougher than I expected, but not unpleasantly so, reminding me he wasn't human. I groaned as his mouth pressed harder, his tongue more urgent. His touch slid against me, fingers catching any bare skin he could find. My own fingers tangled in his shirt.
Takashi leaned back with a sigh. His pupils were wide. I noticed they weren't entirely round, with a subtle point at the top and the bottom.
“I should finish the tour.” His lips curled into a wicked smile. “I haven't shown you the kitchen, the den, or the bedroom.”
“Oh, yes,” I smirked, my confidence buoyed by his arousing touches. “Wouldn't want to miss any of that. Do I get to pick where we go next?”
“Of course.” He nodded sagely.
“Well,” I drawled with as much sass as possible as I flipped myself around to straddle his lap. “Does your den have a desk?”
He nodded.
I draped my arms around his neck and settled against him, the hardness under my ass showing he was happy to have me there. “You could spread me out over your desk.” I said breathily. “I could hang my head over the side.” I gave my ass a little wiggle, feeling deliciously wicked. “You could fuck my mouth and go over your important papers at the same time.”
He sucked in a breath and gripped my hips. Oh, yeah, he liked that.
“But,” I frowned dramatically. “I don't like staplers and letter openers poking me in the back, so perhaps not.” I leaned forward and pecked a kiss on his nose. “Maybe the kitchen then?”
“A very nice room.” He said, fingers tightening and loosening rhythmically against my hips.
“Does it have any hooks or towel bars?”
He raised an eyebrow. “There are hooks over the island for pots and pans.”
“And you seem like a handy sort.” I grinned. “So, I bet you have twine or something.” I leaned back and stretched my arms above my head, crossing them at the wrist. “You could bind me like this, nice and tight. Then tie me to one of those hooks. I'd have to stay up on my tiptoes to keep the twine from digging in. Maybe you'd help me.” I shifted and rubbed against him, keeping my arms high. “Maybe you'd lift me up and I could wrap my legs around your waist.” I dropped my arms back to loop around his neck and leaned in close to let the breath of my whisper tickle his ear. “Would you help me, Takashi?”
He grunted an affirmative as his fingers gripped my hips painfully tight, but I didn't mind. I liked it.
I shook my head, nuzzling into his neck. “But I don't think I want to see that, either. I think you should show me the bedroom.”
Takashi stood smoothly, hands sliding under my ass and thighs to support me effortlessly. His steps were fast and sure to an open door. He held me easily with one hand as he flicked on the light. The room was all soft rich blues and warm browns. The bed looked pillowy enough to drown in, I couldn't wait to be stretched out on it with Takashi over me. A few steps and we were next to the bed. Suddenly I was falling with an undignified yelp as Takashi tossed me to the center of the bed. I couldn't fight a giggle as the thick covers poofed up around me, surrounding me in a velvety blue cloud.
“You look good like that.” Takashi purred. He caught my ankle and tugged me closer to him. “You'd look better naked.”
He leaned down to tug at my shirt.
Great here we go.
“Shirt on or lights off--Ah!” I yelped again as Takashi pulled me forward and whipped my shirt over my head.
I tried to cover my scars, one hand across my chest and the other over my stomach. I probably looked like an overly modest girl caught in a dressing room. Fucking annoying. He tossed my shirt across the room before I could snatch it back. Really fucking annoying.
Takashi knelt next to me. He tugged my left arm from my chest. “What's all this, then?”
I turned my head away from him and gritted my teeth.
“Tch.” He sighed. “Looks like you had a bad time of it.” His fingers rolled over the v-shaped scars. “Although, these are kind of pretty.”
My head snapped back to look at him with incredulity.
He shrugged with a smooth roll of his shoulders. “I don't mind bod-mod. Scarification is alright as long as it isn't overdone.” He flicked my nipple, pulling a startled gasp from me. “You'd look amazing with a ring or barbell here. Tattoos are nice if you can find a talented artist.” He leaned closer. “I'll show you my tattoos in a bit.”
Well, this was... new.
“And what might you be hiding here?” Takashi murmured as he gripped my left wrist to pull my arm from my stomach.
I hissed in pain as he squeezed the still healing cut under my wristband. Thank god I hadn't put the pins in. He let go quickly but didn't give me a chance to yank my arm back before the leather was off and he was curiously inspecting my wrist. He tugged the edge of the bandage down to peek under it.
“Hey!” I protested. Nosy bastard.
He glanced at me without apology but let my wrist go. “Pesky door again?”
I scowled at him, fixing the bandage. “Cut myself shaving.”
He pursed his lips. “Mmm. And that?” He gestured to the fist-shaped bruise below my sternum.
“Uh, that was the door again. Got me with the knob.”
He sighed and flopped to the bed next to me. “Any other... ouchies I should watch out for?”
I rolled my lips in then released them. “Probably just a few small bruises. Nothing painful.”
“I think I can work with that.” He said calmly.
Takashi scooted closer. The bed sunk under his weight. The valley caught me and I rolled into it and against his side. His arms twined around me and his lips caught mine. I had wanted to jumped up and run, hide, something. This was where things always went bad, when they saw my scars. When they saw me. His skin on mine washed it away. I could still feel some distress and fear, but it was distant, unimportant compared to being held by this man. I didn't realize how tense my muscles had been, ready to jump and run, until I relaxed against him. His arms were long and I felt almost petite within them. He was certainly taller than me, but he wasn't broad and bulky. It seemed odd that lithe Takashi could make my feel smaller, when Guy who was so much bigger than me hadn't.
I pushed thoughts of Guy away as I let myself drown in the kiss. I tucked myself close to him, no space separating our bodies. It wasn't enough. I tugged at the fabric of his shirt.
He grinned, leaning his body away from me to strip his top off and fling it aside. Then it was all skin to skin and I moaned into his mouth. I ran my hand up his side, feeling the dip above his hip then higher over smooth skin covering tight muscle. I slid a hand between us to lay my palm on his chest. He was completely smooth, I wondered if he was bare everywhere. He was a dancer after all. I licked my lips as he kissed down my throat. Oh, yeah, this was going to be fun.
I could feel Takashi's desire for me, but it didn't invade me. A delighted laugh slipped past my lips.
“Now that's a wonderful sound.” He purred, nuzzling my throat. “Think of something nice?”
“Mmmm.” I hummed, squeezing him tight. “Happy.”
His smile made his eyes sparkle. “Then I'm happy.” He nipped where my neck met my shoulder. “Happy here?”
“Kind of happy.”
He huffed and slid lower. “How about here?” He asked before flicking my nipple with a rough tongue.
I gasped and kneaded his shoulders. “Pretty damned content there.”
He licked down my body, nipping around my belly-button with sharp teeth, making me wriggle then soothing it with his tongue. He rubbed his cheek lower, nuzzling my confined erection.
“And here?”
“So sad there.”
“I can see why.” He popped my button with dextrous fingers and slid my zipper south. “Poor thing was crushed and suffocating.”
My laugh was cut off as he tugged down my soft undies, letting my dick free. I shivered as he gave the weeping tip a gentle kiss.
“He's gone beyond sad, I don't think he's breathing!” He said with feigned alarm. He gripped the shaft in his hand, my erection throbbing. “I've got a pulse, but I'll have to try resuscitation.”
My need to giggle was vaporized as he licked up my length then sucked me past his warm lips into his hot wet mouth. My thigh muscles clenched to the point of pain as his head bobbed, Takashi's fascinating tongue constantly moving.
He groaned as he came up for air. “Damn, you taste nice.” He gripped my hips and held me still as he swallowed me down again.
He suddenly stopped as I was starting to feel desperate. He sat up easily enough that I was jealous. I would have floundered to escape the fluffy comforter surrounding us. In moments he'd divested me of my pants and undies and had done the same for himself. He was a clothes flinger, I noticed, as my underpants were whipped across the room. I wondered if he was like this all the time or just pre-coital. It made me smile to think of this tall handsome man tossing his clothes willy-nilly every time he needed a shower, then having to come back later to collect them for the hamper.
He was back in a moment, dropping something beside us on the bed.
He pressed his forehead to mine and kissed my nose. “You are hell on my control.” He pressed close, his hard cock rubbing my hip. “This never happens to me. I always have control.” He brushed a brief kiss to my lips then my cheek. “The things I want to do to you.” He pulled back and caught my gaze. His pupils were blown into a wide ellipse. “When you talked about stringing you up in my kitchen.” His fingers kneaded my hips. “You have no idea. If you didn't need extra gentleness tonight I'd show you my bag of tricks.”
I bit my lip and wriggled closer to him. “I don't need gentle. Please.” The thought of the wicked things this man could do to me making my cock ache.
He cocked his head. “Oh, no.” He purred. “You shouldn't push me.”
Suddenly he was on top of me. He gripped my right wrist and pinned it tight to the bed. My left, though, he tickled and stroked around the bandage.
“Can't even pin you down properly without accidentally hurting you.”
He pressed his body down on mine until the bruise on my belly made itself known and I flinched. He immediately pulled his weight back.
“And make no mistake.” His eyes drew me in and I saw that they weren't just honey and amber anymore. There were pin-pricks of red swirling in the iris like drops of blood. “If I hurt you it won't be an accident. It will be carefully planned and it will be because you asked me to.” His mouth caught mine. I groaned as I let his tongue dominate mine. “And you'd better ask very nicely.”
His whiskey-smooth voice burned through me and I arched against him. He thrilled me in a way I couldn't understand. I'd been hurt many times. I'd never liked it with Lester, sadistic bastard. I'd fucked men and let them slap my ass or pinch my nipples a little too hard. I'd liked it alright. I'd even been tied up a few times. It had its place and could be fun.
This felt different. If he had me at his mercy, I couldn't see Takashi rummaging around to find something handy to tie me with. Oh, no. He had a bag for those things. What else was in that bag? I shivered with a mix of fear and delight and realized I was grinding my dripping cock against his thigh.
He reached out and nabbed something from the bed next to us. He wriggled a hand between us and I felt a cool slickness between my ass cheeks. I moaned.
“Can you, pet?” He murmured, his breath tickling my ear. “Can you ask nicely for what you want?” His finger pressed into my cleft to find that sensitive rosebud. “Can you beg?”
Oh, goddamn. “Please.” I gasped.
Sharp teeth nipped my throat. “Is that all the better you can do? Tch. A shame.”
The tip of a finger breached my ring. My back arched.
“Please, oh god, please!” I tried to roll my hips, force him to penetrate me deeper. He moved with me, refusing to give me more.
“Hmm. A little better, I suppose.”
I second finger joined the first. Penetrating me only shallowly. It was a strange feeling, one I wasn't used to. If I was opened enough for that second finger, it was always after the first had plunged deep. This was an odd tease. I felt my muscles fluttering around him, wanting. He twisted his wrist and wiggled his fingertips, but refused to push deeper.
“More, please, fuck. Want more.”
I sucked in a breath then groaned as he pushed his fingers a little deeper. The sting was delicious.
“Mmm.” He licked behind my ear. “So pretty when you swear. I like that pretty mouth of yours dirty.” He plunged his fingers deep and I choked back a scream.
“Shit!” I arched into his hand. “Fuck, yes.”
“That's right, pet.” He shifted to his side, giving himself more room to work. “Damned, if you aren't the loveliest thing I've had in my bed since god-knows-when.”
He worked his fingers inside me, stretching my opening and adding more slick. I felt his hard length against my hip and reached for him. He was iron-hard in my hand. He groaned as he pulled his hips away.
“I want to see you, watch you.” He kissed my temple. “If you touch me I won't be able to concentrate. I'll only be able to think about your touch and how much I want to be inside you, fucking you.”
I whimpered. “Want to touch you.”
“Next time.” He shifted and scooted down on the bed. “Indulge me, this time? Or I'm afraid it'll be over before it's hardly begun.”
I nodded. Let him touch me, drive me wild with lust? It was such a sacrifice, but I supposed I could try. Poor, poor me.
Then his hot mouth engulfed my nipple, that tongue of his flicking against me. I ground my ass against his hand and felt I could hardly catch a breath.
“Fuck!” I hissed as he caught me with his teeth.
I wanted him to nip me, hell, bite me hard. It shocked me a little. Was this me? I opened my mind a little. This wasn't Takashi. His arousal was high, his lust like a warm breath on my skin. As strong as his feeling were, they didn't invade me. These feelings were mine. This erection was from my feelings and no one else's. Suddenly my eyes stung with tears. This was the first time, the only time...
Takashi's hand cupped my cheek. He had moved to look me in the eyes.
“Where are you? Come back.”
“I wasn't...”
His thumbs brushed wetness from my cheek. He raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry.” I whispered. Stupid tears.
His lips pulled up on one side to smirk at me. “I think I just need to do a better job.”
His fingers moved in me again. Oh, I appreciated his manual dexterity. Damn. If he did a better job I might have an aneurysm.
“It's not your fault, I – Oh, fuck!”
Takashi grinned as my eyes went wide.
“Ah, there's the spot.” Takashi purred as his fingertip rubbed against my prostate.
My cock wept, a string of precum dripping to my stomach. My hips bucked.
“Do you want a third finger, love?” He slid down. He gripped my hip with his free hand and held me down as I whimpered. “Do you want me to stretch you careful and slow?”
“Please, fuck, please!” My fingers dug into the soft covers.
“Or do you want me to stop at two and fuck you like this. Feel that stretch and burn as I work my cock inside you?” He rubbed my prostate harder, making me leak and moan. “So, what would you like right now, pet? My fingers or my cock?”
I felt strung tight as a bow. My breaths sawing in and out of my chest as he continued to thrust his two fingers inside me, stabbing my sweet spot.
“C-cock!” I cried out.
He bit my nipple, making me yelp. “Ask nicely.” He growled.
“Please, please! I want to feel it.” My head whipped from side to side. “Please, your cock!”
Later I would feel ridiculous. Begging for dick like a wanton slut in one of my sister's romance novels. But in that moment it wasn't silly. With Takashi's eyes bleeding to red, his long body stretched next to mine, I would have done more than ask nicely. I would have begged for his cock. I was drowning in heat, and I wanted more. I wanted to burn.
He added more lubricant and thrust his fingers harder into me. The knuckles of his hand hit me with every thrust. I thought might have interesting bruises the next day. His other hand snagged a plastic square. He held it in his teeth and tore it open. He slid the latex on one-handed. Excellent manual dexterity, I thought. He didn't bother to rub the slick over his length, instead upending the bottle and dribbling it generously over himself so he didn't have to pull his thrusting fingers from my ass.
He shifted to kneel between my thighs. He shoved them wide with his knees, startling me. He was moving faster than was natural, faster than a human could move. Before I realized his fingers had left me, my knees were by my ears. I felt the thick hard head of Takashi's dick against my opening.
He paused and my eyes fluttered open, his blood-red irises seem to fill my vision.
“Take it.” He growled as he plunged inside me and held himself there.
My nails clawed his back as I jerked under him. My ass stretched and burned around him. Damn, he was a big fella.
“Breathe, love.”
I gasped. How long had I been holding my breath?
“That's better. If you pass out I want it from me making you come so hard you faint, not because I distracted you from breathing. There we go, just like that.”
I sucked in air and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, clutching him to me. The feel of him, thick and hard inside me; the fading burn as I adjusted to his girth; the pull of my muscles as they protested my slightly pretzeled position combined to overwhelm me completely.
Then he moved.
“Oh... Oh, god.” I whimpered and my vision blurred as he rolled his sinful hips.
“Ah, you feel so good.” He purred as he thrust again.
He let one of my legs slide down to wrap around his waist, the other he kept up, spreading me wide. I dug my heel into his ass, just wanting him to go, fuck me.
He groaned as he pushed deep inside me. He swiveled his hips, grinding inside me.
“Was going to be gentle.” He said as he slowly slid out until just the tip was left. His strange crimson eyes caught mine as his lips curled into a wicked smile. “I'll just have to settle for careful, this time. Maybe next time we can try gentle.”
I was going to respond with some sort of reassurance, but he didn't need it. My words caught in my throat as he rolled his hips against me again, his cock dragging deliciously inside me.
It was only a moment until he caught a rhythm that left me gasping. It was quick and deep, but I realized he was being careful. He didn't lean into my sore stomach, he avoided grabbing the bruise on my hip, the soft kisses on my head and neck were light and gentle. Before I knew it I was reduced to undignified whimpers and moans of debauched bliss. He didn't hit my prostate every time. I don't know if he did it on purpose, but when he caught that sweet spot it surprised me every time, making me arch and cry out, clinging to his body over me. I thrashed my head from side-to-side, overwhelmed with sensation. I reached for my dick, needing to finish. He caught my hand, kissing my fingers and putting it back on his shoulder.
Takashi shifted his knees a little wider and loomed over me, supporting himself on one hand next to my head. His other hand trailed down my chest, his touch soft over scars and bruises, until he caught my hard length. He squeezed me as he pumped his cock in and out of my ass faster. Instead of sliding up and down my shaft, his hand tensed and released, massaging me. His fingers rolled and tensed. His hand slowly massaged up to the head, the tip of one finger teasing my slit, pushing inside slightly. I keened and panted as he worked me, beyond trying to avoid making silly noises.
“I want you to come for me while I fuck you and touch you. Then I want to bury myself deep and give you my cum.”
My breath stuttered in my chest as my balls tightened sending jolts of pleasure down into my ass and up the length of my cock.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” I moaned as he squeezed my dick, fingers rolling faster and thumb dragging across my weeping tip.
The jolts spread and strengthened until my body was strung tight and I was holding my breath again. He speared my prostate again and I wasn't climbing anymore, I was over the ledge and I was falling. I saw nothing but swirls of color behind my eyelids, I felt nothing but the biting sparks of pleasure gripping my body and wringing it dry.
My ears were filled with a rough grinding roar, like a saw dragging against metal, before he slammed hard into me. I slid halfway across the bed as he shoved himself as deep as my body could allow. He thickened inside me and I screamed in pain and bliss, then it eased and I could breathe again. Takashi panted over me as I gasped for air. He sucked in a breath and let it out in a deep sigh. My eyes opened as I felt him kiss my forehead. He reached between our bodies to grip the base of his shaft so he didn't lose the condom as he rolled to my side, pulling out of me. He tied off the condom and dropped it to the floor. Gah, I hoped I didn't step on that later. That would feel nice and nasty.
My brain was sluggish as he curled around me. He didn't bother fight to get us under the covers. Instead, he just flipped the part we weren't laying on so it laid over us. I had a thought that we were the filling in the comfiest blanket taco ever. I stifled a giggle as Takashi kissed my temple and I fell asleep.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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